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(29-08-2019, 01:12)0762 Wrote: I'm listening to some Labour politicians tonight who are implicitly beckoning "the people" to march on London and "bring down" this undemocratic govt if the politicians are not gonna do it!! A parliamentary petition against the Queen's proclamation and Johnson's govt already passing the 1M mark inside a few hours. What I find amazing is that on a Sb board like this one there are so many people who, like myself, are interested in their football teams etc, and yet this is IMO far more important to their country and its future than 11 f###### players making a lotta money (in some cases) and kicking a football around on a footie pitch!! Yet comments from relatively few Sb members!!!??? GET OFF YER ERSES AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or is it indeed a case of "burying heads in the sand" and maybe this crisis/nightmare will go away!!!?? THIS IS A NATIONAL CRISIS!! BELIEVE IT!! Some of you must have kids, grand kids, family ehhhhhh!!! THIS IS UNPRECEDENTED AND BE AFRAID!!
Sorry 0762, you have no right to accuse anyone on here of “burying heads in the sand” just because they do not comment regarding Brexit!!! For starters I am sure there are some who voted for Brexit and still hold that view for their own reasons, as there are on every street in the UK, and secondly not everyone wants to put their political views on social media, nor should they have to.
Its great that the other political parties have called for protest and called for working together finally, but where the hell have they been through this whole debacle?? Labour sat on the fence for most of it and the others seemed to take the attitude that it wouldn’t happen anyway. One million signatures won’t change anything and neither will a few million marching to bring down the Government. This government doesn’t care what the people may want now, they got their victory in 2016 and they are sticking to it. Only the legal avenues or parliament themselves can stop this and I am not sure they have either the time or support to do so.
As for me, nowt I can do to affect this one way or the other, besides I have enough issues with what is going on over here to deal with!!!
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29-08-2019, 11:30
(This post was last modified: 29-08-2019, 13:29 by 0762.)
IMO the passiveness is part of the problem St Charles Owl! I respect your comments but I don't agree with some of them. It compares with Nero "playing away" while Rome burns!! I am concerned for my own family, the future of my kids, my grand kids due to the destabilisation of this country and it has been horrifically destabilised!! Perhaps parliamentary democracy will still prevail through the "darkness" - I personally think a general election will result as part of this final confrontation between this unelected fascist govt, parliament and the people but I'm really curious to see if England will actually vote in a right-wing Tory-Brexit govt!!??? That would be crazy but it would certainly break up the union!! That suits me and a majority of the Scottish population! However, I still wanna see a stable rUK heading in a positive direction - that will not happen under an imposed Brexit of any form and coupled with an ultra right-wing govt - a "lethal cocktail" that will enhance an already polarised England!! Also people still have power IMO!!! They just don't realise that collectively we have massive power that has never been mobilised properly under circumstances that demand it!! Btw, I mentioned in another thread to watch a Netflix documentary called "Great Hack" and be enlightened and also frightened by similar events that have been spreading globally and achieved using military style hi data profiling techniques and data bombardment (originated from a weaponised military employed data company that operated in unstable countries like Afghanistan and called SCL) to influence people and eventually impose autocratic govts on unsuspecting populations - WATCH IT, IT IS SCARY, AND IT REFERS TO THE USA AND UK TAKEOVERS AND THE INADEQUACY OF OUTDATED ELECTORAL SYSTEMS TO DEAL WITH IT.
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29-08-2019, 14:04
(This post was last modified: 29-08-2019, 14:05 by 0762.)
Resignations now coming in "thick n fast" this morning. Lord Young, a Chief Whip, announcing his resignation with utter condemnation of Johnson and his unconstitutional cronies and now Ruth Davidson confirming her resignation while her supportive Tories emphasising that is "all down to personal reasons" - absolute rubbish btw!! There may have been personal factors but there were also political ones as well and in her resignation speech to the Scottish media she attempted to "normalise" any form of Brexit!!! Any form of Brexit is actually gonna damage the country and most Scots are aware of that fact!!! The rest of her speech was a lie and she despises Boris Johnson!! Good riddance to this woman, a hypocrite who never did anything for Scottish interests anyway and delighted to see her "darling" status in England GONE!! Never a "darling" in Scotland - nowhere near that kinda reverence!!
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For some reason, you're just a wee bit dismissive of Ruth Davidson's popularity in Scotland. She singlehandedly has made the Scottish Tories a force to be reckoned with, both in Holyrood and in Westminster - perhaps that is the reason. Anyway, now that she's gone because of Boris, the Tories will surely slide back into oblivion north of the border.
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30-08-2019, 11:57
(This post was last modified: 30-08-2019, 15:48 by 0762.)
