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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
Normal shop for us today. Apart from the usual suspects there was no plain flour - are we going back to the 60s with home baking, etc?

On the self-isolation theme, we intend to be almost normal. Gardening plus going out in the car, but making up a flask, picnic basket and looking for a quiet spot to stretch our legs minus the cafes, restaurants and garden centres. We'll let our family do the shopping and leave it at our door.

We are really lucky living in a small country village - city dwellers will have a more restrictive time of it.
Amelia Chaffinch likes this post
Cabbage is still good for you
Its crazy over here, massive lines at supermarkets and empty shelves across the board!! Its amazing what is being hoarded, stuff that people do not normally buy is being bought in abundance!!! Yet the shelves are being replenished most days and then a queue forms and its all gone again!! God forbid we should ever have a real disaster such as an earthquake where infrastructure would be destroyed!!!
Up here in Scotland, Nicola saying today, together with the CMO, Catherine Calderwood, that there will be a huge increase in testing for COVID-19. I like this positive move because it was significant in S Korea's effective strategy to contain the virus. However, the S Korean medical authority applied an astounding 32k tests per million people. Also notable events today were 1. Trump finally admitting there will be a global recession 2. Macron pledging £300B to prop up the French economy and business 3. Other Euro countries moving on similar lines. As for the UK? There is no doubt that Sunak's budget has now become miniscule and unsatisfactory. So he is likely to make some kinda move tomorrow - IMO a huge "acid test" in a situation where political ideology should be replaced by common sense and pragmatism in a crisis that is unprecedented in our lifetimes. BUT WILL THAT MOVE ACTUALLY HAPPEN?
(17-03-2020, 01:03)0762 Wrote: Up here in Scotland, Nicola saying today, together with the CMO, Catherine Calderwood, that there will be a huge increase in testing for COVID-19. I like this positive move because it was significant in S Korea's effective strategy to contain the virus. However, the S Korean medical authority applied an astounding 32k tests per million people. Also notable events today were 1. Trump finally admitting there will be a global recession 2. Macron pledging £300B to prop up the French economy and business 3. Other Euro countries moving on similar lines. As for the UK? There is no doubt that Sunak's budget has now become miniscule and unsatisfactory. So he is likely to make some kinda move tomorrow - IMO a huge "acid test" in a situation where political ideology should be replaced by common sense and pragmatism in a crisis that is unprecedented in our lifetimes. BUT WILL THAT MOVE ACTUALLY HAPPEN?

Never thought I would say this but Trump is looking more Presidential each day as this evolves. He started with this refering to it as a hoax, now he seems to be taking ti very seriously finally!!!
The people who voted for Johnson and the Tories back in December are now turning on them. Well you reap what you sow. They were told time and time again and did they listen? No they didn't, they were more bothered about 'Getting Brexit Done' than they were about 10 years of austerity and the NHS cannot and will not be able to cope if there is a worst case scenario with the coronavirus.

Johnson has told people not to go to clubs, restaurants, pubs etc but they have to remain open as they aren't going to be entitled to any insurance due to business disruption. The NHS is already at breaking point, social care in this country is non existent and it shows how selfish society is in general with their panic buying.

It would not surprise me if there is some sort of revolution or revolt at some point in the future.
Amelia Chaffinch likes this post

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Cannot beat the unremitting negativity of those on the left of politics doubt whether any of the leaders of any political party in the wrld has a clue what is going to happen apart from we are going to suffer lot's of deaths
Good to see in Parliament yesterday all parties working together until the Corbynista South Liverpool MP whose first word was Austerity, if you think the Tory led Austerity for the last 10 years was bad you ain't seen nothing yet. Corbyn has written to the PM asking what the PM is going to do maybe he should have asked the shadow health secretary who is in the meeting. Corbyn to busy trying to score political points at a time of National crisis.
He is in quarentine from this Saturday which I think is funny and when Starmer wins the election for them guess who will be the power behind the throne Tony Blair.
Listen folks your political views are what they are and that is your choice, isn't a tme for political points scoring and it's about time those on the far left realised that.
Shit just got real stay safe all of you
Why should a man go to work, if he has the health and strength to stay in bed?
(17-03-2020, 10:28)themaclad Wrote: Cannot beat the unremitting negativity of those on the left of politics doubt whether any of the leaders of any political party in the wrld has a clue what is going to happen apart from we are going to suffer lot's of deaths
Good to see in Parliament yesterday all parties working together until the Corbynista South Liverpool MP whose first word was Austerity, if you think the Tory led Austerity for the last 10 years was bad you ain't seen nothing yet. Corbyn has written to the PM asking what the PM is going to do maybe he should have asked the shadow health secretary who is in the meeting. Corbyn to busy trying to score political points at a time of National crisis.
He is in quarentine from this Saturday which I think is funny and when Starmer wins the election for them guess who will be the power behind the throne Tony Blair.
Listen folks your political views are what they are and that is your choice, isn't a tme for political points scoring and it's about time those on the far left realised that.
Shit just got real stay safe all of you

