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Labour Leadership Contest
Starmer hasn't put a foot wrong. Providing he can get the left behind him he should win this.

If he doesn't labour will be lost for a generation.
Hearing Rebecca long Bailey speak there, you can only come to the conclusion she is completely out her depth. She seems like a nice down to earth lassie and a lot more approachable than corbyn (who could be tetchy and flat dealing with the media) but she isn't a leader. This is way too early for her.
Shit has hit the fan. RLB and Angela Rayner have asked Labour members to sign a form to show support and backing the 12 pledges for the 'Labour Campaign For Trans Rights' where they have pretty much turned on women and it's upset female Labour members and voters.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
(11-02-2020, 22:21)spireitematt Wrote: Shit has hit the fan. RLB and Angela Rayner have asked Labour members to sign a form to show support and backing the 12 pledges for the 'Labour Campaign For Trans Rights' where they have pretty much turned on women and it's upset female Labour members and voters.

Lisa Nandy is now backing this.

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Watching the debate last night turn to independence for scotland i was struck by Starmer walking on eggshells. He's clearly too decent a human being to start with the English nationalism pish worryingly being courted by nandy at the moment..... but too switched on to be honest about Scotland and federalism or he would get shredded by the union lovers in his party.

He ended up looking really uncomfortable.
(13-02-2020, 15:54)hibeejim21 Wrote: Watching the debate last night turn to independence for scotland i was struck by Starmer walking on eggshells. He's clearly too decent a human being to start with the English nationalism pish worryingly being courted by nandy at the moment..... but too switched on to be honest about Scotland and federalism or he would get shredded by the union lovers in his party.

He ended up looking really uncomfortable.

I agree he looked uncomfortable but he's looked like that in a few of the hustings. He's looked nervous and jittery, he just needs to relax and be himself otherwise he will be like Ed in 2015 when he sort of pretended to be someone he wasn't. If Ed had been himself with his wit and his sense of humour he would have done well in 2015 and might have won.

Lisa Nandy impressed me but haven't got a clue who to vote for. It will probably be between Starmer and Nandy and probably Rayner for Deputy.

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(13-02-2020, 15:54)hibeejim21 Wrote: Watching the debate last night turn to independence for scotland i was struck by Starmer walking on eggshells. He's clearly too decent a human being to start with the English nationalism pish worryingly being courted by nandy at the moment..... but too switched on to be honest about Scotland and federalism or he would get shredded by the union lovers in his party.

He ended up looking really uncomfortable.

Starmer apart, IMO they are spectres gaping into a void, in denial about the result of the Dec 2019 election in Scotland where all the Unionist branches (not just the Labour Party!) have ended up with a mere handful of MPs. They are going the same way of the old communist parties in Europe, before the whole edifice crumbled. These parties were "out of touch" with their societies, aloof and dismissive of the potential within their respective populations and simply looked to Moscow assistance, even to put down protest.
The communist parties there "trumpeted" the broad shoulders of the Union (of Soviet Socialist Republics) and of the manifest destiny inherent in this state of affairs. Such parallels can be seen in the Scotland in Union propaganda and in similar rhetoric from the decaying Unionist "branches" up here.
As the UK lurches under Johnsonian delusion of globality and Empire II, the reality is otherwise. Lastly, in that unimpressive Labour leadership contest on bbc Newsnight, the bbc presenter had the audacity to pose a question, "Did the candidates think that a huge win for the SNP in next year's Scot GE would provide a mandate for Scotindy"???????? THERE HAVE ALREADY BEEN 3 X F####### MANDATES IN THE PAST 4 YEARS!!!!!!! And not one of these Labour candidates questioned that fact - HOW MANY MANDATES DO YOU WANT FROM THE SCOT PEOPLE TO GRUDGINGLY ACCEPT IT FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? What a country we live in, what an undemocratic shit hole!!
The democrats remind me very much of labour - they have the resources and the talent to take down their opponents but are too busy with infighting and incompetence to go and actually do it.

Another term for trump is a certainty.
(15-02-2020, 12:10)hibeejim21 Wrote: The democrats remind me very much of labour - they have the resources and the talent to take down their opponents but are too busy with infighting and incompetence to go and actually do it.

Another term for trump is a certainty.

That's a good one!

Do you know why the Democrats and Labour have a lot in common? It's because they are both carrying on with this woke left ideology. I joined Labour 10 years ago and the party seem to be moving further and further towards the left and people who are moderate or centre-left are losing their voice in the party.

Most of the electorate out there are worried about the cost of living, wages, jobs, housing, healthcare, education, security etc. They aren't interested in pronouns or what people identify as.

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Their problems run an awful lot deeper than 'woke left' ideology. For a start labours core vote is split between 2 camps that have completely different priorities and want entirely different things on a whole host of issues.

The democrats problems are more complex, but neither are helping themselves with infighting at the moment.
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