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Keir Starmer, PM - really any great change? - ritchiebaby - 07-07-2024

Change won't happen immediately, probably not even soon (ie before Scottish Elections in 2026).

There will be a definite change the in attitude of the Government, but will it make any positive difference to the general public?

RE: Keir Starmer, PM - really any great change? - themaclad - 07-07-2024

He is the son of a tool maker

RE: Keir Starmer, PM - really any great change? - Lord Snooty - 07-07-2024

Well he's said all the right things so far and got rid of the barmy right wing things, like the Rwanda scheme.

There's now hope for a better future, with some actual adults in charge instead of poncey, posh schoolboys and clowns.

Starmer and his team have to get it right now over the next five years. Sorting out the so called immigration problem must be a priority. Personally I don't think it is a problem but we have deal with it to keep Farage and his racist creeps voices down. Otherwise, the next election could easily see a huge swing in the other direction.

RE: Keir Starmer, PM - really any great change? - hibeejim21 - 19-07-2024

His majority is built on nothing - Labour's vote barely changed really, just the tory vote either went Lib dem or Reform. It won't take much to turn that on its head.

The rwanda scheme was always getting binned, not because Starmer disagrees with it just because it doesn't make any financial sense. It low hanging fruit.

I don't see much changing - other than a more competent version of tory policy with a red rosette on it.

RE: Keir Starmer, PM - really any great change? - hibeejim21 - 04-08-2024

What a xxxx bin fire this country is. If i was still a young man you wouldn't see me for dust.

RE: Keir Starmer, PM - really any great change? - ritchiebaby - 05-08-2024

Totally agree, jim. I was lucky enough to cruise the southern coast of Australia this Spring and found it is a wonderful country with wonderful people. Seeing how things are turning out here, I wish I had had the courage to become a "£10 Pom" when I had the chance.

Oz is not perfect but it's 10 times better than the UK. It's maybe a controversial view, but Enoch Powell's predictions are coming true.

RE: Keir Starmer, PM - really any great change? - hibeejim21 - 06-08-2024

Nice Ritchie, i really fancy going there someday and NZ too. There are so many nice places in the world, all this shit that's going on right now is so depressing.

I'm not sure old Enoch was right though, not yet anyway. This is a failure of successive governments going back to blair not fixing the asylum system plus dumping loads of asylum seekers in areas of the UK that had already been decimated by thatcherism was just stupid.

A lot of people out there have lost their moral compass completely over this shit. Like trying to burn people alive in a hotel is somehow something that is born of "legitimate concerns".

RE: Keir Starmer, PM - really any great change? - ritchiebaby - 06-08-2024

Exactly right, jim. A lot of people out there haven't had much of a moral compass anyway.

There's far too many in this country who take the attitude that nobody else is important with no respect for others, their property and their views.

It's not just governments either. Do-gooders, apologists and the like stand up for the thugs, druggies and low-life criminals - "they've had a hard life, no family supporting them, victims of their circumstances", etc, resulting in the protected little darlings ruling the roost in housing estates, town centres, public parks and so on.

Society in general is to blame over the last 30 or 40 years and we are reaping the crops we have allowed to be sown in our name. If we'd stood up to the thugs, etc back then, we wouldn't have had the same problems now.

This could develop into a bit of a rant, but you'll get my drift.

RE: Keir Starmer, PM - really any great change? - 0762 - 27-08-2024

Starmer standing on a podium tonight and professing there is a £22B "black hole", oncoming austerity prevails??????? Before the General Election, the First Minister of Scotland warned the Scottish public and the Labour Party, on numerous occasions in the Holyrood debating chamber, there was an impending £20B black hole and this would seriously impact Scot gov fiscal activities. I listened to these well-informed warnings by John Swinney. Starmer and his cohort, Reeves, are bloody chancers/liars pure n simple - as though they had no knowledge of this threat??? Huhhhhhh!! Starmer has lied throughout his political career. In order to become Labour leader, he promised to continue Jeremy Corbyn’s legacy. He then promptly binned all those commitments and expelled Corbyn from the party, making Labour attractive to hard-right, pro-Brexit Tory MPs.
Starmer’s austerity volte-face is the most significant untruth told by a Labour Prime Minister since Blair the war criminal and his Iraq war lies. And I notice the prominent trade unions have moved quickly on this and vilified Starmer re this latest political stance/choice - no ####### wonder!!! Study all the false GE assurances re no austerity, reduced energy bills (many pensioners now pushed under a bus!!!!!!!!!) - uttered often enough in Scotland by another serial liar called Anus Sarwar. Real "change" (as bogusly touted by the Liebour Party in their election campaign) is, in my humble opinion, Scottish independence and grabbing it quickly to progress towards a far more positive future far away from this political bullshit. Scots being lied to again and again and again plus our govt similarly attacked with bogus insinuations and blame by English press/media incl a colluding BBC Scotland that should be politically impartial. SAOR ALBA ASAP!!

RE: Keir Starmer, PM - really any great change? - hibeejim21 - 02-09-2024

They are treating people with absolute contempt. Saying that if they didn't stop the winter heating allowance it could tank the economy. They must think we have zips up the back.

For all the talk of "growth" and "change" its clear that they really mean is keep the tills ringing in the city of London and xxxx everyone else. You cant attain growth while we are looking at the damage brexit has done to the economy, its taken a massive amount of money out the country. We warned at the time this would happen, EU citizens would stay away and we would have a huge increase in migration from asia and africa instead.....mostly from places the west has helped xxxx up.

The UK is completely goosed. Nothing works properly and its expensive as f*ck. No other kind of politics is allowed to exist other than reheated thatcherism. Its totally killing the place.