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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
Or present a poss future scenario of a general election or a 2nd referendum being called.
(21-03-2019, 00:50)0762 Wrote: Or present a poss future scenario of a general election or a 2nd referendum being called.

General Election now would be futile. 2nd referendum is a possibility. I think it's looking like No Deal or Remain though as it stands. What is 3 months going to do? They spent 2 years getting a crap deal which is worse than Remain. What will be very interesting is how the history books write this.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
It has to be a "concrete" piece of negotiation Matt by a PM who just attacked Parliament with a "smokescreen" that gave her some kinda disclaimer re her role in this whole sorry affair. So it looks like a poss meaningful vote on "whatever" is brokered on a consensus! I just listened to an ex UKIP ersehole, Susanne Evans, saying on the bbc that "the people are getting behind a no deal" - absolute tosh full of self bias/opinion and a set agenda. IMO any govt that falls into a "no deal trap" will be "out of office" in weeks!!! Self-preservation prevails as usual.
Mays speech last night ...................

What the actual xxxx ???

A massive petition to finally close down the whole Brexit process and revoke Article 50 crashes the govt website! I wonder if that is in direct response to May's speech or Farage's usual disingenuous comments last night. And 600k requests? There are millions n millions of British citizens "chomping at the bit" to stop this shit now!!! We've had well over two years of this nonsense and that's it!! A march on London and Westminster as well please!? Bring it on and let the real people finally "get in their faces"!!!
I'm convinced that the No-Deal cliff edge scenario always WAS a heap of crap. The whole of the rest of the world is in a no-deal position and has to make deals. But with people like Grayling (the Forrest Gump of the Cabinet) pulling out the chocolates ready for No-Deal I've no confidence that statements like 90% of statutory instruments necessary are in place are any more accurate and meaningful than a government asserting that spending on education is higher than ever before. And May seems determined to deliberately build an actual cliff edge of no-deal disaster to contrast with her shit deal ........

You didn't need to be perceptive to realise that getting a good deal to leave from people who want you to stay was going to be difficult. Surely in those circumstances rigorous preparations to leave without a deal should have started immediately, so we'd be ahead of the game? And it can't do any harm in negotiations for the other side to be aware that you actually believe leave means leave can it? Truth is we never had belief or credibility. And the result is we've created a position in which we'll be better off to stay home as the silent idiot child of the family, fed and watered but disregarded when big decisions come to be made, than to go out into the world.

Has Mrs May simply been a useful idiot? The unwitting tool used accidentally to dismantle Brexit?
Not so unwitting. Once a Remainer, always a Remainer. She is desperate to blame everyone else, rather than her own negotiating position. By going directly to the people, she is taking advantage of the current distrust of politicians (including her) to save her own skin. Then after we inevitably cave in to EU/Remain pressure, she can claim to have done everything possible.

I still await a positive outcome out of all this debacle, but thankfully I will be escaping to Europe for the deadline.
Cabbage is still good for you
Aye! Preparation and proper planning were never part of any leave campaign and that goes back to the very beginning when most of these Brexit clowns couldn't believe that a good proportion of 17M people stupidly fell for their bullshit!! It was like watching rabbits "caught in the headlights" - dohhh, what do we do next?
Now it transpires that the EU have provisionally approved an extension to Brexit deadline as requested by the PM in Brussels on the proviso that a deal is agreed in Parliament and no British participation in upcoming EU elections. What is gonna change on a "meaningful vote" next week anyway??I think it is the case that The Speaker, John Bercow, reiterates his stance re a 3rd vote with no change!!! I concur with Nicola Sturgeon's line that, in view of this utter chaos and crisis, Article 50 be revoked and "be done with it"!! Absolutely 100%!! DO IT!!!!!
Thing is as a withdrawal deal it's about all the UK was ever going to get with mays red lines. Ultimately the EU is prohibited by treaty from formally negotiating a trade deal with a departing member while it's still a member, so the EU would always insist on the backstop in the Withdrawal deal.

The problem is may's cluelessness and the volatility of her government, means she could be back begging them for a Norway + deal very soon.

Its xxxx ridiculous, nothing we are going to get is close to what we have already.
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