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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
"How anyone can listen to Yvette Cooper knowing she willingly married Ed Balls is beyond me. How she can imagine she is representing her constituency when it voted leave and she has done everything she can to frustrate that is another parliamentary conundrum"

That's across the board though, hoey is a rabid brexiter in a strongly remain seat for instance.

"Whilst I can see the attraction of listing the names of prominent right-wingers few people could ever like in-lieu of argument"

But you go on to compare them to juncker and tusk ffs. Its tommy robinson,UKIP/BNP and some right wing paramilitary fanboys we are talking about. Racists and bigots are your fellow travellers here. Suck it up.

We'd be better off IN than leaving under May's half-baked terms or marooned in Labour's customs union unable to act in our own best interests

Mays deal is essentially a customs union too,because without one the UK economy will collapse. The tories have found no one else outside Mauritania and trump to do trade deals with. Why you seem to be struggling with this basic fact at this stage of proceedings is worrying.

The best brexit is no brexit at all.
0762 likes this post
Hear hear!! The comments are there because he wanted Brexit and that is a fact - a "no deal" f### off Brexit that would crucify this country but not in the eyes and dialogue of many of the Brexit lunatics who had convinced themselves with the same political ideology and hatred/blame towards the EU while ignoring the shocking culpability and behaviour of politicians and extreme factions that infest/infect the UK!!!
(04-04-2019, 01:21)0762 Wrote: Hear hear!! The comments are there because he wanted Brexit and that is a fact - a "no deal" f### off Brexit that would crucify this country but not in the eyes and dialogue of many of the Brexit lunatics who had convinced themselves with the same political ideology and hatred/blame towards the EU while ignoring the shocking culpability and behaviour of politicians and extreme factions that infest/infect the UK!!!

Thing is the UK only 'works' if English nationalism is subsumed by the Union Jack, once it's not and it's currently most definitely not then Scotland is just tossed aside.

Scotland's demographics show an older, shrinking population. We actually need and want immigration,but because English nationalism is where the votes are both the main parties will go chasing those votes = our economic needs are fucked.

Meanwhile a framework is apparently there for corbyn and may to do a deal, customs union/workers and environmental rights kept in line with the EU/no freedom of movement,but reduced immigration/No 2nd referendum.

Problem is both parties and leaders will be destroyed by that.
0762 likes this post
(04-04-2019, 10:29)hibeejim21 Wrote:
(04-04-2019, 01:21)0762 Wrote: Hear hear!! The comments are there because he wanted Brexit and that is a fact - a "no deal" f### off Brexit that would crucify this country but not in the eyes and dialogue of many of the Brexit lunatics who had convinced themselves with the same political ideology and hatred/blame towards the EU while ignoring the shocking culpability and behaviour of politicians and extreme factions that infest/infect the UK!!!

Thing is the UK only 'works' if English nationalism is subsumed by the Union Jack, once it's not and it's currently most definitely not then Scotland is just tossed aside.

Scotland's demographics show an older, shrinking population. We actually need and want immigration,but because English nationalism is where the votes are both the main parties will go chasing those votes = our economic needs are fucked.

Meanwhile a framework is apparently there for corbyn and may to do a deal,  customs union/workers and environmental rights kept in line with the EU/no freedom of movement,but reduced immigration/No 2nd referendum.

Problem is both parties and leaders will be destroyed by that.

Guy Vehofstadt said in the EU Parliament the other day that all Nationalism and populism is bad so that probably includes Scottish Nationalism also. The problem with Nationalism is it eventually leads to racism.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
I'll correct you AGAIN re your mistaken interpretation of the word "nationalism" and trying to "tar" Scottish Nationalism with other extreme populist movements - there is no comparison whatsoever apart from the use of the word "nationalism"!! Scottish Nationalism is "in reality" civic nationalism and that is the best way to describe it. Indeed, I'd love to remove the word nationalism from that title altogether because of it's misuse by detractors of Scot indy but that is just the way it is!! Also Guy Verhofstadt knows exactly the SNP position that I've described and that is also why his relationship (and that of other prominent EU officials) with Scottish govt officials has always been cordial!! You've tried this "line" before as tried by other detractors of Scottish Nationalism and that comment is so far "off the mark" and definitely unqualified from someone who does not live in Scotland and cannot suss why the majority of the Scottish population still backs an SNP govt with a mandate for Scot indy!! Bring on another general election and observe how true my last comment actually is as the Scot Labour Party and Tories would be literally "wiped off the political map" up here AGAIN!!!
(04-04-2019, 19:16)spireitematt Wrote:
(04-04-2019, 10:29)hibeejim21 Wrote:
(04-04-2019, 01:21)0762 Wrote: Hear hear!! The comments are there because he wanted Brexit and that is a fact - a "no deal" f### off Brexit that would crucify this country but not in the eyes and dialogue of many of the Brexit lunatics who had convinced themselves with the same political ideology and hatred/blame towards the EU while ignoring the shocking culpability and behaviour of politicians and extreme factions that infest/infect the UK!!!

Thing is the UK only 'works' if English nationalism is subsumed by the Union Jack, once it's not and it's currently most definitely not then Scotland is just tossed aside.

Scotland's demographics show an older, shrinking population. We actually need and want immigration,but because English nationalism is where the votes are both the main parties will go chasing those votes = our economic needs are fucked.

Meanwhile a framework is apparently there for corbyn and may to do a deal,  customs union/workers and environmental rights kept in line with the EU/no freedom of movement,but reduced immigration/No 2nd referendum.

Problem is both parties and leaders will be destroyed by that.

Guy Vehofstadt said in the EU Parliament the other day that all Nationalism and populism is bad so that probably includes Scottish Nationalism also. The problem with Nationalism is it eventually leads to racism.

Nicola sturgeon v Tommy robinson/ ukip/faragee/trump/KKK/orange order/ Putin

Spot the fascist. And you didn't read what he said in full either.

England's stick the finger up at Johnny foreigner hits new lows. Right up at the people who fought with and for them for decades.

Calling us racists. xxxx nick of you.
0762 likes this post
I've consistently said that we could depend on our elected representatives to make a complete balls-up of Brexit and that there was a dangerous game of chicken going on and I've seen no reason to change my opinion.

It now seems to be the case that the EU/ROI are no clearer than the UK about what to do with the Irish Border as we near deadline day.

On my European travels, I also discovered that the "ordinary" Germans, Czechs, Austrians and Hungarians have no more respect for their politicians/bureaucrats than we have of ours.
Cabbage is still good for you
It is all about "power" and megalomania ritchie! That is one element that I'm sure we all agree on! However, attach the words "honourable" and "pragmatic" to many of these people, not just in this country but worldwide, and these attributes are missing from many unscrupulous "power mongers"; on a separate topic eg Brunei has just changed the law re any LGBT detection and will execute future offenders - all decreed by the Sultan of Brunei! Talk about wielding power in the extreme and that is just one extreme example!!
ritchiebaby likes this post

Brexit delay extended again???.....and again and again and again.......into the long grass lol!!!!
(05-04-2019, 12:46)0762 Wrote:

Brexit delay extended again???.....and again and again and again.......into the long grass lol!!!!

What an absolute pig in a poke Laugh Laugh

Sturgeon slapping down that etonian halfwit rees-mogg as well. One of these people is certainly a right wing loonjob and it aint Nicola!!
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