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Can anyone explain why ..(Imre) apart , there isn't TOO much Owls bashing on here seem things are accepted and we move on ..OWLSTALK however is a constant thrashing of everything Wednesday related from the chairman to the tealady .... any ideas wht ... every post no matter what ends up bashing the club/chairman /players/manager ... no sensible discussions at all
Neighbourhood Neanderthal knuckledragger
Well I am apparently a happy clapper, too positive most of the time!! Seriously though, on here we don't have many contributors to start with but of those who do half of us are not even in the UK anymore. I think that means we are divorced from the day to day football talk on tv or radio. Owlstak has always been a hotbed for arguments and opposing views where if someone has a different opinion to yours it is always followed by an insult or name calling, we tend to be a bit more respectful on here. This little group have been together on here for something like 10 years now, we have all been through a lot and while I don't agree with Imre most of the time I am not going to insult someone I consider to a degree a friend!! I think we can argue on here without the childish crap that you see on Owlstalk, we don't have to fall out when we disagree and ultimately none of us have any control or say in what happens anyway.
Washington, Was Wereham Owl, Owlkev71 And 1 others like this post
As SCO says, we do debate stuff on here, we are just more sensible/muture than some of the posters on Owlstalk. Maybe we can thank Madsteve, who was always a calming influence on us when things weren't looking good.

We may accept things, but that doesn't mean we aren't all pissed off with things that are going off at Hillsborough the last few seasons.

We've all seen ups and down following Wednesday over the years, more downs than ups unfortunately, and currently in another downer.

But we will still support them, no matter how mad/angry they make us feel

Washington likes this post
Nothing great will ever be achieved without great men, and men are great only if they are determined to be so. For glory gives herself only to those who have always dreamed of her.
Spot on Chaz  Thumb up It's like we've formed some sort of protective bubble on here  Thumb up you know, something you might do with your family and close friends if there was ever, God forbid, a worldwide pandemic  Cool

Apart from Pieblade Laugh
Imre varadi likes this post
and complicated
To my defence (whistling) if you talk shit wereham and Charlie I call it out ! And if you win the debate I've always held my hand up after and admitted I was correct and we move on ...
Apart from that annoying stone in my shoe ( pieowl ) I will see reason if you explain why ! And I say this because that blade only ever annoys and doesn't ever debate or see reason .. owlstalk is made for the c..unt !

And to add I don't support them anymore but I still have a sick masacistic interest .
I hate the whole setup and I cannot support something I know is a complete fluff up !
I can support a club who is showing ways off change and I've watched them since the 70s so ups and downs are part of the parcel ...but this setup now goes beyond belief !!
St Charles Owl and Was Wereham Owl like this post
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