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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!

This latest story re Truss and her dislike of Sadiq Khan is Liz "brain dead" Truss personified in one fell swoop lol!! Laugh Astoundingly full of character flaws considering she is bizarrely close to entering 10 Downing Street.
Truss has done the job necessary. Everything Rufus from tunbridge wells wants. Thats enough to be PM in this current farce of a "race".

Hammered immigrants.

Sorted out those uppity jocks and sturgeon.

Lots of yummy tax cut talk.

Stuck it to that horrible frenchie Macron.

No help for anyone with the cost of living crisis.

Thatcher cosplay ? Check.

Voter ID and boundary changes to keep the reich installed.

And of course our beautiful, brilliant brexit.

This eejit is going to make BoJo look like Clement Atlee.
0762 and theo_luddite like this post
I suspect a UK General Election will be happening a lot earlier than Truss and the rest of her populist cohorts are anticipating, a case of "watch this space" as a very unhappy population really "tips over the edge"!! And a comeback for Johnson? The ultimate nightmare!! Great for Scotindy though!!
Our caring sharing Guvenmint spent £120m of our money on something nobody saw happen.

Festival of Brexit or Unboxed ring any bells (let alone alarm bells) in your neck of the woods? No mine neither. Maybe ask your local MP of whatever persuasion this was spent on. Don't hold your breath on getting a reply.

Must have been another of Bodgit's final bring a bottle parties in Downing Street's back garden then. The local "offy" won't be able to wait for the next one.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.

Another senior law officer who is totally unimpressed by Truss and cheap Tory rhetoric re rebuilding the Police force when it was the Tories who played a big part in "running it down" in the past decade. And they keep blaming other mythical perpetrators when all the damage that has been done to the Police service in the past decade has been carried out "on their watch"!!! Just blame your own political party and past Tory colleagues Ms Truss eh!!
ritchiebaby likes this post

Ditto!! And tomorrow we'll have, Truss, a puppet of the Tory ultra right, foisted upon us by the 1% of our voting population!!! Thumb down So far, clueless Liz's cunning plan consists of income tax cuts and ending green levies on industries generating high quantities of pollution and carbon emissions. The first won't benefit low earners. The latter can only help speed the "heat death" of our planet. And, of course, her orchestrated unconstitutional/undemocratic plans against all the devolved governments are absolutely alarming - proposed parliamentary bills that will block any move by a devolved govt to move for self-determination - gerrymandering rule changes that will do them no good whatsoever btw, self-defeating IMO - talk about trying to really anger a whole population of people!!! And so much for the previous equal partners bullshit and "better together" protagonists nowhere to be seen any more!!!! To my fellow Scottish Sb members (and other Scottish readers as well) - this is a case of, "Look!! Scotland there's a rabbit"!! Whither Scotland in all of these colossal shambles? A renowned journo, Ed Morrow, put it this way many years ago - "A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves". WE NEED TO ACT NOW. THE WOLF PACK IS ON ITS WAY!! BELIEVE IN SCOTLAND!! I repeat- Truss will be a puppet of the ultra right and the c#### around her will have no qualms or compassion for the millions whose lives are about to be shredded!! SMELL THE COFFEE!!
I honestly think Truss will move so far to the right that she will lose the "middle ground voters" that the Tories rely on and could hopefully be out on her ear at the next election. Beware the resurrection of Boris though, because, like him or not, he can win elections.

Truss is one of these people who display ignorance and arrogance in equal measure. Her policies are garbage, her rhetoric is garbage and the UK is going to end up on the garbage heap if it endorses her. Ms Trust right enough.
0762 and hibeejim21 like this post
Cabbage is still good for you
Totally discredited ‘trickle down’ economics is back in town via Liz - despite evidence showing that if you give the super rich more money they hoard it unproductively whilst if you give poor people the cash they spend it in their local economy, improving the health of themselves, neighbours and wider economy.

She says there has been too much focus on redistribution ffs. Household wealth figures dont back that up. The problem is that we haven’t redistributed enough - if the gap between poorest and richest were narrower scientific evidence shows many more people would be healthier, happier, more productive AND less of a burden to taxpayers.

Everything thats came out her mouth in this "race" for the PM job has been either worrying,stupid,insulting or just plain wrong.
Apparently he's got 100 nominations. Doh

I'd say it was unbelievable, but listening to the morons interviewed on BBC News this morning sadly it isn't. One woman on a market stall in a Tory voting tarn darn sarf said she didn't think Labour was a good party for representing the working class?!? Meaning the Tories are?!? Another bloke said he would still vote Tory but was looking for some honesty from the government?!? Er 12 years and counting since you were first given the vote. 1st law of stupidity/insanity and all that? To a man Jack and woman Jill they were nearly all happy to have Bodgit back in power and not one of them could see the irony in what they'd all just said.

If it wasn't for Town pressing for promotion again I'd be depressed - how's that going? Oh, shit. Doh

Like I've said on the Dizzy Lizzy thread, it's The Alzheimer's party and all them that vote for them have got it, regardless of age
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
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