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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
Becoming more convinced the Rwanda thing is just to get partygate off peoples minds for a minute.

That in itself was so outrageously craven and scummy, i can't even bare to look at the c*nts image these days. I'd rather pretend he doesn't exist. He looks like a flytipped sofa at the best of times anyway.

The good news keeps coming, with barely half a dozen of the UK governments cabinet willing to admit their offshore interests. They just dont do UK tax do they ?
Totally agree about the Rwanda/Partygate cunning plan. The trouble is that all of Boris' cunning plans come straight from the Blackadder Book Of Cunning Plans, each one more preposterous than the last.
Cabbage is still good for you

Plus even more revelations showing that Johnson had lied to Parliament far more than suggested - further lockdown violations exposed with his previous defence re minimal participation "blown out the water". I share similar sentiments where I can't believe I'm living in a country that has not truly "brought him to account" and rightly removed him from office. Therefore, try to ignore his scummy, sneering appearances as much as possible. It's all too much, like a bad dream and "dragged on" far too long; I can honestly say in all the years of my life I've never seen such exceptionalism, blatant rule-breaking and lying with impunity at such a high level of government.
Lastly, here's a serious question to ask - "Why should anyone now obey the law in Britain"? It's a question to answer when one observes the Tory party has lost its head over condoning immorality and unethical behaviour. If they have any sense, the consequences at the polls must make them shudder. Imagine arguing there is no alternative to a corrupt and dissolute PM. IMO the UK has the appearance of a failing state with an economy that lacks resilience; it's led by a corrupt elite held hostage to Russian funds and intentions, with a weakness for spending public money like drunken sailors. In the months ahead many may look at these elite people and think, they've got away with it, and they didn't even need the money. Hence I have a stronger case than them. This argument has all the hallmarks of a breakdown in our society and our morality. But morality does actually matter a great deal. It underpins the way people work together -the "glue" that holds society together. IMO without it, anything goes. And the law is built on sand. How long will civil servants obey rules from the morally bankrupt? Why should taxpayers honour their obligations if those in charge shirk them? These searching questions become emotive for many people.
How long will civil servants obey rules from the morally bankrupt?

It sounds like they've already told Patel where to stick her plans.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Well Johnson's latest defensive performance in the HoC during his expected extensive scrutiny and interrogation after the Easter break was definitely one of the most disgraceful, evasive performances I've ever witnessed by a sitting PM. He was deliberately trying to impudently "change the subject" and clinging to his role in helping Ukraine and praising the bravery and sacrifice of the Ukrainian military forces, blah blah blah, irrelevant to the question being put to him - WHAT A SCUMBAG, A CHANCER OF THE HIGHEST ORDER!! Easily "ripped to pieces" by Starmer and I thought Ian Blackford pulled off a more subtle detailed dismantling job of any remaining reputation of this PM. Johnson's visual appearance was the usual dishevelled shambles, but this time his eyes were sunk into his face and he was clearly very unhappy and uncomfortable with the deserved "grilling" he received.
UK growth on a par with sanctions hit Russia, whilst inflation soars.

The tories have completely destroyed the UK, then again isn't really the Tory party at all, it's the Brexitania Party, a package of lies, deceit and propaganda pushed by tenth rate politicians who would never have gained power in other circumstances.

Sunak keeping a door open for himself to work and live in the USA, whilst denying us the right to live and work in Europe sums it up perfectly.

I can only wish the worst on these chancers and hope for the best for the rest of us.
ritchiebaby and 0762 like this post
Boris and his cronies at Party Central have torn the heart and soul out of the decent, ordinary people of this country and even diehard Tories must cringe every time Boris opens his mouth.
Cabbage is still good for you
You'd like to think so. You'd like to think they had some compassion too, but we'll just have to keep thinking that way because very few of them actually do and as such they still think the sun shines out of his lying arse.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
"Brexit-supporting Newark in shock as largest employer shuts up shop and heads for mainland Europe"

Fury is a very appropriate word to use as Johnson continues to "take the piss" in the HoC, but "ripped to shreds" again by Starmer and Blackford. IMO not enough as he'll brazenly hang on with no honour or shred of reputation left.
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