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European Union Referendum - In or Out??

There you go - secretly may wants freedom of movement to continue and is making plans for it.
IMO no surprise TBH. I think that will be one compromise of many as nobody of any standing wants to be associated with abject failure - a human frailty that prevails for managers, executives, directors etc. Failure would be a 'stab to the heart' for the reputation of these kinda people and they either abscond before the disaster/chaos prevails or try to do something about it. Brexit will be a disaster - we all know it now that the facts and implications have been more apparent than before when a lotta the shameless brexit lying b####### were peddling their shit and May knows that fact too but is not strong enough or a big enough politician (just a lightweight!!) to call a halt to it all.
(02-08-2018, 11:53)0762 Wrote: IMO no surprise TBH. I think that will be one compromise of many as nobody of any standing wants to be associated with abject failure - a human frailty that prevails for managers, executives, directors etc. Failure would be a 'stab to the heart' for the reputation of these kinda people and they either abscond before the disaster/chaos prevails or try to do something about it. Brexit will be a disaster - we all know it now that the facts and implications have been more apparent than before when a lotta the shameless brexit lying b####### were peddling their shit and May knows that fact too but is not strong enough or a big enough politician (just a lightweight!!) to call a halt to it all.

Shes crucially also lying the those who voted out.
There is no Brexit of any kind that can currently command either of the two necessary majorities for this government and this parliament to pass. Her red lines mean even a Canada+ type deal is going to be difficult.

She cant be that thick to think a "no deal" scenario will be ok? It would be a labour landslide at the next election.
Aye! That is a fact and do you notice the common line among Tories that "Corbyn must be stopped from becoming the next UK PM" - they are shitting themselves re that possible threat!

Barnier isn't having it.
Good pragmatic comments by Michel Barnier Jim! At least he is "calling a spade a spade" unlike what is going on in the British govt re Brexit!
“The UK wants to keep free movement of goods between us, but not of people and services. And it proposes to apply EU customs rules without being part of the EU’s legal order. Thus, the UK wants to take back sovereignty and control of its own laws, which we respect, but it cannot ask the EU to lose control of its borders and laws.”

That's the crux of it,and the tories know this. So you can only assume that this charade is being designed to lead us to a "no deal" scenario...or to force the EU to do a deal for us.
Pochettino has said the reason why Spurs haven't signed anyone is because of Brexit. More like the real reason is they've spent a billion on a new stadium.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
More than 100 seats that backed Brexit now want to stay in EU.
The opinion poll results have definitely changed with a remain vote winning any similar national referendum if it was called tomorrow and the national mood has changed re this exit from the EU and no ####### wonder!!!! What gets me is the fact we have a fractured British govt that is ignoring what is happening in the country incl the various mass protests against brexit - absolute audacity by an imploding bunch of Tory ##### and I personally hope the conservative and unionist party disappears into oblivion for a very, very long time after the "dust settles" and the shambles is self evident. BUT IT WILL BE TOO LATE TO REVERT TO THE STATUS QUO BY THEN!!! NUTS!! Doh
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