I must say it's good to see some organised forms of protest incl the women's march tomorrow when it's reckoned >200k people will attend this event in Washington. I would have been very disappointed if some Americans didn't express their disgust and angst re this president's behaviour and the crass manner in which the US election was won although today's violent protests were a disappointment and just provide 'ammunition' for Trump's RW politics to hold the 'moral high ground' (laughable TBF!) - that's how it works as I've seen the same tried political technique in Scotland, 2014, and elsewhere by certain antagonistic governments, but that ploy to undermine the SNP surge failed miserably! I'm sure it will 'all settle down' and Trump can get on with his task of 'Making America great again' and subsequently ensuring America is a better place to live in for all Americans incl the minority groups, the Hispanics, the Black communities, the Puerto Ricans etc except the Mexicans
Also vowing to 'End American Carnage'??? Ehhhh???
I must say it's good to see some organised forms of protest incl the women's march tomorrow when it's reckoned >200k people will attend this event in Washington. I would have been very disappointed if some Americans didn't express their disgust and angst re this president's behaviour and the crass manner in which the US election was won although today's violent protests were a disappointment and just provide 'ammunition' for Trump's RW politics to hold the 'moral high ground' (laughable TBF!) - that's how it works as I've seen the same tried political technique in Scotland, 2014, and elsewhere by certain antagonistic governments, but that ploy to undermine the SNP surge failed miserably! I'm sure it will 'all settle down' and Trump can get on with his task of 'Making America great again' and subsequently ensuring America is a better place to live in for all Americans incl the minority groups, the Hispanics, the Black communities, the Puerto Ricans etc except the Mexicans