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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
My daughter is with NHS Lothian in an admin role and prep and mitigation measures well underway to the point where she's concerned in telling me and family members to be "careful". Maybe I'm being too optimistic but I'm still hoping that our smaller demographic and mitigation actions in Scotland will be big factors in minimising the predicted massive impact that will unfold shortly. Uncertain times ahead I'm afraid!!
Italy - lockdown
China - lockdown
Denmark - lockdown
Norway - lockdown
Ireland - close all schools, ban mass gathering > 100
USA - close schools, ban all European flights

Boris Johnson - "Right. Some of you are going to die. NHS is a bit busy. Shit happens! Oh, and don't forget the happy birthday hand-washing thing. Good luck"! Doh
He looked like a rabbit in the headlights at that press conference.

I think him and Dom like a bit of the white powder.
0762 likes this post
Ha ha ha!! I hope the English population who voted this tosspot and his pals into govt get much more of this shit to really "rub their noses in it" for being so f####### silly!!!
(13-03-2020, 00:28)0762 Wrote: Italy - lockdown
China - lockdown
Denmark - lockdown
Norway - lockdown
Ireland - close all schools, ban mass gathering > 100
USA - close schools, ban all European flights

Boris Johnson - "Right. Some of you are going to die. NHS is a bit busy. Shit happens! Oh, and don't forget the happy birthday hand-washing thing. Good luck"!  Doh

I'm sorry to say Nicola and Jeanne have to take a fair bit of stick for this shilly-shallying as well. Health is a Scottish Government responsibility, as is Transport. Nicola took it upon herself to announce Scottish restrictions, so she obviously has admitted responsibility for the problem.

Flights have been coming into Edinburgh from Italy and no-one seems to have thought it a good idea to check the passengers for Coronavirus. When new cases/deaths are announced, no locations are given on the first day, so many people are continuing their daily business in these locations when possibly at risk.

As usual, we're now springing into decisive action both in Scotland and ROUK after the damage has been done.
Cabbage is still good for you
My take on the Johnson govt's response is a similar one to Trump's actions and that is that the state of the economy comes first and "we will recover come what may" and that incl the extreme outcome of this folly! The FM and Jeanne Freeman are definitely working alongside their own medical experts incl the CMO and the ones
who have prepared for and studied the possibility of a pandemic for years. The timing and advice is slightly different but in the knowledge of the extreme events that were happening abroad and particularly in Italy. IT IS NOT A PRACTISED SCIENCE and I myself found it disappointing that some infected Scot citizens were coming in from Italy as air flights were gonna bring it in as we all know. Eg I thought the Scot rugby match v Italy in Rome should've been cancelled - one fan only infected but that was one too many IMO! Ultimately, the eventual full impact of this threat will define how well their strategy of preparation and mitigation has worked. Note we were never gonna fully block this virus from entering the country in a human host but I still remain optimistic that our small demographic, plus the containment and eventual mitigation measures, will prove to be factors in overcoming this threat.However, as said previously, this is not a practised science although some lessons were learnt from the previous SARS virus which had the hallmarks of a pandemic 17 years ago but only infected 8000 people worldwide with a 10% death rate and eventually "petered out".
Johnson wants the virus to spread and wants 'herd immunity' to kick in. It's a risky strategy that is being questioned by the WHO and others.

To reach herd immunity, about 60% of the population would need to get ill and become immune.
The "herd immunity" comment by Johnson has been dismissed by various astute virologists and medical experts to be unproved and therefore untrue. It is just another soundbite - Johnson is consistent with this kinda shit!
Johnson seems to want to avoid taking action because he wants the general population to self-isolate when they think it's necessary. If the infection rate rockets, then it's their fault, not his.

And I'm just waiting on him to grant the likes of Starbucks and Costa full Business Rates Relief. They're already fleecing the public and the taxpayer and I'd be telling them GTF.

And where were the 200 or so moaning scientists when the Government started to outline it's Coronavirus strategy. Too little, too late from them too.
hibeejim21 and 0762 like this post
Cabbage is still good for you
I notice that ROI'S Taoiseach Varadkar meeting up in Armagh with NI politicians, Sinn Fein and Unionists, to unify and tackle this threat to the island of Ireland! Clearly no trust in what this Johnson govt has been saying and doing and no f###### wonder!!
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