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European Union Referendum - In or Out??

And the latest UK gov economic research paper 'leak' reveals a very similar negative effect to the UK economy as highlighted in the Scottish study and is anybody really surprised with these findings and why is nobody seriously pushing politically for a reversal of brexit or at least a proper rerun of a UK referendum that will emphatically reject it!!!? The real 'victims' of this whole fiasco will be every family in this country that will be financially 'hit' by thousands of quid down the next decade after brexit. As usual, I am listening to the self-opinionated defence of brexit from the usual shameless Tory or UKIP respondents, and others, but noticeable that there is absolutely no substance attached to these comments, which are none other than biased opinion and attempting to put down any reasoned criticism of the severe economic implications of brexit and their relative agenda to formalise the start of brexit!
FT Exclusive: The EU has rejected a Brexit trade deal on financial services, which could hit a sector that is Britain’s biggest source of exports and tax revenue.

So no customs union. Therefore bring on that 'hard brexit' if that is the case and lets start to focus on Scot Indy 2 up here in Scotland. Talk about pandering to the Tory hard right brexit element that has infested this UK govt! They can GTF as far as I'm concerned and the fact I do not want to see another depressing year of this politucal 'shit' that went on n on n on.... all through 2017!!!
And how does no customs union square with the agreement they made with the EU over Ireland ? Answer is it doesn't. Varadkars already asking what they are playing at.

I suspect this is mays latest attempt to keep the nutjobs onside. Nutjobs who clearly want away from the ECJ at all costs. Why would that be I wonder ?
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Just as a matter of interest, what do you think of the possibility of the UK deciding to have no border posts on the Irish border? Would the EU insist on border posts on the ROI side?

Also, any trade tariffs inflicted on the UK because of Brexit would also apply to the EU. Would any of the major EU countries see this as a problem?
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The whole of Europe could have an FTA with each other without any need for the whole EU bollox what-so-ever. That of course would take a lot of political and other big fat piggy noses out of the troughs and away from the gravy trains that keep them in the way to which they have become accustomed, so fat chance of that ever happening. Political turkeys voting for Christmas? It will never happen. Don't try to tell me Farage did - we all know he's on the EU gravy train for life now regardless of what happens.
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(05-02-2018, 22:03)theo_luddite Wrote: The whole of Europe could have an FTA with each other without any need for the whole EU bollox what-so-ever. That of course would take a lot of political and other big fat piggy noses out of the troughs and away from the gravy trains that keep them in the way to which they have become accustomed, so fat chance of that ever happening. Political turkeys voting for Christmas? It will never happen. Don't try to tell me Farage did - we all know he's on the EU gravy train for life now regardless of what happens.

Maybe we could call that the European Common Market?? No need to have a referendum for that either, we all voted in one to approve this back in 1973, since then the changes have all been organic with no referendums to approve them until 2016!!
That and no firm of accountants has agreed to sign off on the "cooked books" for years and years and years. Wondering why I voted remain sometimes.
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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
(05-02-2018, 21:42)ritchiebaby Wrote: Just as a matter of interest, what do you think of the possibility of the UK deciding to have no border posts on the Irish border? Would the EU insist on border posts on the ROI side?

Also, any trade tariffs inflicted on the UK because of Brexit would also apply to the EU. Would any of the major EU countries see this as a problem?

Its not the EU that need asking that question,its the tories current saviours the DUP.

Leaving the CU is incompatible with the Good Friday Agreement,unless NI enters in to some special arrangement to have seperate customs laws to the UK- which looks extremely unlikely with the DUP involved.

In december the UK said it would maintain "full alignment" with the (EU) Internal Market and customs union. So can some clever person tell me why we are backtracking on that now ?
I think that the EU and it's supporters should be able to answer my questions, because the answers can only be given by them, assuming they have thought about the possibilities.

As far as your comments are concerned, I see no reason why the Good Friday Agreement can't be honoured. As far as I can see, the full alignment question only exists if there is no agreed settlement between the UK and EU - plenty of negotiating to be done yet. Other than that, I can only explain that as the politicians are in charge, nothing can be taken at face value.
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