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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
Christopher Chope, the fella who came into the national consciousness after blocking the 'upskirting' law, has tabled a Private Members Bill to get rid of the Working Time Directive, which will, strangely enough, get a second reading in March 2019.

That's the start of the jobs first brexit. This is what its going to look like.
And now Gove bizarrely backs Saint Theresa in a compromised brexit 'take it or leave it' proposal that appears to be nothing more than an unworkable 'fudge'! This is one guy, one of many, who really is a wee shameless 'slimeball'. God only knows what EU guys like Barnier & Juncker make of it while prob wanting to keep the PM 'on board' without damaging her too much i.e. a 'tempered response? I suspect there will be thousands n thousands of critical tory voters who will be on the verge of never voting Tory again eh!
Dave davis and steve baker resign. Could prompt a leadership challenge as its now clear that may cannot deliver a brexit that is strong enough for the brexiteers or one that is weak enough for the remainers.

The cliff edge approaches.
And now bojo exits stage left as well.

A shambles, a tory civil war and the UK lurching towards a cliff edge brexit.
Boris Johnson is an absolute creton TBH! Apparently 'toasted' the end of the meeting at Chequers with no noted opposition to May's proposals. So he 'walks away' and then suddenly observes other Tory resignations. Then he decides to resign as well - so full of his own self-interest but the reality is he is perceived as a coward and a cad!
[Image: nyco_rats.jpg]

I pray that if May resigns in the future, the buffoon Boris isn’t swarm in as new PM. Can you imagine him and Donald Trump meeting? It would be a meeting of two incompetents with terrible hair.
I suspect May would 'swot him away' like an irritating fly if he challenged her leadership mainly because he is not highly respected in parliamentary circles and no wonder.
Re May's soft brexit proposal (is it really a 'soft' brexit option!?) one has to logically ask the question, "Is it not more beneficial to just stick with the current EU arrangement rather than dilute it to a less advantageous position"?
English exceptionalism is about to get a massive xxxx wake up call.

The only deal that was ever on the table was out single market/customs union with a 2 year transition period and NI stays in the single market/customs union.

The brexiteer crew know the jig is up, in 10 days she takes her offer to brussels and if the EU don't throw her a bone she is toast and a brexiteer 'no deal' merchant will take up the slack.

At that point is when corbyn has to make his move.
Now the govt White Paper on EU withdrawal proposals delayed further as it was set for publication on Thursday! Rolleyes The biggest 'laugh' in this whole fiasco is the fact that the EU have been prepared and ready to negotiate for a long time and their negotiators/officials must be flabbergasted at the continuous indecision and feuding that goes on n on n on 'across the English Channel' in the Tory govt.... The lack of leadership is spellbinding!
And two more Tories resign and threaten to 'lose their parliamentary seats' in protest - the plot thickens!
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