A "force to be reckoned with" Ritchie?? I suppose one could present the case right enough considering the Scottish Tories were "rock bottom" and the subject of many jokes north of the Border!! I'll be frank on this one: I can't stand the woman - an opportunist, a hypocrite and a serial liar - a backer of racists and bigots who infected her own Scottish C&U Party and happy to "sweep the criticism under the carpet", a fanatical unionist who came out with some of the most ridiculous, dismissive anti Scottish comments that I've ever listened to and full of rhetorical claptrap!!! After all, she is a Tory and my default position on that one is DO NOT EVER TRUST A TORY AT ALL!! Listen to her resignation speech Ritchie, listen to it - it goes "hand in hand" with her whole negative political history up here - another lie and other deceptions (trying to normalise Brexit or any Brexit deal as good - huhhhhh!!!). I would've had more respect for her if she'd come out and truthfully said that she despised Johnson and would spit on this clown if she met him in the street!! Here is a question to answer: "What did Davidson ever do for Scotland or Scottish interest during the eight years that she managed to enter Scottish politics"??? Provide an opposition that spent a lotta time undermining Scotland and the huge Scottish Indy movement whose presence she/they disliked intensely and could never "get their heads around" that fact!!? I always knew her "good times" were never gonna last mainly because of her crass behaviour and that mandatory close relationship with her Tory masters in Westminster. It was just a case of when!! Lastly, even you must have baulked at the disproportionate media coverage of Davidson in that open propaganda campaign by the Unionist press and our ever faithful state backed bbc to portray her as some kinda saint - so noticeable and disproportionate during a lengthy period considering she was a "nobody" for long enough and was never ever near FM status in a socially conscious country like Scotland!! She even backed the "bedroom tax" and many other damaging policies that the Tories are notorious for foisting on vulnerable people!! You can look them up. I'm sure you'll find a huge list of lies and crass misdemeanours on the Wings over Scotland web site. Never a truly sincere or honourable politician and happy for Westminster to rule/shit all over us for ever more - good riddance!
(28-08-2019, 18:35)hibeejim21 Wrote: Boris makes his move.
No doubt at all that he has gone 100% for no deal now, and if corbyn and co can somehow stop it he will simply dissolve parliament and go for an election which will be pitched people v parliament.
UK's government showing absolute contempt for the people it is supposed to govern for.
Simply despicable.
And now Johnson's Defence Minister, Ben Wallace, caught on camera/audio "spilling the beans" at a Euro function that Johnson and his cohorts misled the Queen on the prorogation of Parliament request. Of course, we all knew this was a lie anyway to suit their own devious little plan and I'm sure that little fascist weasel, Cummings, was at the forefront of this conspiracy!! However, is it enough to provide as evidence to the judiciary in Gina Miller's legal challenge in London or in Scotland's Court of Session??
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30-08-2019, 23:30
(This post was last modified: 31-08-2019, 00:18 by 0762.)
Read this story/revelation re UK govt infighting which is absolutely jaw-dropping!! The behaviour of this RW conniving moron, Cummings, "beggars belief" but in actual fact it is unsurprising when one traces this man's unacceptably black record against people who oppose him and issues that he disagrees with incl democratic or constitutional ones.
I must say I've read many derogatory comments down the years from people with a "Brexit agenda" and yet one has consistently observed such fractious behaviour and infighting and yet one thing re the "nasty EU" is the fact that they have always been calm, measured, controlled and unified in their dealings with the UK govt, a govt I may add that didn't want to collaborate and reach out to other interested UK partners either for whatever excuse that they could give!! Quite embarrassing TBH and observers here and abroad must naturally regard us as an absolute "laughing stock" as this charade chugs on and on and on towards the next embarrassing incident or revelation!! British political reputations have definitely "gone down the plug hole" and that certainly applies even more so to the RW morons who have hijacked their way into No10 and are indeed not even suitable to inhabit a public toilet, never mind a centre of govt!! I must end this thread by mentioning a political article in the German Newspaper, Der Spiegel, that referred to Johnson's meeting with Angela Merkel - to "cut a long story short" the meeting was an absolute disaster with Johnson regarded to be totally "out of his depth" with no great statesmanship about him whatsoever!! No surprise there eh - a failed Foreign Office Minister who undeservedly got "legged up" to lead the country!!
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The SNP will take every seat in Scotland next time out.
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31-08-2019, 20:27
(This post was last modified: 31-08-2019, 20:28 by hibeejim21.)
Demonstrations up and down the country today.
Corbyn speaking in George square Glasgow, says he knows next week is the last chance to stop 'no deal' . I hope to xxxx he can find a way to do it and that politicians from all parties can finally put their differences behind them to make it happen.
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31-08-2019, 22:56
(This post was last modified: 31-08-2019, 23:03 by ritchiebaby.)
