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Priti Vacant
She planned to find ways use the AID budget - that's aid as in help ..... well normally

to finance the Israel Army - that's an army that kills people sometimes

to help Syrian refugees (who are mostly escaping from armies)

in the Golan Heights - where no Israeli armed forces should be anyway

and where Britain (a country in which Priti is part of the government) says they have no right to be either

and just to make sure she then went to the Golan Heights to check it out.

Then, when she came back, she didn't bother to tell her own government what she was planning.

If she keeps her job then it doesn't matter if Damien Green's computer had files of him ***gging a donkey and three unwilling members of his constituency party he has nothing to worry about. And if Boris can avoid ringing the Ayatollah and requesting the random stoning of British citizens he's got a job for as long as he wants it too.

Bring on the Sex Pistols.
0762 likes this post
That's typical behaviour from another shameless tory Brexiteer for you eh!! Delighted to see another 'chancer' finally 'falling on her sword'!
I'm still deeply shocked at what this woman was doing. I'm convinced the government must have known what she was up to,and it strikes me it was more to do with the tory party than government business.

Read this
Devongone likes this post
If you lined the whole lot up I bet you struggle to get 10% that are above reproach.
Not all men are sexist but all men can stop sexism. CALL IT OUT!
One thing that still baffles me is why this woman was not sacked outright anf told to GTF!!?? A resignation should never have followed this whole ludicrous episode in British foreign affairs!
(12-11-2017, 18:58)0762 Wrote: One thing that still baffles me is why this woman was not sacked outright anf told to GTF!!?? A resignation should never have followed this whole ludicrous episode in British foreign affairs!

Sounds to me that she resigned before she could be sacked.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
(12-11-2017, 18:58)0762 Wrote: One thing that still baffles me is why this woman was not sacked outright anf told to GTF!!?? A resignation should never have followed this whole ludicrous episode in British foreign affairs!

Its quite simple. May was trying to cover up for this odious piece of shit,trying to minimise any damage to the tories and herself. Otherwise she wouldnt have been allowed to go on trade talks to africa afterwards ffs.

And don't get me started on that eton cretin boris who endangered a woman in iran as part of his little 'dare you' game with may,or that snake sidekick of his gove. They are holding the countries feet to the fire for their own personal benefit, whilst dangling the impossibility of brexit in front of the tory right to keep may onside and compromised.

Words just can't express how bad this government is. I xxxx despise them with every fibre.
0762 likes this post
Ditto on that end line! To think there are millions of their backers in England who have the same kinda mindset - scary stuff and the same re the way that most of them can't see past this shit, shameless style of politics!
(12-11-2017, 21:10)0762 Wrote: Ditto on that end line! To think there are millions of their backers in England who have the same kinda mindset - scary stuff and the same re the way that most of them can't see past this shit, shameless style of politics!

Lets not get all nationalistic about this, there were 757,000 Scots who also voted for this pile of shite in the last election, those 12 seats they gained in Scotland in the end made all the difference to them being able to form their little coalition!!!

Have to say I had never heard of this woman before this scandal made the news, but for me she must be very, very close to crossing some sort of treason line with what she did!!!! Problem is you just know she will end up in some highly paid job for some consulting firm that specializes in Israeli matters when she should be investigated for crimes against the state and maybe even do jail time.

These are certainly unprecedented times in politics!!! Even during the Thatcher era, we all knew what she was planning and we knew she would do it, and if there is one thing to be said about her in comparison to the current shower was she had faith and courage in her convictions and actually had a plan, even if we didn’t agree with most of it. This lot seem to have no plan or clue as to what to do on a variety of fronts, just like we are seeing over here as well!!!!
Amelia Chaffinch likes this post
(13-11-2017, 06:12)St Charles Owl Wrote:
(12-11-2017, 21:10)0762 Wrote: Ditto on that end line! To think there are millions of their backers in England who have the same kinda mindset - scary stuff and the same re the way that most of them can't see past this shit, shameless style of politics!

Lets not get all nationalistic about this, there were 757,000 Scots who also voted for this pile of shite in the last election, those 12 seats they gained in Scotland in the end made all the difference to them being able to form their little coalition!!!

Have to say I had never heard of this woman before this scandal made the news, but for me she must be very, very close to crossing some sort of treason line with what she did!!!!  Problem is you just know she will end up in some highly paid job for some consulting firm that specializes in Israeli matters when she should be investigated for crimes against the state and maybe even do jail time.

These are certainly unprecedented times in politics!!!  Even during the Thatcher era, we all knew what she was planning and we knew she would do it, and if there is one thing to be said about her in comparison to the current shower was she had faith and courage in her convictions and actually had a plan, even if we didn’t agree with most of it.  This lot seem to have no plan or clue as to what to do on a variety of fronts, just like we are seeing over here as well!!!!

Sorry,but the election in Scotland was very different to the one fought in England. The scots tories weren't banging on about 'strong and stable' 'brexit means brexit' and 'coalitions of chaos' for a start. They were going on about the SNP being obsessed with independence while they talked of nothing else themselves!

Sturgeons ploy of constantly undermining labour in Scotland and framing the political argument as SNP v tory backfired badly too IMO - she made a mistake. Davidson fought it on the independence issue and harnessed the unionist vote shrewdly,especially in the north east and that's before you get to the sectarian votes that ruthie baby milked unashamedly.

Nationalism was very much the reason people voted tory,on both sides of the border. Just for different reasons.
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