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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
DUP: "Looks like we’re heading for no deal. Such an outcome will have serious consequences for economy of Irish Republic. In addition, UK won’t have to pay a penny more to EU"

That's what these headbangers want, an end to the good Friday agreement basically.

First, UK Will have to pay for the withdrawal as it is concerning international commitments. Transition and future relations are completely independent topics.

Secondly, 12% ROI exports go to UK (including the foodstuff and electric energy UK and mainly NI need). 43% UK exports go to EU27. 12% UK exports go to third countries using EU trade agreements. The ROI will also have the largest trading bloc on the planet in its corner.

To think the liars and bigots of the DUP are holding the balance of power over this, and over the UK just scary.
That's what happens when you "go to bed" with these "devils" in order to retain power - a disgrace!
(04-11-2018, 12:49)hibeejim21 Wrote: Banks on andrew marr sweating like a man with nothing to hide. .....Seriously our democracy has been subverted by these pigs and their backers.... Everyone knows he has links to russian dirty money and trump.

The american right are going to have a field day with the resulting trade deal, with the NHS and our food industry the top targets. The tax dodgers get to keep their funds away from new EU legislation, Putin gets his long sought after foothold into europe, one that merkel in particular feared.

Its an absolute travesty.
Banks fined £135k for data protection offences and for me this is only the "tip of the iceberg" - this man is a criminal, a chancer and part of a major conspiracy to try and force through an anti EU vote "at all cost" during the year 2016. What angers me is the deliberate dismissal of this whole corrupt affair of data fraud, manipulation etc by a govt that is intent on bringing Brexit because of the oresence of similar comolicit erseholes like Banks within their scummy political party that currently incl the DUP! and the fact these are acts of criminality that gave never been witnessed before in this country.
Raab admits in past he didn't fully understand importance of keeping Dover-Calais border frictionless

"I hadn’t quite understood the full extent of this, but if you look at the UK and look at how we trade in goods, we are particularly reliant on the Dover-Calais crossing. And that is one of the reasons why we have wanted to make sure we have a specific and very proximate relationship with the EU, to ensure frictionless trade at the border. I don’t think it is a question so much of the risk of major shortages, but I think probably the average consumer might not be aware of the full extent to which the choice of goods that we have in the stores are dependent on one or two very specific trade routes."

Laugh Laugh Laugh This is the guy running the UK negotiations ffs.

Joanna Cherry QC MP
✔ @joannaccherry

Delighted to advise Scotland’s Supreme Court has refused UK Govt leave to appeal to U.K. Supreme Court so case on unilateral revocability of #Article50 case will proceed before #CJEU in #Luxembourg on 27 November
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I'm worried that apparently something called fresh fruit and veg will become innocent victims of a no-deal brexit. What exactly are they, fresh fruit n veg'?

I go to my local supermarket and beautifully laid out in front of me will be fruit, freezing cold to the touch, apparently fresh but from parts of the world where I know it to be the very depths of winter ...... when nothing has ripened outside in months. You buy it, it is like a bullet and inedible until one day you head to the fruitbowl and find it suddenly and miraculously transformed to some flaccid, brown rotting thing you'd never put anywhere near your mouth even if the fruit flies weren't already setting up home.

Even when Jacob Rees-Mogg says something sensible and I agree with him, I'd still pay good money to have his face slapped really hard.

Of course Aaron Banks is a borderline (at least) criminal. Of course Sir Philip Green should have his knighthood rammed sideways where the sun don't shine. The guy from Persimmon is a prcik. Dominic Raab's a dick. It's all part of the data and nothing to do with anything much except the way monopoly capital finds to screw you deep beneath the permafrost. And Macron and Junker's Euro army, and Christine Lagarde and smooth Monsieur Barnier are just part of the same process. The EU is just a different smiling oppressor.

All diabetics will die. And my heart drugs Doc? Take an aspirin. We're filling Dover with fridges.

Just musing ......
So when is the world "coming to an end" - 12 years as warned by the UN environment committee?
Now it appears that Saint Theresa could be "on the brink" of "selling out" UK fishermen and the CFP would remain as part of a deal with the EU to broker a "backstop" customs border in NI. Well that won't "go down" too well in certain quarters if proved to be true!
Unless the london regime gets its act together soon we are going over a cliff.

Parliament has agreed that the treaties simply cease to exist on the 29.03.2019, unless they get some workable solution through parliament and signed off by the EU shortly the likes of rees-mogg,banks,bojo, and nigel xxxx farage are going to get exactly what they want. That should terrify any normal person.

Its always been a straight choice between BINO and a no deal scenario.
I notice Michel Barnier endorsing that point that Saint Theresa has not actually formally agreed to leave the EU at all.
I'm having a ' brexit ' party . Now I know this isn't popular with everyone but 52% of my friends are coming .
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