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European Union Referendum - In or Out??
(17-11-2017, 00:10)hibeejim21 Wrote: I bet you a chlorinated chicken sandwich the EU will be around for some,some time in pretty much the form they want. I'm more worried about the UK.

And...cornwall now hits the panic button.

" no evidence that migrant labour displacing the local workforce."

Think I'll pass on the chlorinated chicken sandwich just the thought of it makes me feel sick.

I'm starting to worry now because if the Tory party had actually put the country first instead of in fighting and backstabbing one another and lining up a new leader then the talks might have progressed further. Having a General Election in the middle of all this has not helped matters and it wasted time and money. We will either fall out of the EU with no deal or a bad deal and if its a bad deal the Tories will somehow put some spin on it and say its a great deal. Deep down though I think the Tories are wasting time and letting the clock tick down and then at the twelfth hour they will turn round and say we will postpone Art 50 and we will see if the consensus is there for leaving the EU and have another referendum.

It's been 17 months since the vote to leave happened and in those 17 months nothing has happened. The UK could have done there calculations and said the sum to meet our commitments we signed up to is X but we believe you are demanding Y and as there is no proof or justification for what your demanding then we suggest an agreement around Z is more fairer.

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The one problem that seems to be rarely discussed was highlighted by the irish PM last week. The border within Ireland, he made it clear they would veto any thing that created that situation on their island.

The DUP could never vote for a hard border either. They'd be politically destroyed for delivering economic chaos, their terrorist buddies bottom lines would be severely affected.

You cannot leave the single market and the customs union without presenting a hard border and turbulence to northern Ireland. Davis agreed to sort this issue first, yet here we are still no further forward. That's because its a circle that cant be squared.
Remember from the very beginning, before serious discussions began, the EU prompted these Tory imbeciles to deal with the Irish question or consider the possibility of a unified Ireland actually happening! As you say, it's a 'hot potato' that they have not tackled! This current British government is definitely one of the most incompetent bunch of imbeciles that I've ever observed in my life time and, from a Scottish perspective, the sooner we separate from these Little Englanders and their Little Englander mentality, the better! I think the Irish will be thinking along the same lines!
(20-11-2017, 13:57)0762 Wrote: Remember from the very beginning, before serious discussions began, the EU prompted these Tory imbeciles to deal with the Irish question or consider the possibility of a unified Ireland actually happening! As you say, it's a 'hot potato' that they have not tackled! This current British government is definitely one of the most incompetent bunch of imbeciles that I've ever observed in my life time and, from a Scottish perspective, the sooner we separate from these Little Englanders and their Little Englander mentality, the better! I think the Irish will be thinking along the same lines!

If there is no hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland then people wanting to get into the UK could go to Ireland sneak into Northern Ireland and come across the water.

You do realise that if Scotland ever break away from England you will need a hard border as well?

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Of course we are well aware of the hard border issue and how to tackle it - well documented in the Scot govt's 648 page 2013 White Paper titled 'Scotland's Future' (A guide to an independent Scotland). I still have my own personal copy at home.
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Yup. Scotland has a solution to the border problem,and it doesn't have a history of political violence either. Nor does it have a fragile peace accord like the good Friday agreement to get round, a lot of people on all sides dies for that peace.

Its only right that it is honoured.
And we have the latest revelation that the 'leave campaign' by Grimes and others is being investigated by the Electoral Commission on the grounds that they spent a huge 'excess' beyond the max £700k! This is no surprise TBH because previously it was well highlighted that there was a huge financial discrepancy by characters like Grimes! Lets prove it and lets finally have a second referendum vote on leave/remain and 'blow these chancing Brexit bastards away' once and for all!!
I do think the british people should get a vote on the terms of this deal,but it won't happen.
We all know the British people (incl lotsa folk who were naive enough to believe all their shit) were ill-informed of the implications of leaving the EU! The whole brexit episode, incl this latest revelation, is one of the biggest jokes in British political history. There most certainly should be a rerun of the vote and I am 100% certain the remain vote would be a solid majority for common sense and have no more of this orchestrated crass political comment of a 'split vote endorsing the will of the British people' to leave the EU! Utter pish by Toerags who never laid out the proper ground rules well before the referendum date and indeed should never have went near a referendum and 'taken the bait' from a UKIP arsehole named Farage - IMO total incompetence by an incompetent govt with a 'lightweight', incompetent leader.
(21-11-2017, 13:49)0762 Wrote:
And we have the latest revelation that the 'leave campaign' by Grimes and others is being investigated by the Electoral Commission on the grounds that they spent a huge 'excess' beyond the max £700k! This is no surprise TBH because previously it was well highlighted that there was a huge financial discrepancy by characters like Grimes! Lets prove it and lets finally have a second referendum vote on leave/remain and 'blow these chancing Brexit bastards away' once and for all!!

Read this yesterday, Now if its true then the result should be classed as void and re-run on a fair and even platform and both sides need to state the pros and cons for leaving or remaining.

I expected the Election expenses scandal back in 2015 which came out earlier this year to be classed as void and re-run which it was in a way with the snap election.

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