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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
Murdoch and the royals have been vaccinated, that's Britain's priorities sorted for 2021.
(31-12-2020, 03:24)hibeejim21 Wrote: The lowest of the low - opting out of the Erasmus prog which allows working class students the chance to study and live abroad. Commendably the government in Dublin stepped in to ensure that students in Northern Ireland will get that chance.

It's just how weird it is to outright lie for a political advantage, in full knowledge that you'll get found out but it won't matter. Thats where we are now with the tories.

There's a a video clip that went viral of Johnson, in the debating chamber, "slating" a female SNP MP/critic who insinuated that shelving the ERASMUS prog was an outright disgrace - Johnson insisting that this was never going to happen and they had no intention of shutting down the ERASMUS prog - ANOTHER LIE EXPOSED ON THIS VIDEO!!
Also note a comment by Johnson's dad today: "Of course I'm getting a French passport, I'm a European"! In other words the plebs can put up with this Brexit shit but not me. Farage also holds a German passport eh!!? This is actually the "tip of the iceberg" as there are lotsa rich Brexit backing Tories who have conveniently acquired European passports. Maybe the shameless RW press here should investigate and publish a full list of these shameless bastards!
The person to blame for all of this is the one which ran away. Cameron. He caused it all and when shit hit the fan he resigned. Then we had May in charge for 3 years but her own party kicked her out and put the idiot in charge.

The Remain campaign throughout the whole process were very negative and seemed to use scare tactics for people to not vote Leave. If Remain had told the people if you leave here are a list of benefits that we will lose out on like Erasmus and pet passports etc then the vote may have turned out differently. The Leave campaign used feelings over facts.

This whole thing wasn't about the EU. It was about rolling back the state and for a few people it was about tax but for 2-3 people it was about their political ambitions of being PM.

The economy will bounce back at some point but it will take a while due to Covid hitting the whole World. The only thing we will miss out on in not being a member of the EU is the social aspect of it like the freedom of movement etc.

I've said it before and I'll say it again as a eurosceptic I voted Remain because I didn't trust the Tories on this. I didn't trust the Leave campaign and what they were saying because some of it was not true and I didn't trust the Tories to sort it all out either and it looks like I may be proven right.

We will probably end up rejoining in 10 years time if the EU is still around as cracks are beginning to show with some countries falling out over political issues.

There are rumours of CANZUK but I'd be very surprised if that ever happened so soon.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
The shit-show continues - they are now f***ing up the vaccination programme - but we knew that would happen anyway. Piss-ups in breweries are not their core strength are they?
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A guide to cask ale.

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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Looks like Gibraltar is going to join Schengen in the new year, with the EUs new border being the airport and port. This will likely mean the EUs own border agency and Spains security forces being present on site.

Basically Northern Ireland and Gibraltar are to all meaningful intents still participants in the EU.
Well about 95% of their population voted to remain, much higher than Scotland who also voted to remain. It was also becoming apparent that Gib and Spanish authorities were already negotiating a border trade agreement if Johnson had reneged on any deal, something that lotsa Brexit Tories clearly couldn't come to terms with.
Meanwhile the SNP accused of "nationalist distortion in Scotland re Brexit". Now that is a laugh when looking at this mottley crew of shameless Tory bastards who comprise the Brit Cabinet and with a leader who disrespectfully keeps calling the SNP the Scot Nationalist Party and rebuked by the Speaker on a number of occasions. SNP MPs like Ian Blackford should "respond in kind" and call Johnson's political party the British Nationalist Party - it takes "two to tango" if they wanna play this infantile game of politics!
Basically Northern Ireland and Gibraltar are to all meaningful intents still participants in the EU.
As we should all be.

But Bodgit and his mates don't like being in a Democratically Elected union or market where first past the post doesn't happen so they can't have it all their own way. While we were in the EU there was no reason for us not to also be in Schengen - to a large extent there still isn't because despite all the bluster - we've never had enough staff at the ports or the airports to check the Non-EU's arriving let alone the EU's.

If you've ever flown into the good ol' USofA since 911, unless you cleared Immigration and Customs over here (or elsewhere) before you boarded, that's what we'll be in for over here from now on coming back from anywhere in the world, including Spain, France and Germany etc. A 2 hour flight from Spain, followed by a 3 hour wait in the Customs/Immigration Halls. That's what they mean by reclaiming our borders.

Gotta luv Bodgit an the ERG. Sick
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A guide to cask ale.

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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Happy New Year all - une petite blague française

A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Bliadhna mhath ùr.

Happy new year to all our posters. Heres hoping for a better 2021.
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Boris on Marr there earlier clearly promising things to the public re the vaccine that are clearly unachievable and not getting pulled up for it. Total trumpian tactics and Marr let him off the hook again and again.

He clearly had no idea how many vaccination doses we have in the country.
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