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Prediction League Week 23 Results
roup A

Twerton 9
Amelia 8
Themaclad 7
Minizin 4
Zinman 4
A.A.A. -3

So after the highs of last week where some season long records were beaten Group A this week came right back down to Earth with a bang!! One of the lowest totals of the season and no one reached double figures!! Twerton leads the way with 9 points, there were only 5 CSs this week in total and Twerton got 2 of them. Like everyone else he got the Gamball wrong and in his case missed on the Bonus as well. Amelia is in 2nd spot with 8 points, bit of a nose bleed position for her recently but it was virtually all done on the back of a spot on Bonus. Themaclad rounds out the top 3 a further point back on 7 points, he was the only other player to get any points on the Bonus.

The Zins were joint 5th on 4 points and the got their exactly the same way - missed on all three balls, has one CS and little else!! AAA had an almost complete disaster, he got all 10 matches wrong, missed on his Bonus and Scoreball and if it wasn't for his wise decision not to play the Gamball he would have been even lower. His -3 was a season low for him and also the worst score by anyone so far this season!!

242 Themaclad
233 Minzin
223 Zinman
219 Twerton
179 A.A.A.
168 Amelia

So again, not positional changes and not much else going on with the table. Themaclad stretched his lead over Minizin a bit to 9 points and Twerton closed to within 4 points of Zinman. Amelia is now closer to AAA than she has been for weeks, a nice 11 point swing will do that!!

Just a little focus on the Bonus Ball use in Group A this week. Its always been a tough one to play and the jeopardy is harsh so getting it wrong makes a dent. So far we have had 138 BBs played, just 16 of them (11%) have been spot on to grab the full 6 points and only 38 (28%) have been a correct result. This means that 61% of them have been incorrect and while that is a bit ahead of the Gamball (65% wrong), the Bonus is a ball that each player gets to choose which game to play it on rather than the tricky games Zinman forces on us for the Gamball!! So its a fair assumption that players pick the match they are the most confident in what they are predicting and still get it completely wrong 6 times out of 10 picks!!! If we ever see someone who can actually do well on the Bonus, I would bet they would walk away with the title!!

Group B

BBB 11
BaggieOne 7
Derby 4
Lady Jane 3
Stairs 0
Snooty -1

So it appears that last week's high scores were a one-off as this week saw a reversion to previous form. Just 27 points scored across the group - the 3rd worst performance of the season. for the fifth time (and twice in the last 3 weeks) the bonus ball was a total wipe out - 7 incorrect predictions out of 7! What makes this stat worse was the fact that no single game attrated more than 2 bonus balls so it wasn't as though just 1 banker let everyone down.

Just one player scraped into double figures - take a bow BBB. He was the only player to score on the gamball and also got 2 correct scores to sit at the top of the week's table. BaggieOne takes 2nd place, matching BBB's 4 correct predictions but, like everyone else, missing out on the two major balls. Derby scrambles into 3rd place with just 4 points, with Lady Jane and SCogether a point behind. Lady Jane did get half of her correct predictions spot on but before she gets excited, there were only 2 of them. SCO got one more correct result but failed to nail a correct score.

Stairs had a poor week, just 2 correct predictions and a wipe out on his balls. Snotty bettered Lady Jane, getting 100% of his predictions spot on.....or 1 out of 10. He's sent into negative figures by planting his score ball on a nil-nil game.

217 Lady Jane
200 SCO
195 Derby
195 Stairs
172 Snooty
172 BBB
147 BaggieOne

Lady Jane's recent form would suggest she doesn't want to get into the play-offs - just 36 points in the last 7 weeks. Unfortunately it looks like everyone has the same plan as she still has a comfortable lead of 17 points over SCO in 2nd place who at least managed to crawl his way to 200 points this week. Derby climbed level with Stairs in 3rd place while BBB also drew level with Snooty in 5th.

BBB had mentioned consecutive weeks of ball failure s I thought I'd take a look for Group B.
For the Gamball it's Stairs with 8 consective weeks of failing to score on it (the first 8 weeks of the season). BaggieOne also managed 7 weeks.
The bonus has BaggieOne with 7 failures in a row.
BBB will be glad to see that he does appear in one of the worst runs - for the scoreball. He hasn't scored on it for the last 6 weeks...well not strictly correct, he did get a minus 1 during that run!

As for Group B's bonus balls, only 9% of them have been spot on but this Group has outperformed Group A on correct bonus predictions with a total of 31% - so that's a 40% positive prediction on a ball that's played on a game of the player's choice! Still better than the gamball which shows a positive prediction rate of 30%.
St Charles Owl, Stairs, Lord Snooty like this post
They say that ignorance is bliss - no wonder so many people are happy.
Good to see that its basically everyone who is pretty crap on their ball use!!!
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