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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
(18-03-2019, 00:10)ritchiebaby Wrote: What about the burning question? Did he have a pint of English beer in his hand for a photo opportunity? The one thing he's good at.

He's always got a pint in his hand in a photo opportunity. He's trying to act like one of the people. Don't really understand how he can act like one of the people when he's wearing tweed suits and bright yellow corduroy trousers.

I find it very cringe worthy when you see politicians trying to be ordinary because they are far from ordinary. It's sort of a them vs us thing. They try and look ordinary and try and be one of the people in photo opportunities or when there is an election. You see them on the news during an election visiting different towns and cities doing the obligatory food tasting in pie shops, butchers etc showing the electorate and telling them "I am normal you know, I like pies just like all you do".

I personally think that's one of the problems with May is she can't relax and be herself instead she tries to be someone she's not and it comes across awkward. Whereas Corbyn is just himself and doesn't really care what people think. Sturgeon is another one who I think can't relax and pretends to be someone she's not.
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The govt apparently in disarray after that Bercow decision - gov officials scampering about like alarmed rabbits in a meadow, I love it!!! This development is poss more important than we realise because there is no plan B lol!!
0762, sometimes I wish you would curtail your delight at the Government's discomfort and ineptitude. All that's happened is the default position of leaving without a deal is still there and looming large. Time for Corbyn to get his finger out and May to finally have a reality check. The major reason for all the delay so far is that about a dozen groups have their own agenda and "stuff the country" in the process.
Cabbage is still good for you
I'm well aware of the government's default position ritchie, only, unlike you, I don't believe it will happen although I acknowledge the threat from the scum bags who do want to make it happen. Did you listen to that ERG scum bag, Rees-Mogg, yesterday when he explicitly stated that he wanted a no deal exit as "no deal" is better than a bad deal - that is exactly why these bastards (+others in the DUP etc) just voted out last week's motion to give power to parliament!! In comparison, no eyesight is better than poor eyesight eh lol!!! A f###### creton and a massively wealthy one at that with a set agenda financed by "dark people" with "dark money" alongside a group of like-minded RW morons who are a separate political party within the conservative party!! The public need to waken up to this and stop dreaming and that includes the Labour Party and Corbyn!! My delight centres on despising these people with a passion!!! My default position from a Scottish viewpoint is we GTF out of this Union asap if it does go "tits up". Our population needs to be "woken up" from its slumber and seriously start looking at our future direction as an independent country!! These people/this govt should never be our political masters and that's a fact and my concerns after 18 Sept 2014 have been sadly proved right time n time again!!! WAKEN UP FFS!!
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(18-03-2019, 19:44)spireitematt Wrote:
(18-03-2019, 00:10)ritchiebaby Wrote: What about the burning question? Did he have a pint of English beer in his hand for a photo opportunity? The one thing he's good at.

He's always got a pint in his hand in a photo opportunity. He's trying to act like one of the people. Don't really understand how he can act like one of the people when he's wearing tweed suits and bright yellow corduroy trousers.

I find it very cringe worthy when you see politicians trying to be ordinary because they are far from ordinary. It's sort of a them vs us thing. They try and look ordinary and try and be one of the people in photo opportunities or when there is an election. You see them on the news during an election visiting different towns and cities doing the obligatory food tasting in pie shops, butchers etc showing the electorate and telling them "I am normal you know, I like pies just like all you do".

I personally think that's one of the problems with May is she can't relax and be herself instead she tries to be someone she's not and it comes across awkward. Whereas Corbyn is just himself and doesn't really care what people think. Sturgeon is another one who I think can't relax and pretends to be someone she's not.

Farage is nothing like ordinary people, he's privately educated and worked as a broker in the city. He's as far away from being a man of the people as you can get

He has a talent for playing on the insecurities and fears of ordinary people for his own profit....Thats it.
0762 likes this post
I'll add that Guy Verhofstadt's recent scathing comments of Farage in the EU debating chamber were as accurate as it gets and watching the c### act as though Verhofstadt was joking - that was enlightening because the guy was not even close to uttering any humour re this destructive political scum bag, whose character he continued to dismantle with aplomb!!
(18-03-2019, 22:33)ritchiebaby Wrote: 0762, sometimes I wish you would curtail your delight at the Government's discomfort and ineptitude. All that's happened is the default position of leaving without a deal is still there and looming large. Time for Corbyn to get his finger out and May to finally have a reality check. The major reason for all the delay so far is that about a dozen groups have their own agenda and "stuff the country" in the process.

To be fair I'm quite enjoying watching this tory government going down the shitter. For a long time they have acted like parliament is only there to obey the will of the Tory Party. First the kicking the can down the road, then the contempt of Parliament, now the "meaningful vote" that is only ever going to be truly meaningful if it suits May. Enough is enough.

Labour have issued scores of bills and amendments to guide the country to a soft Brexit but the tories/DUP have voted nearly all of them down.

The EU's collective jaw is on the floor. They literally can't believe we are being so stupid.
ritchiebaby and 0762 like this post
A number of my contacts in The Netherlands liken current events in the UK Parliament to a penalty kick "shootout" lol!! It is exciting and I can see where they are coming from - an outsider's observation of an undemocratic parliament in "meltdown" and what happens next eh!!
ritchiebaby likes this post
I truly get where you're both coming from, but as the German Europe Minister said this morning - it's not a game, it's a very serious situation. I hope the film of the debacle comes out quickly, when I can enjoy the comedy after it's all over.
Cabbage is still good for you
(19-03-2019, 01:33)0762 Wrote: A number of my contacts in The Netherlands liken current events in the UK Parliament to a penalty kick "shootout" lol!! It is exciting and I can see where they are coming from - an outsider's observation of an undemocratic parliament in "meltdown" and what happens next eh!!

Get knocked out by the Germans on penalties? That's what usually happens.

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