I don't pretend to know all the ins and outs of the legalities of the Brexit position, but as far as I'm aware, Boris doesn't need to put forward a No Deal Brexit as the UK position. It will happen automatically unless Westminster comes up with a deal that is acceptable to the EU. It's not enough to be against something, you've got to be for another solution.
I have no time for all these Remainers in the House Of Commons who are now pulling out all the stops to try to prevent a No Deal. They had a chance to vote for Mrs May's Deal which would have stopped a No Deal, but they kept on rejecting it, so to me, they are hypocrites for complaining now. Mrs May's Deal was an abject surrender to the EU because they boxed her into a corner and I hated her version of Brexit, but it was on the table and agreed by the EU. Could it be resurrected now as a last minute compromise? Personally I doubt it, given the idiots on both sides attacking each other from behind their barricades.
In my opinion, Boris is one of those people whose unique combination of arrogance and ignorance leads them to enjoy the notoriety of being deliberately controversial. I'm sure he didn't decide to prorogue Parliament because it was a good idea, but because he could do it in order to anger all of his opponents.
Jeremy Corbyn's passion for sitting on the fence for the last year, saying nothing at all in a thousand words, will surely go against him in the next couple of months, perhaps longer if there is going to be a General Election. Perhaps unsurprisingly, he has been outmanouvered by Boris and is now desperately trying to regain lost ground.
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31-08-2019, 23:52
(This post was last modified: 01-09-2019, 00:30 by 0762.)
I'd like add to your last para Ritchie - I believe that this proroguing "carry on" had been planned and driven by this sinister little special advisor, Dominic Cummings, who is alarmingly reckoned to be a Steve Bannon "disciple". Although Johnson and others within his devious group of disreputable "chancers" will no doubt try to "take some credit" for the idea, of course it was gonna anger all his opponents (he is on record, a long time back, actually condemning the whole idea of proroguing any parliament as archaic but, of course, as we all know - HE IS A HYPOCRITE AND A LIAR AND PROVED IT TIME AND TIME AGAIN!! but the "bigger prize" is to activate a "no deal Brexit" because even if he somehow gained a "watered down version" of May's withdrawal deal, which I don't think would be achievable in Parliament anyway, he knows the Tories would be "slaughtered" by Farage in any forthcoming General Election for non-deliverance of Brexit!! Also I wish no deal Brexit protagonists would cease coming out with "cheap lines" like "just get it over n done with" or similar as though it "it is all over and all is good again????? That is just the beginning of even more angst and consternation that could cover years of negotiation and turmoil - it is a joke and, as usual, no great substance attached to their argument whatsoever apart from a biased "opinion" on a totally unclear/obscure future for the country!! The whole thing is a constitutional nightmare and, coming from a strong European background and part of the majority Scottish vote to remain in the EU, I pray that someone of real standing actually comes to the fore to at least block this desperate attempt to subvert parliamentary democracy, a function that was formally endorsed by the Supreme Court last year in Gina Miller's successful legal challenge against the British govt and their unrestricted authority to impose Brexit. I hope the legal challenges succeed although not greatly confident that it wil happen. If that does not happen then I hope someone unifies all opposition parties in a "no confidence vote" that will defeat this horrible Tory govt that is gonna cause serious problems for the devolved countries and indeed on many regions of England.
Lastly, I must say that it was great to see so many people out on the streets of cities all over the UK demonstrating against this disgraceful piece of political skulduggery but I must also add that we are dealing with an unelected autocratic govt that strikes me as not being a govt team but actually a "campaign team" that is hellbent on desperately "crossing a finish line" and will again ignore massive million+ demonstrations as did May's previous Tory govt. What really irritates me, and I'm sure millions n millions of other UK citizens, is the clear obnoxious and arrogant, dismissive behaviour of Johnson with a similarly minded group of dictatorial associates "preaching" a lotta political bullshit and treating British citizens as though we are all politically "dense" and stupid!! Their arrogance and lack of any humility is "breathtaking" and may I also add DON'T BE FOOLED BY THE POSH ACCENTS THIS TIME ROUND - this is a part of the political class disguise that is not that convincing anyway!! My ideal goal in this whole political chess game is that an end point will arrive when it is finally decided that Article 50 will be revoked. Yep, probably wishful thinking on my part but I definitely think that the status quo should remain in place even though I accept that the country will still be polarised. One may add that in such a chess game, a "stalemate", a political one, is so self-evident that it has been "slapping politicians in the face" for years. Therefore, as normally practised in one of the "referendum capitals of the world", Switzerland, NO CHANGE would have been the preferred decision after "taking stock" of their rules on referenda and favour only given to unanimity and consequently less controversy - well practised and evolved for a very, very long time - I believe their practise spanned well back into the early 20th century.