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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
Rumours now that Charlotte Owen, the 29 year old who Johnson gave a peerage to, is in fact one of his illegitimate children.
[Image: 2ZJuVRk.gif]
And now the report has been published, he's still telling lies. We all know he's lying. He knows himself that he's lying. Yet his supporters, who also know he's lying, are still backing him.

ritchiebaby likes this post
[Image: 2ZJuVRk.gif]

No wonder lotsa people in the country have been literally "tearing their hair out" in utter frustration when observing serial liars like Johnson and Farage (who still seems to think he has some kinda political standing and clout in the eyes of voters in this country). And now wanting to "join hands" with Johnson????????? Rogues together until the end, and both willing to deceive anybody and everybody in their shameful quest to boost their own egotistical values and self-image while damaging the country at the same time.
ritchiebaby likes this post
Bodgit Johnson continues to rant at Harriet Harman, showing his misogynistic tendencies, there were 7 MP's and also has had a pop at one of his own (Jenkin) on the same Privileges Committee.

Four of the seven members of the committee are Conservative MPs (Sir Bernard Jenkin, Sir Charles Walker, Andy Carter and Alberto Costa).
Two members are Labour MPs (Harriet Harman and Yvonne Fovargue) and one represents the SNP (Allan Dorans).
The rules state the chair has to be a member of the official opposition - i.e. from the Labour party.
Harriet Harman was unanimously elected to the post in June 2022.

Belatedly coming out with some junior school "he said, she said" stuff about a birthday party in an office in Parliament. Where was he, and further more the expensive "Briefs" we've been charged £250,000 for, with all this stuff before he sat in front of the committee, if it was already out there? The committee membership could have been changed, the result would have been the same with Penny Mourdant as chair, though she wouldn't have been allowed under the rules. Dopey Dorries doesn't have the brains to sit on a chair let alone act as one. She'd mostly be sitting on her brains. Sorry, the two brain cells that reside in the cheeks of her arse.

Meanwhile the usual suspects continue to "support his views" and are now threatening "their own" with deselection at the next GE for "voting the wrong way on Monday". Hell, how big does the writing on the wall typeface have to be? Deselected or not, they'll mostly be looking for a proper job (or a TV one if they haven't already signed up to GB News) the day after the next GE anyway.

Snoots - even if the rumour you suggest is "fake news, y'all", it's probably more believable than anything that ever came out of Bodgit's mouth.
Lord Snooty and ritchiebaby like this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Just swap the word "Boris" for "Trump" and you could be talking about the same situation we have going on here!!! The lies he is spouting and the statements being made by his supporters would be laughable if it wasn't so disheartening that support for him even exists!! One Republican even suggested that there is nothing wrong with keeping top secret files in a bathroom as the door locks, until it was pointed out that the door only locks from the inside!!! For the purposes of this thread we will call that Republican "Nigel"!!
ritchiebaby and theo_luddite like this post
Worth remembering dawn butler and ian blackford were ejected from the house for calling him a liar.

If it wasn't for his status he'd be selling dodgy meat out the back of a van round the scheme. An absolute scumbag.
I trust Rishi Sunak will recover all legal costs and return them to the public purse. Ditto re any allowances. And lastly, a formal shutdown of any possibility of the blond nut job ever returning as a member of parliament. His reputation in tatters, there should be little chance of him returning to politics anyway and deservedly so. I briefly listened to another one of these Tory Boris-hugging monsters - Rees-Smog; and what a scumbag this man is, attempting to cut down the Chair of the committee, Harriet Harman, questioning her partiality in disliking Johnson. The usual posh-spoken voice of Smog always appearing to be very convincing (remember his previous bogus Brexit overtures btw!! No shame whatsoever!!). IMO parliament should also be allowed to curtail all Johnson's Royal Honours bestowals!!!?. It was refreshing to listen to the ex-Attorney General (no longer a Conservative member - left in disgust because of the political flak as a result of the hated Brexit and the extremists who conned everybody), Dominic Grieve, who tore strips off Johnson and his disreputable backers, emphasising that the evidence against Johnson was overwhelming and the people who are backing him should just remove themselves permanently out of politics - an absolute embarrassment and dangerous to the future existence of the Tory party. Strong words indeed!
theo_luddite likes this post
The tories are finished now. The same press that cheerleaded Boris into number 10 turned against him when he started to make them look like c*nts and they finished him off in a few weeks. Now its just drip...drip....drip til the election and they can get the tory b team in place - aye, that mob in red i'm talking about.

No one should be surprised that while the nation was reeling from a pandemic it was unprepared for (again tory negligence and brexit had an impact) that they were filling their boots and partying like its 1999. They couldn't give a xxxx about the people of this country, that new brexit tax on importers is a case in point and might well finish a lot of us off for good.

If only there had been some evidence that Boris was an incompetent imbecile beforehand eh ? The damage that buffoon has done to the UK may well be permanent.
ritchiebaby, theo_luddite, 0762 like this post

More embarrassment and political damage to them, more partying exposed in a video while many of us couldn't even visit and support our very ill and dying relatives. Too easy to apologise esp from Tory minions who are not sincere at all - absolutely shameless!! Thumb down

Re the Labour Party and particularly Scot Labour under a delusionary Anas Sarwar, a Welsh Labour insider recently observed that: "Wales is a sovereign nation. The UK has to be a union of consent, NOT A UNION OF BEING TOLD YOU HAVE TO BELONG TO IT. That is the future Scottish Labour have to embrace"!! My opinion is that there is no chance Scot Labour will do that and start to seriously consider their totally undemocratic position re the Scottish constitution and self-determination. They don't have that ambition and imagination to make that leap to recognising the fact that their position of standing up for Britain in Scotland should instead be standing up for Scotland in Britain - two entirely different things. Apparently Sarwar complains to his boss, Starmer, every time the Welsh Labour leader, Mark Drakeford, goes down this constitutional line and the democratic right of Wales as a sovereign nation - NUTS ON THE PART OF SCOT LABOUR AND YET THEY WILL NOT CHANGE, INFECTED BY OBSESSED UNIONIST BAR STEWARDS UP HERE IN SCOTLAND! Red Tories is an accurate description of Sarwar and his "bitter together" cohorts like Dame Jackie Baillie (a recent undeserved addition to the sick Royal Honours birthday list!!), Ian Murray and other BT unionist nutters. The media campaign up here telling us that Scot Labour is now electorally sweeping away the SNP is just downright anti-SNP/bad Scot govt propaganda, some of it blatantly bogus and desperate, to try to sway a vulnerable targeted group (mostly "oldies"!) of the Scottish population to believe their shit and be so stupid AGAIN!!!
Michael Gove couldn't do much else than apologise for the ignorance of the partygoers. An apology from them wouldn't go amiss but will it happen? Like hell it will. Just like Boris, crass behaviour is being excused/rewarded at every turn and stuff the rest of us.
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