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Sheffield Wednesday @ Hillsborough 3/10/2015
It's a bit like reading the managers comments after a game, both usually say they deserved the win, one will say they were unlucky to lose and had a lot of the possession or the keeper played well or it was sloppy defending. The other will talk about the win giving momentum, that we deserved it, that we were able to pressure defenders into mistakes or that it was a great move. Both were at the same game but fans and teams will always spin it generally in their teams favor, unless of course it's an absolute blowout. But that is the beauty of football and the aftermath of any game, if provides opinions and debate constantly!!!
We won't agree about yesterday but we are both entitled to our views both different, that is part of life but as it stands my forum I have the final say!!!!!!!! Or do I?!
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People got to shout to stay alive

You've got the final say Wink

On with talking to yourself until the return fixture!
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Indeed and we still won't agree then
Have you heard about the news on Mizar 5
People got to shout to stay alive

Depends on whether you want to agree with every journalist, ex-player etc that watched the game, or your twat of a manager!
Matter of interest hadn't read what he had said until after I had done my blog so I didn't copy him
Have you heard about the news on Mizar 5
People got to shout to stay alive

Perhaps he'd read your blog?
Doubt it I only write for a select few
Have you heard about the news on Mizar 5
People got to shout to stay alive

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