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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
As I've said I voted for Brexit and every exchange since has only reinforced my view of how cacky and bent an institution the EU is ......... but with every day that passes Brexit seems less and less likely. I never could see how negotiation would work when the EU plainly wants to block us leaving and at least half our side isn't sure what it wants ............

To be fair to the remainers - those Brexiteers who keep saying the voice of the people has to be sacrosanct, why don't they ask us to decide on a load more issues? They know they'd get a lot of answers they don't want, that's why.
"...... has only reinforced my view of how cacky and bent an institution the EU is "

How "cacky and bent" would you class Westminster in comparison ?

Ask yourself why this tory government has figures hellbent on crashing us out the EU and customs market? What's in it for them and how does that fit in with your left wing views ?
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(03-05-2018, 13:21)hibeejim21 Wrote: "...... has only reinforced my view of how cacky and bent an institution the EU is "

How "cacky and bent" would you class Westminster in comparison ?

Ask yourself why this tory government has figures hellbent on crashing us out the EU and customs market? What's in it for them and how does that fit in with your left wing views ?

That's much too close to call, jim. As you well know, I voted Leave, but going by all the indications, I'm not going to get what I want. We do not seem to be leaving the EU in any meaningful fashion, we're negotiating a farcical transitional arrangement that is totally unnecessary, we look like we're backing down on all fronts and the shairny (translation available on request) version that we will end up with will not be worth the paper it's written on.

In my opinion, we either leave 100% or we stay 100%, and that's what I voted on.
Cabbage is still good for you
IMO, as previously commented months ago, the EU referendum vote should never have been called by that selfish idiot of a UK PM, David Cameron!!! This was actually set up not for the benefit of the British population but to satisfy the whims of a shit Conservative and Unionist party that had been simmering for years on the subject of leaving the EU and was 'spooked' by the antics of the UKIP party. The lies and deceptions just continued to astound and polarise the population in general! It was a total sham that should never have happened!
(04-05-2018, 15:23)ritchiebaby Wrote:
(03-05-2018, 13:21)hibeejim21 Wrote: "...... has only reinforced my view of how cacky and bent an institution the EU is "

How "cacky and bent" would you class Westminster in comparison ?

Ask yourself why this tory government has figures hellbent on crashing us out the EU and customs market? What's in it for them and how does that fit in with your left wing views ?

That's much too close to call, jim. As you well know, I voted Leave, but going by all the indications, I'm not going to get what I want. We do not seem to be leaving the EU in any meaningful fashion, we're negotiating a farcical transitional arrangement that is totally unnecessary, we look like we're backing down on all fronts and the shairny (translation available on request) version that we will end up with will not be worth the paper it's written on.

In my opinion, we either leave 100% or we stay 100%, and that's what I voted on.

It's odd that you think you aren't going to get what you want mate, looks to me like we will likely be crashing out with no deal unless the tories cave in on ireland.

No transitional arrangement would be insanity,why do you think its totally unnecessary ? Its going to take years to create new trade deals.
I don't want us to crash out with no deal, but I do think it's a distinct possibility. If the Tories had got their collective fingers out right at the beginning, we wouldn't have had to negotiate a transition arrangement. Instead of falling off the "cliff edge" next March, we're going to fall off it 2 and a bit years later, because our hands will be tied by the EU and nothing constructive will have been done. As far as the Irish Border question is concerned, I'd be telling the EU that the UK will not be erecting border posts, but if they want to on their side of the border, we are powerless to stop them.

The UK withdrawal, if it ever happens, will be bitter and recriminatory from both sides. Either the UK Parliament will scupper any deal, or the EU Parliament will.
Cabbage is still good for you
On that last note today I saw the first big pro indy march in Glasgow with many reputable speakers in Glasgow Green. This was the first of many where I expect lotsa Scots who 'sat on the fence' re Scot indy 1 to really start reviewing what's going on in Westminster and the best way forward for Scotland - IMO full Scot independence but also take on board the option of 'home rule' and not any diluted version of it coming from these disrespectful unionist 'chancers' in Westminster! It's time to send out a clear message to these morons: 'We're not going anywhere and will be another Scottish referendum'!
Re the Scot Indy march in Glasgow, one of the biggest in Scotland with a turn out reckoned to be between 50k-80k, and yet the British media rated it as a minor footnote as we all knew it would be done! If there had been an 80k turnout in Belfast for a united Ireland, by gum it would be 'big news' BUT NOT WHEN IT COMES TO SCOTLAND DISPLAYIING THE SAME QUEST EN MASSE!! Why? The reporting that did take place was at pains to avoid any deep analysis of what provoked the indy demo, or what it portended locally. Even on the Andrew Marr show, the subject matter centred on an interview with Arlene Foster!!!! No mention of Scotland!! The Oxbridge bbc elite at work?? Most certainly and it is simply ingrained in these people that Scotland is a news irrelevance - THAT IS ONE OF THE REASONS WHY MANY SCOTS LIKE MYSELF WANNA GTF OUT OF THIS STATE RUN UNION and get away from a pathetically neocolonial mentality centred in London! Scot indy is an urgent necessity to forestall both a power grab by Westminster and an inevitable second round of austerity when the ######s force their brexit agenda. IMO we must have more pro indy initiatives and 'waken up' more people in Scotland that the indy movement is 'alive n kicking' and, as usual, it is the grassroots indy supporters, and not the politicians, who are 'taking the initiative'.
holyrood knocks back westminsters offer re devolved powers after brexit.

see you in the supreme court Theresa.

After her meeting with Erdogan yesterday, May announced she was keen to strike a trade deal with Turkey.

That is almost certain to require free access to the UK for Turkish citizens. Like bojo was telling everyone would happen when turkey got in the EU, even though that was a complete lie.

You couldn't make this shit up.
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(16-05-2018, 10:36)hibeejim21 Wrote: holyrood knocks back westminsters offer re devolved powers after brexit.

see you in the supreme court Theresa.

After her meeting with Erdogan yesterday, May announced she was keen to strike a trade deal with Turkey.

That is almost certain to require free access to the UK for Turkish citizens. Like bojo was telling everyone would happen when turkey got in the EU, even though that was a complete lie.

You couldn't make this shit up.

Haven't seen any news articles on this meeting but why would a trade deal involve free access to the UK for Turkish citizens? Are there any trade seals that include the free movement of people anywhere currently??
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