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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
The governor of the Bank of England has warned the cabinet that the impact of a no-deal Brexit could be as catastrophic as the financial crisis that crippled the UK economy a decade ago.

Who gives a xxxx. We are taking back "control"
Ha ha ha! We've seen two years of the usual defensive clichés by brexiteers covering the "democratic will of the people" to "the people have spoken" to "taking back control"!! It's a joke presented by people with no substance to their arguments - numpties as far as I'm concerned after 2 years of never ending polarised debate - MANY PEOPLE IN OUR POPULATION HAVE BEEN BLATANTLY CONNED AND THAT HAS BEEN PROVED BEYOND ALL DOUBT!!!!!! Add in the huge money discrepancies to that shit Brexit referendum campaign and we should have another vote to "right a f###### wrong!!!!!! The real people are now being suppressed from imposing a true democratic vote on this shambles and that's a fact!!!! That is not democracy at work - it's the f###### Conservative Party at work!!!!
People really need to wake the xxxx up to this soon.
I've said this before Jim. I think there are too many people in this country who are "passive" to issues like this - totally different from 20-30 years ago! I put it down to a gradual erosion/suppression of political opinion, protest, union activity using all kindsa political and security techniques to make people uncomfortable. It wasn't that long ago when Scot Nationalist members and political figures were classified as "enemies of the state" by the British state, the same one that is dictating to us now!! The huge anti-Brexit demonstration in London should not have been the only one because these shameless Tory b####### don't listen easily!!
Totally sick of Westminster, get them to xxxx.
Now it transpires that Labour are gonna vote against Saint Theresa's Brexit proposal, lotsa Tories also against it! So IMO that means the PM calls a general election OR suddenly the option of a repeat referendum, a people's vote, is likely. I think she'll choose the latter!
The UK is no longer a functioning democracy.

First past the post is an archaic system, the media are amongst the worst in Europe, the public broadcaster has ceased to ask critical question in a way that would make Orban happy. For years the ruling classes have gotten away with blaming the EU for every evil caused by UK policies, helped by the gutter press. Now the chickens have now come home to roost.

The brexiteers crashed & burned this week. They failed to publish their plan, then hitched their wagon to the nutty professor, & then did publish their views on the Irish border which completely contradicted everything they had hitched their wagon to the day before.

Utter clowns the lot of them.
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And a huge proportion of people in our population are standing back and watching this shit gradually developing and we feel amazed but absolutely powerless in this so called democratic (sic) country - what a disgrace, what a joke!!!
Capitalism and democracy are essentially contradictory.

Democracy cannot help but be deformed by capitalism, because opinion, information, even truth are up for ownership. In a capitalist system democracy will always represent the interest of capital. It cannot be otherwise. Opinion may shift left and right, the majority might even vote for Brexit and believe that their vote represented free will ........ but in the end the interests of capital, for good or ill, must prevail.

Even if we got it together to leave the EU, which seems more implausible by the day to me, A few years down the line it will be that bucket full of water from which you removed your hand. The water readjusts, it'll be as if your hand were never there.
BMW and JLR move to 3 day weeks on brexit.

And this little beauty should have alarm bells going off ....
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