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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
farage calls for a 2nd referendum on EU membership now.

Poor nigel the puppet has realised he isn't going to get cashed up in the USA after all and that brexit is going to be an unmitigated disaster.

He's a failed politician in desperate search for a new expense account
0762 likes this post
Scotland drafting contingency brexit laws? Why? Because Scottish interest is paramount in this fiasco and who in their right mind would trust the current Tory UK government full of 'chancers'!
That failed politicican in search of a new expense account will still end up on a pension that several of us on here put together couldn't match as a wage. His agent will also continue to get him a few more appearances on Have I Got News For You to supplement the poor bastards income. I doubt he's worried where his next sandwich, beer and pack of fags are coming from.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Aye! Another 'chancer' for all to see only the amount of damage that this c### has inflicted on this country is unforgiveable and worthy of a prison sentence let alone an undeserved generous pension earned by his mouth and 'talking a good game' while achieving very little positivity in a political sense! Thumb down
(11-01-2018, 20:58)theo_luddite Wrote: That failed politicican in search of a new expense account will still end up on a pension that several of us on here put together couldn't match as a wage. His agent will also continue to get him a few more appearances on Have I Got News For You to supplement the poor bastards income. I doubt he's worried where his next sandwich, beer and pack of fags are coming from.

Yeah but it wouldn't take much to have more than the average punter in the UK. Its all relative.

The haste with which farage made to his trump paymasters after brexit,and his media appearances in the us made it clear he was hoping for a lot more.

He was a useful idiot for trump and bannan and now obscurity beckons. Interesting this came days after he met barnier. I wonder what he told that idiot that has spooked him so much?

No wonder he's pleading poverty! Whistle
hibeejim21 and 0762 like this post
Cabbage is still good for you
Noticeable that 'the mouth' didn't like the hypocrisy word being 'flung in his face'! His defence re his eventual 'tidy annual pension' was absolutely lame - a 'chancer at work' and a hypocrite who I notice has 'changed his tune' re having a second brexit referendum!! Make up your mind Nigel before you 'open your trap'eh!
(12-01-2018, 23:19)ritchiebaby Wrote:

No wonder he's pleading poverty!  Whistle

Laugh Laugh

He has the third worst attendance record of any MEP and has only been at about 30% of the votes he could have been at. An absolute charlatan.

The first economic analysis that can be publicly scrutinised and it had to be presented by the Scottish govt!!! That says it all for me in emphasising why on earth this toxic UK Tory govt have not presented any similar analysis after all this time since June 2016 and all those false promises! An annual 'hit' of £12.7B to the Scottish economy if a 'no deal brexit' prevails and the other 2 options are financial 'hits', pure n simple, and no surprise to any critic of this whole brexit fiasco! Also what will be the financial impact on the English economy, something that surely millions of English critics of brexit must be interested in and yet that information looks like it is being suppressed by these RW toerag decepticons!?
Nicola lays it on the line for all to see, showing leadership and responsibility. She's done her sums like the EU.

While may gets tied in knots and corbyn plays politics with the issue,the scottish government are showing people exactly what we are facing.
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