I find your blind faith in that fuckwit Johnson touching I really do. He has gone out on a limb massively here with his reaction to this.

Austerity is going to ensure the UK death rate is higher than it should be, particularly among the poor - who live nearly 10 years less than the wealthier in the UK.
How many could truly afford to live on £94.25 a week, which is our country’s paltry statutory sick pay? I thought labour for once was right to try and push for protection for those at the bottom. There are millions of families in this country where even a few days off sick will plunge them into disaster, but naw lets not bring politics into this ?

The Tories have this amazing ability to get vast tracts of the populace to vote against their own interests. Even as their lives and health are at risk..... incredible.
Scotland 7.3% deficit on GDP worst in Europe, unemployment worst in Britain, it it wasn't for the UK Government and the Barnett Formula you would be be destitute as for Austerity maybe it's time Saint Nicola stopped given out free stuff. The SNP are a one trick pony personally would love you to be Indpendent you soon find out how shit life would be, have you noticed price of oil recently 30 dollars a barrel.
When this is over guess who will be bailing you out the UK Government, so go on call your independence vote, bet she won't though.

If you are looking to blame someone why not blame the Chinese Socialist People's republic who sometime late last year conducted an experiment which went wrong, failed to tell anyone, tried surpress a doctor who knew what had happened to compound the this was over the last few years had bought up factories in relation to the Italian fashion industry and sent over 10,000 Chinese workers to man the factories were did they come from Wuhan and of course we know the rest but yes it's Boris's fault, defy anyone in the world to know what will happen next.
Why should a man go to work, if he has the health and strength to stay in bed?
(17-03-2020, 10:28)themaclad Wrote: Cannot beat the unremitting negativity of those on the left of politics doubt whether any of the leaders of any political party in the wrld has a clue what is going to happen apart from we are going to suffer lot's of deaths
Good to see in Parliament yesterday all parties working together until the Corbynista South Liverpool MP whose first word was Austerity, if you think the Tory led Austerity for the last 10 years was bad you ain't seen nothing yet. Corbyn has written to the PM asking what the PM is going to do maybe he should have asked the shadow health secretary who is in the meeting. Corbyn to busy trying to score political points at a time of National crisis.
He is in quarentine from this Saturday which I think is funny and when Starmer wins the election for them guess who will be the power behind the throne Tony Blair.
Listen folks your political views are what they are and that is your choice, isn't a tme for political points scoring and it's about time those on the far left realised that.
Shit just got real stay safe all of you

I'm sorry but if Labour were in power they would be asking whoever was in charge to resign or blaming them. I blame Johnson because he didn't react sooner and still allowed flights in from China and Europe. The other day he came out with 'herd immunity'. Herd immunity only works if there is a vaccine, its not the time to start experimenting with eugenics.

We've had 10 years of austerity, The NHS is at breaking point and last time I checked it was the banks, mortgage companies in 2007/2008 which caused the global recession not ordinary people yet the ordinary people got punished and still are.

Capitalism and the markets don't care about people and if they become ill.

I don't trust Boris Johnson and never have the man is a bumbling incompetent fool who worries me. I would rather have May back in charge than him.

By the way. I'm not far left or a 'Corbynista'
hibeejim21, 0762, ritchiebaby like this post

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Our Government, along with most of the world, is being reactive instead of proactive. The Deputy Chief Medical Officer has apparently said this morning that there will be new advice to those with underlying medical conditions in the next week or so. TELL US NOW, MAN if it's that important. This constant drip-feeding of apparently vital information is already annoying me with a minimum of 12 weeks still to go.

And the EU is wanting to ban non-EU citizens from entering EU countries. Fine in principle but far, far too late and is more to do with their "freedom of movement within the EU" mantra than being a sensible approach. Try telling smaller countries to accept Italians, Spanish, etc (only used as examples).
Cabbage is still good for you
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