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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
Drip, drip, drip - and another damning revelation comes through to be published in The Daily Telegraph tomorrow - ANOTHER PARTY CONFIRMED AT 10 DOWNING STREET ON THE EVENING BEFORE PRINCE PHILIP'S FUNERAL AND WHILE THE QUEEN WAS IN MOURNING!!!? Wowwww!!!
With one of Boris's advisors on the decks and someone despatched to the co-op with a suitcase for the booze. Laugh

What more can you say ?...... He will probably cling on.
Radio 2 still manages to find plenty of folk who think he's "doing a fine job under the circumstances". Neither Brexit nor Covid are his fault in their opinion.

They did talk with a plum in their gob and likely have another for a brain but while fellow Englishmen/women refuse to peel the skin from their eyes, the shit show will continue. Doh

Meanwhile he's found another fridge to hide in for a week. Latest NHS /Gov advice is if double/treble jabbed you don't need to isolate if you come into contact with or live with someone who is positive for Covid. So he still doesn't understand his own rules/laws. In reality he's gone off to sulk for a week but at least he'll have the chance to clean his Bob the Builder and Larry the Lab Rat costumes and stay away from all those new hospitals he's having built.
hibeejim21 and 0762 like this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
No 10 has been going hard like a club 18-30 while we were all locked down and bored out our gourds. Laugh

Interesting to see Rees-Mogg totally denigrate the head of the scottish conservatives as a "lightweight". These are the people they totally venerate and kow-tow to and when it comes to the crunch they treat them like shite. See also the DUP and their "loyalism" which got pished over pretty quick when Boris needed an escape route.

When will they ever learn ?
0762 and ritchiebaby like this post
It just confirms their huge disrespect and lack of interest in the devolved countries. But happy to "rip off" these countries and retain their precious Union. In the case of the Scot Tories they've been told that it's only Scotland you represent and it has an SNP govt, not a Tory one (nae chance!!)! So get back in your box! Something most of us have been aware of for years. But long may this Tory squabble continue (from a Scotindy perspective).
I say "Keep Boris". He's worth hundreds of thousands of votes to the SNP.
0762 likes this post
Cabbage is still good for you
You gotta laugh at the fact the suns deputy editor missed out on the biggest scoop ever by actually being in attendance of said scoop. Laugh
It just adds more "ammunition" to the millions n millions of people from Liverpool to Scotland to many other parts of England who hate The Scum with a passion and will never buy that "rag" even if it was free to purchase.
One thing this has made explicitly clear is the very cosy and unhealthy relationship between government, press and police in the UK.
(16-01-2022, 12:18)hibeejim21 Wrote: One thing this has made explicitly clear is the very cosy and unhealthy relationship between government, press and police in the UK.

That's what they mean by "we're" all in it together.
[Image: 2ZJuVRk.gif]
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