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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
(12-11-2018, 16:11)Charlie Farley Wrote: I'm having a ' brexit ' party . Now I know this isn't popular with everyone but 52% of my friends are coming .

Problem is Steve bannan and his mates have sneaked in unnoticed and are preparing to help themselves to your stuff,eat your food,pump yer bird and trash the kitchen.

Your friends won't notice cause they have turned up the stereo....think it's "now that's what I call British imperialism"in the player.
0762 likes this post
How does that old saying go? Ostrich and "head stuck in the sand" come to mind lol!
May's 'deal' Laugh Laugh Laugh

This deal neuters any leverage the UK has- 40bn will be handed over or a threat of economic meltdown from no deal. All the while the border backstop will keep the UK in a CU and level playing field meaning we can't threaten a race to the bottom.

Scotland could easily be 'offered' fast tracking back in to the EU if independent, were the UK to think of diverging later (the EU could advance that idea in Scotland in time as they have to worry less about london) .

AND any future trade deal we will going into it in zombie transition land with no hope of leaving given the EU won't sign off on a future trade deal that could in anyway give the UK access benefits whilst free to get better trade deals elsewhere.

I'm not sure whether farage was shitting himself about that deal or mueller breathing down his neck, either way its fantastic.
0762 likes this post
"David Lidington.....says the Scottish and Welsh first ministers will be briefed on the deal once cabinet has taken a decision."

xxxx off you pompous little dick. This is the kind of shit that has me reaching for my claidheamh-mòr.
(11-11-2018, 00:35)0762 Wrote: Now it appears that Saint Theresa could be "on the brink" of "selling out" UK fishermen and the CFP would remain as part of a deal with the EU to broker a "backstop" customs border in NI. Well that won't "go down" too well in certain quarters if proved to be true!

According to the financial times it's true.

Fishing is not included in the backstop/ customs union which means if it put in place (and it will be: there won't be a unicorn miracle solution for the NI border in 2020), there will be up to 23% tariffs placed on fish and customs checks required (alongside SPS checks).

The scots tories are up in arms, but only because they know they will be out on their arses next time a vote comes up to the coastal parts of northern Scotland.
Beware "Greeks bearing gifts" - in this case shameless Tories making false promises! Dya remember that "better together" line to Scot voters in 2014 re vote no and stay in the EU! Rolleyes
According to sky news may and corbyn have met this evening following the cabinet meeting. I suspect mays government is teetering on the brink.
The requisite 48 Tory letters apparently sent to the 1922 Committee to remove the PM! A new leader and who on earth could that be, another "lightweight" politician!? A General Election coming?
If this goes to any sort of vote then surely the DUP for starters will not vote yes and that has to leave the Tories without a mandate and essentially with a vote of no confidence as well. This must surely lead to a General election at some point and then we will see which party is brave enough to campaign on a platform of No Brexit and if the Labor and Lib Dem parties are brave enough they will not put candidates up against each other and make sure the Tories lose enough seats to see a new government in place.
(15-11-2018, 01:27)St Charles Owl Wrote: If this goes to any sort of vote then surely the DUP for starters will not vote yes and that has to leave the Tories without a mandate and essentially with a vote of no confidence as well.  This must surely lead to a General election at some point and then we will see which party is brave enough to campaign on a platform of No Brexit and if the Labor and Lib Dem parties are brave enough they will not put candidates up against each other and make sure the Tories lose enough seats to see a new government in place.

Varadakar made it clear there the republic had what it wanted. The UK will be permanently unable to diverge, whether with the backstop, or with a replacement. That means may can never get the DUP on board now, and the SNP will never vote for an arrangement that allows NI huge economic advantage over scotland. Only labour can save her now, or its a leadership challenge with bozo,javid or davies. There won't be a general election i feel, the tories are in no shape to fight one.

For all my frustration with corbyn his tactics have won through, he has may by the proverbials. What does he do next though ? What concessions can he force from her at this late hour ?
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