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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
So the 'knives are out' to dismiss Saint Theresa although her 'major sin' is the fact she does not wanna make a decision and no ####### wonder when it comes to all this brexit shit. Thankfully the percentages against her are not >50%. So she'll prob be able to 'soldier on' but IMO the status quo will not continue for much longer as decisions and preferences have to be 'laid on the table eventually. What a mess!
Rumours about that david davis is set to resign. Guess we will see.
Davis hangs on but his backstop proposals are booted into touch by barnier. Its becoming obvious there are no negotiable paths through brexit and it will have to be either crash out with no deal and WTO rules, a second referendum or take anything the EU throw our way....although so far they don't seem too disposed to do that and I don't blame them the way the UK have acted.

As soon as may needed the DUP to prop her shambolic government up it was clear this would come to be.
Now the govt Justice Minister, Dr Phillip Lee, resigns after a fitting comment that a govt must ultimately protect the British population in a situation where this brexit position is gonna hammer the British economy. It reminds me of a comment by the late Tam Dalyell re that disappointing brexit vote and the fact it was still an opinion poll with no great majority and it was a pity that there was no UK govt leader with the 'balls' to say thanks for the vote, noted but we are not doing anything further at this time. I wonder if this is the start of an avalanche because the guy is absolutely right while I'm still listening to these political plebs preaching their shameless shit re the vote of the 17.5M people who voted for brexit - IMO that position has f###### well changed and that slim majority has evaporated!!!!!!
I can see an endless transition period giving rise to a referendum on formal EEA membership early in the 2020s. Until then it will be brexit in name only.

The irish border issue is the biggest problem for brexit, as WTO rules require a border to be in place.

May is kicking the can down the road again and again.....but she's running out of road.
Won the vote but at what cost politically??? Tory promises to their own people that parliament will have a final say!!?? Well why didn't they just vote for it eh!!??
Westminster voting in favour of having no meaningful say in the most important issue the country has faced since the war. Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh xxxx idiots.

As Luxembourg's PM said, "before, they were in and wanted opt-outs, now they want out but with opt-ins".

It cannot happen,because the EU has to protect the single market first. And the EU would not agree to any deal that left the UK better off outside the EU than inside, and why would they ? Im still waiting to hear one solid reason for turning our back on the worlds largest trading block to align ourselves with india,america first and the likes of erdogan..

From mays perspective she has her hands bound over ireland,she has to priority one make sure this is a DUP approved brexit or her gov falls. Which as I've said before means either 1) an off the shelf deal provided by the EU (brexit in name only) or no deal and an insane hard border in ireland and hugely expensive not yet fully functioning technology.

She knows giving up free access to a massive market 20 miles away in order to pursue uncertain possibilities elsewhere is such a ridiculous,insane idea that it can only end in failure. Jeremy corbyn knows it too and he is letting the tories have all the rope they need to destroy themselves.

Tick tock.
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Aye! Crass politics at work Jim instead of really fighting 'tooth n nail', against brexit and the economic interests of the British people. Even the SNP look like they are playing a game of passive opposition against brexit instead of explicitly opposing it in any way they can as our population is now massively against it!!
At long last, people on the streets of London protesting and 'making their voices heard' against brexit and reckoned to be well over 100k marchers. There has to be more of these protests and even more people joining up to rack up the pressure on this govt, a Tory govt that is clearly not listening and not taking cognisance of the thousands n thousands of jobs that are at risk!
So farage helped short the value of the pound on the night of the brexit vote so he and his hedge fund mates could make a killing....shocked i am. i guess he keeps his german passport whatever.

Like cambridge analytica 'harvesting' our data.

Like aaron banks dirty deals with the russians.

Troll factories organised by putin.

Tories moving their dough and business out the country whilst telling the british people brexit is going to be a winner.

Will of the people my hole.
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