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Labour Leadership Contest
Electorally a labour government in England is looking less and less likely now, especially once the tories bring in their boundary changes that will deliver more southern English MPs. The SNPs dominance in Scotland is never going to be challenged by idiots like Leonard and by arguing such a ridiculous anti-independence arguments.

There are a lot of decent folk in the Labour Party in Scotland and they are starting to see the writing on the wall.
Labour are never gonna be recued up here TBF! Their "boat has sailed" long ago (well over 1.5 decades!). Scotland doesn't need recycled rubbish in our Parliament anyway from a political group of antagonists that is waiting to pounce back into their old routine of UK/Westminster lapdogs! Thumb down Sorry to say that most Scot voters are wise to that one. They should just return to their roots in Westminster and GTF - maybe appreciated there compared with up here where they have been well sussed out with no interest in Scotland whatsoever!!
.@Panelbase Scottish Independence Poll (21/6/20) by age:

Should Scotland be an independent country? (Yes/No)
All: 54% / 46%
16-34: 69% / 31%
35-54: 57% / 43%
55+: 41% / 59%#indyref2

Scottish Labour are going fishing in an ever decreasing pool.
(22-06-2020, 15:45)hibeejim21 Wrote: .@Panelbase Scottish Independence Poll (21/6/20) by age:

Should Scotland be an independent country? (Yes/No)
All:      54% / 46%
16-34: 69% / 31%
35-54: 57% / 43%
55+:    41% / 59%#indyref2

Scottish Labour are going fishing in an ever decreasing pool.

Those numbers look very much like the Brexit numbers in that younger ones voting the opposite way to older folk. The polls here for the upcoming election follow some similar lines. Here the issue is getting the young out to vote, they tend to vote in much smaller % than older people do. I would still like to see the undecideds included in these numbers, the last poll had 8% undecided, a significant number that could still swing the vote one way or the other.
I guess also you have to add in the number of below 18s in that poll too, they wouldn't be permitted to vote in any referendum or election.
(22-06-2020, 20:07)hibeejim21 Wrote: I guess also you have to add in the number of below 18s in that poll too, they wouldn't be permitted to vote in any referendum or election.

You could leave them in for now as we do not have any date for a referendum anyway. It will take at least a year probably to get one sorted, so a lot of the 17 year olds will be old enough by the time it comes around. Once there is a firm date then polls will need to use 18+ only.
(22-06-2020, 15:45)hibeejim21 Wrote: .@Panelbase Scottish Independence Poll (21/6/20) by age:

Should Scotland be an independent country? (Yes/No)
All:      54% / 46%
16-34: 69% / 31%
35-54: 57% / 43%
55+:    41% / 59%#indyref2

Scottish Labour are going fishing in an ever decreasing pool.

Remember in the pre 2014 days Jim the pro Scot indy vote jumped considerably from a steady 24% to an eventual 45% (after a brief rise above 50% in 2014). I'm expecting a similar rise that will finally take us above the 60% mark and hoping that it will be another steady marker from thereon in! When one looks more closely at this gradual rise in opinion and voting intentions, it really is astounding when one considers how so much unionist shit/propaganda is disingenuously "fired out" by press operators who dominate the newspaper coverage in Scotland at round about the 90% mark. Then add in the pro union bbc that is supposed to be impartial but is indeed a state radio/tv broadcaster that has been well sussed out long ago by most people in the Scot electorate.
(22-06-2020, 20:41)0762 Wrote: Remember in the pre 2014 days Jim the pro Scot indy vote jumped considerably from a steady 24% to an eventual 45% (after a brief rise above 50% in 2014). I'm expecting a similar rise that will finally take us above the 60% mark and hoping that it will be another steady marker from thereon in! When one looks more closely at this gradual rise in opinion and voting intentions, it really is astounding when one considers how so much unionist shit/propaganda is disingenuously "fired out" by press operators who dominate the newspaper coverage in Scotland at round about the 90% mark. Then add in the pro union bbc that is supposed to be impartial but is indeed a state radio/tv broadcaster that has been well sussed out long ago by most people in the Scot electorate.

Don't you think that these days just about every media outlet is biased one way of the other? The BBC do a very good job of reporting the news but they are also doing more and more opinion pieces and having guests on who then give their opinions. Its very much the model over here, is CNN any better than Fox, one is left biased, the other is right biased, it tends to be which way you lean as to which you think is telling the truth. Both cover the news well, and present facts well but it quickly becomes opinion, almost seamlessly over here, at which point they go off on different tangents to each other. Print media is the same, we can all sit and name a newspaper and then say which way they lean, to me its obvious whether its the Guardian or the Mail which way their bias is. We tend to disparage media who do not lean the same way as we do far more than those whose bias matches with our opinion.

Not sure how you stop this or even if we need to. I have seen a number of organisations that put a lot of effort into labelling news media and where their bias sits in general, but then you can ask do they have bias as well that skews their results??
ritchiebaby likes this post
You talk about Labour in Scotland but the thing is Labour in Scotland will only get one maybe two seats in General Elections from now on. I watched a segment on the news back in 2017 during the election and it was asking people in Scotland which way they were going to vote and majority of them said SNP. A lot of the younger generation in Scotland are pro-independence, Nationalistic and don't class themselves as British or unionists. A lot of them won't even remember a Labour Government.

Before 2015, the SNP didn't get into double figures of seats in Westminister and it was because of the 2014 referendum which changed that.

2015 - 56
2010 - 6
2005 - 6

In 2017 they got 35 seats which was down by 21 and in the 2019 election they got 48 which was up 13.

If or when Scotland goes because it's only going to be a matter of time before Scotland does leave the Union and if or when that does happen then it will start a debate with Ireland and a debate with Wales as well.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
SCO my "bias" is totally based on newspaper headline pages that span as far back as the year "dot". I don't buy any of these newspapers but, scanning through most of the front page headers when visiting a local newsagent, something I do maybe 4-5 times per week, I'd say I'm fairly qualified in gauging the anti Scot indy/hate SNP/hate Scot govt "agenda" in certain headers, some of them implicit and some of them extremely explicit to the point of justified complaint re huge inaccuracies attached to the shit they print. Short of carrying out a detailed thesis on each header per day for months n months, I'm sure you and other Sb members on this board could hazard a decent guess on who are the worst offenders for this kinda shit and it has been going on for years TBF. As for the bbc, my view, for what it is worth, is that the beeb is infected with certain senior Oxbridge people who, on occasions, orchestrate a pro Brit govt agenda on certain chosen progs - some of their shit is subtle, other stuff is plainly outrageous in political content and bias that includes exclusion of critics from certain political parties. Note I'm referring to political infiltration of said bbc BUT not all bbc employees, presenters etc are of that same political persuasion - that was never what was being inferred. However, there is an issue re this type of unhealthy infiltration within this organisation, of that I have no doubt!! And btw may I add that Scotland holds the European record with a massive reduction in reading print media in the past 5 years - a huge drop in Scot readers going anywhere near certain newspapers any more and this trend is far greater than any other country in Europe.
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