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Trump's inauguration - 5 ways to protest!

I must say it's good to see some organised forms of protest incl the women's march tomorrow when it's reckoned >200k people will attend this event in Washington. I would have been very disappointed if some Americans didn't express their disgust and angst re this president's behaviour and the crass manner in which the US election was won although today's violent protests were a disappointment and just provide 'ammunition' for Trump's RW politics to hold the 'moral high ground' (laughable TBF!) - that's how it works as I've seen the same tried political technique in Scotland, 2014, and elsewhere by certain antagonistic governments, but that ploy to undermine the SNP surge failed miserably! I'm sure it will 'all settle down' and Trump can get on with his task of 'Making America great again' and subsequently ensuring America is a better place to live in for all Americans incl the minority groups, the Hispanics, the Black communities, the Puerto Ricans etc except the Mexicans Rolleyes  Also vowing to 'End American Carnage'??? Ehhhh???
Didn't see any of it but I can imagine the red neck lovefest that it was!!! The violence was very disappointing, something we have seen from Black Lives Matters marches in the past and as you say it completely undermines the protest and simply plays into the hands of the Republicans. Time for him to get on with it now.
The trap is that peaceful protest is usually disregarded by the government it targets and features low on the media agenda. Only when its begins to disrupt does protest become newsworthy, and only when it becomes violent do governments tend to react.

I went on huge stop the war marches in London prior to the gulf debacles but sometimes they hardly made TV, but the Poll Tax riots ......... we're still getting highlights.

Everyone's lives were changed in America by one brave black woman who would not give up her seat on the bus BUT I saw Baton Rouge on TV last night and it looked segregated to me.

By the way, anyone wanting a good read should get The Sell Out by Paul Beatty, black in every way and funny.

Protests registered world wide incl many cities in the USA and again it's great to see thousands of people coming out to effectively voice their concerns re the Trump presidency - unprecedented in US political history! As the old saying goes, 'You reap what you sow' and Trump has reaped so much angst and unacceptable misbehaviour in one of the most poisonous political campaigns ever witnessed on US soil - what did he and his cohorts ever expect? Wipe the slate clean and walk away in one big 'political game' in which the game was not played properly anyway! Crass come to mind! Thumb down

Trump 'arguing the toss' about his smaller inauguration attendance being mooted by the media. There is a time to accept the facts and move on instead of trying to disprove it! Rolleyes 'Under seige' comes to mind with Trump and his entourage.
hibeejim21 and ritchiebaby like this post
Saw that on the news with the white house spokesman haranguing the american media like a bunch of naughty schoolboys for daring to say trumps inauguration wasn't as well attended as obamas....jawdropping stuff.

According to Trump's team lies are now "alternative facts". Laugh Its like the first steps to the beginning of some future dystopian nightmare. Trumps speech was a bunch of childish, rambling, incoherent, bitter, fantastical, triumphalist pish. Next up our PM will be over there to kiss his arse.

Its absolutely sickening.
0762 likes this post
The toys come out of the pram whenever somebody dares to say something that doesn't suit him. It's happened before and will happen again and again.
0762 likes this post
Cabbage is still good for you
It is theatrical stuff eh guys! You just couldn't make it up and we have all the designated 'actors' making up the full cast. Unbelievable and unimpressive!
(23-01-2017, 00:51)ritchiebaby Wrote: The toys come out of the pram whenever somebody dares to say something that doesn't suit him. It's happened before and will happen again and again.

Yeah,lets just hope there aren't serious repercussions about that ritchie one day,with him being the president of the US and all.

He's demented.
The strange thing is he needs somebody alongside him who is pragmatic and reassuring - someone like Obama! How ironic as he doesn't have anybody like the previous US president in his team!
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