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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
These leadership 'hopefuls' are something else eh?

Penny seems to be all for Brexit, homeopathy on the NHS and "bringing the SNP to heel".

Truss can't find her way in and out of the room from where she launches her bid.

Tugendhat seems to think he is rambo after a brief stint in the TA

Kemi seems genuinely unhinged

Sunak comes over as a slimy, thatcherite used car salesman

0762 likes this post
Add in the immature narrative and "dirty tricks" deployed by each and every one of them, it is indeed absolutely terrifying!!! Thumb down To think one of these politically "lightweight" nobodies is gonna be a replacement PM???? And some of the shameless stuff being uttered against the SNP and the Scot govt, democratically voted in emphatically by the Scottish electorate, is absolutely disrespectful and ridiculous btw!!! Some descriptive details describing the aggressive management of Scotland FFS!!!! Thumb down Rather than dealing and associating with another relative devolved nation in what is essentially a voluntary Union of equals. THESE PEOPLE "DON'T GET IT" AND IMO NEVER WILL "GET IT"!!!
We are proper fucked....... End of story.
So we have a situation now where none of the tory PM candidates say they would have Blojo in their cabinet.....Yet tonight he is facing a confidence vote. You couldnae make it up.
0762 likes this post
I think my original OP title aptly sums up the emergence of Johnson and what we're now observing re his demise and the dreadful behaviour of the bickering morons, one of whom is alarmingly gonna lead this tin-pot country into utter turmoil - A F###### NIGHTMARE!!!!
theo_luddite and Lord Snooty like this post
One scatter brained lying bastard to possibly be replaced by another?!?!?!

Still dressing up like Thatcher makes a change from Bob the Builder and Larry the Lab Rat but, still blond haired, scatter brained and lies through her teeth. Nowt changes much does it?
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
If you like French cheese i'd bulk buy cos if Liz gets in that will be getting banned.
I noticed Sunak actually thought Darlington was in Scotland today ffs .... I mean its blatant that anything outside of London and the south east is just some kind of blob to these absolute chancers.

It looks like the Trussmeister is getting the keys to number 10 Laugh UK democracy cedes that decision to a 200k gammons in the south of England, even after the party has had their "say"

Totally wild likes Laugh My spaniel would make a better PM.
0762 likes this post
I was listening to some of the pro Truss comments uttered by various Tories in the south of England and have concluded again that these people live in some kinda parallel universe, oblivious to the shit that comes out of their mouths. The praise for her superfluous trade deals was jaw-dropping!! Truss is another Tory "wooden top" who models herself on Thatcher and has so much "loose baggage" attached to her. Where do we start eh!!? The ex Tory Attorney General, Dominic Grieve, no longer a member of the Tory party, summed her up in one word yesterday - "incompetent" when compared to Sunak and one becomes concerned when she appears to be the favoured front runner amongst the Tory faithful. I notice Dominic Cummings also "ripping" in to her and the people who are backing her.
ritchiebaby likes this post
I noticed Sunak actually thought Darlington was in Scotland today ffs

Given it's a 20 minute drive from his Richmond, sorry Rishimond, constituency you might have thought he'd seen the occasional sign on his travels up and down the A1(M) advising him how far away it is. I know he'd normally head south once on the A1 but, you know, just out of curiosity, you might have also driven up to Durham and the surrounding countryside to er, check out the eye testing facilities they have up there. Whistle I guess Newcastle has now moved to the Shetlands.

What is it with these Tory toe rags and their inability to grasp basic geography?

Guess where this road sign is, and guess what the road is called that it is on.

[Image: H1vClBm.jpg]

Yup, Darlington Road in Richmond.

You couldn't make it up. Doh Doh Doh
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
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