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Nicola Sturgeon finally begins the process of separation!
(23-10-2018, 11:40)0762 Wrote: Willingness on behalf of Westminster - ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Not a f###### chance with these unionist clowns who are obsessed with holding back Scotland's powers!!! I'll add that you listen to the consistent comments of Ian Blackford, the SNP leader at Westminster, SCO before continuing with an implicit message that you don't actually wanna see Scotland being given that special treatment anyway because "everybody is in the same 'better together' boat"!!! Aye! That'll be right but that's your opinion!!

I notice the "region" thing being used more and more in relation to brexit. Its not like people have forgotten overnight what a nation actually is (and Scotland's sense of nationhood stems from it being an independent state for over 600 years before it voluntarily went into a union with England) it's used to advance a political point.

Britain's sense of itself is England's sense of itself. Regional celtic types may have other outlying fringe notions colouring this essential English identity but they are not material and can be dismissed and told to mind their own business easily enough.

Brexit will end up destroying the UK of GB&NI precisely because it demands a single identity and the UK only holds together because of the few nods it has managed to make to our deep differences.
Hence reflect back to that "equal partnership" nonsense that these shameless clowns keep using to emphasise the point that we should not be "rocking the boat" - IMO it's not actually a constructive comment but an irritating jibe against an indy movement and Scottish govt that they despise!!!
What a load of tosh .
You don't live in Scotland and observe this shit almost on a daily basis, so "shut it" and stop trying to "stir up" what is a reasonable debate as indicated in a couple of your previous threads that are just "one liners" of utter drivel" eg #148 dohhhh - read it and feel embarrassed!! Nuff said!
If it was a reasonable debate I would be willing to join in . If you think and act like a victim which is apparent on this thread you will become one .
Away and do something constructive pal and "stir" a cup of tea eh lol Laugh Laugh Laugh
(26-10-2018, 16:31)0762 Wrote: Away and do something constructive pal and "stir" a cup of tea eh lol Laugh Laugh Laugh

Bit of a sharp hilarious retort there  Whistle Still 4,000 + posts by your good self does suggest a humour bypass .

Get out , make friends . If you are confined to a bed or ward please accept my opologies . Doh

Scotland not mentioned even once in that 500 page Brexit Withdrawl document! A lot more Scot need to wake up re the future direction of our country, our direction and our self-determination!
Fantasy and reality have finally collided down south.
This latest intrusion by another Tory twerp called Lidington just "beggars belief". No proper arrangement for a formal albeit a late request last night and told to ###### off! Then he tries to apply an element of political blackmail that the SNP/Nicola Sturgeon are not gonna wear esp from a well-spoken "smoothie" like Lidington!!
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