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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
The EU pointed out our options from the start, but the tories have deliberately run down the clock to present this shambles of a deal as a fait accompli.

EEA/EFTA is obviously much better than may's deal, it solves almost all of the Irish Border issue, and most importantly, and it respects the brexit vote so it would be an easy sell if the UK press would just tell the xxxx truth for once. EFTA nations are touring the globe right now signing new independent trade deals with Israel, Indonesia, Brazil etc etc and there's nothing the EU can do about it.

It basically would reset us to the common market set up of the 70s, far from perfect but way better than what may's ludicrous red lines have delivered.
ritchiebaby likes this post
So a "no deal" would result in another recession.! I think we came to that conclusion on this board a long time ago and surely the logical conclusion is that the status quo, don't bother leaving the EU at all, is the most fitting move to make and indeed, nothing has changed although there has been a lotta unnecessary angst across the country for over the past two years, compliments of a Tory imbecile PM named David Cameron - a selfish, naive, political coward!
We have gone from a "no deal is better than a bad deal" to insisting that "a bad deal is better than no deal"

Meanwhile may checks into Scotland for 3 hours to "sell her deal" to a company owned by a tory donor, breaking ministerial code by not informing local MPs and refusing to allow a Scottish newspaper attend her press conference.  

Back at the HOP sir keir starmer's bill to get the legal advice given to the government over brexit gets passed by the house but the government refuse to issue it.

The UK is like a xxxx banana republic. Laugh
0762 likes this post
Good to see you noticed that "fleeting visit" by one of many previous Tory PMs down the years who "stage manage" their visits to Scotland and never talk to the Scottish public "on the street"! Why? We all know why and that is because most Scots have no time for toerags and their shit political ideology which is highly divisive and flawed!!!! They opposed Scottish devolution and oppose Scottish Independence under their fragmented unionist banner. I hate them with a passion as do many millions of other like-minded Scots!!
Also the bbc hosting a live Brexit forum on 9 December with only May and Corbyn on the podium????????? FFS!!!!!!!!!! It is not a two party issue!!!!!!!! In fact, if Corbyn was "worth his salt" he'd tell the bbc to piss off!! Nicola Sturgeon apparently invited as a guest in the stands!!! How disrespectful is that and I'm damn sure she will tell them to "get lost" - what a joke and confirms again to many Scots that the bbc is no longer impartial and is infested with shitheid biased Oxbridge types who are polluting the previous great image of the bbc!!!
May rules out a a 'norway style arrangement' compromise with labour MPs.

She really believes that her opponents will back down in a post-December 11th run on the £ coupled with the EU's confirmation it will not reopen negotiations. I think that Parliament has to call her bluff on this. Her deal would leave us in economic purgatory for years. The Christmas/New Year's stand-off will be scary though. What if May, who suffers from extremely poor judgement combined with stubbornness, isn't bluffing and is willing to destroy the country's economy, society and political institutions in a scorched-earth 'no deal' disaster? .

Then again she is also the queen of the humiliating u turn too.
I have to question the values of any person who professed a great admiration of Margaret Thatcher and Saint Theresa is one of many of these erseholes who infest the Tory party!! Thumb down
I call this nothing short of cheap blackmail/scaremongering by a little bastard of a toerag called Gove who has not got a shred of credibility left in his character!! I wonder if he is an unknown brother of that other little Scottish Tory weasel, David Mundell eh!!!??? Bring it on!! Lets have another EU referendum and finally "right a wrong" that has "dragged on" for far too long and driven loadsa folk nuts with utter frustration!!
Meanwhile the latest news re this Brexit shambles is that opposition parties incl the DUP have launched a "contempt of Parliament" charge against the government through the Speaker of the House, John Bercow! Never a dull a moment re Brexit these days lol!
ECJ rules article 50 can be revoked unilaterally.
ritchiebaby likes this post
Well that blows away Saint Theresa's assertion that there was no way back - total bullshit and challenged by Scottish politicians!!!
And the Tory gov has been found guilty of contempt of parliament - the 1st ever!!!! And the bastards are still trying to put a positive spin on their impending demise!!! Shameless ####s but we all knew that anyway!!!
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