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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
Really typical of the clowntramp to bugger off to spain while that report is all over the press showing how pathetic his response to COVID was. Meanwhile Lord Frost is once again pathetically trying to provoke a war with the EU and threatening to rip up an agreement that he was instrumental in creating. "oven ready" ring any bells ??

An absolute trainwreck of a day for this joke of a government.
0762 likes this post
I guess they were hoping for photos of Bodgit and his missus on the beach to be the dead cat story to drown out this noise. Thankfully it hasn't, but as said earlier - what have they said today that everyone else was pointing out last February onwards? At least this was published by two (ex) Tory Ministers so some ownership might be expected, but don't hold your breath on that one.

Makes a change from him swatting midges in a tent in Scotland I suppose.
A guide to cask ale.

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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Agreed re the timing of Johnson's holiday - NOT A COINCIDENCE AND HE'LL HAVE KNOWN ABOUT THIS DAMNING REPORT where words like "British exceptionalism" were mentioned at the beginning of this crisis - we didn't need to wear masks, we didn't need to have lockdowns and Johnson also going around in hospitals bragging about shaking hands with patients and staff - how invincible was he or so he thought eh!!! Another populist who similarly "played a Trump trick" - remember Trump and his shenanigans re poo-pooing this nasty virus and trying to ensure his precious economy was not gonna be stymied - HUGE SELF-INTEREST AND STICKING TO A RW POLITICAL IDEOLOGY THAT TURNED OUT TO BE A HUGE MISTAKE!!
My feeling now is that the tories want to move the UK to WTO terms and are trying to push the EU in that direction. Their response to that by getting rid of checks on 80% of british goods in NI seems designed to get around any accusations that this is their fault.

The EU is obviously worried about plant and animal diseases entering the single market via Britain and threatening its agriculture industry, and remember is already in a stand-off over fishing.

Last month they spoke to business leaders in NI and it sounds like they are showing real consideration to their needs. A lot more than the UK government have thats for sure.
0762 likes this post
Well, you know yourselves how much notice they take of the devolved parliaments so why would they take any notice of or pay any attention to anything else?
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Yep! They have no regard for anyone else except themselves, their rich backers and the political elites who also back them. It's the way they are practising their extreme politics with sheer impunity and disregard for any critics who challenge them. Their "drip drip drip" attacks up here in Scotland make me so angry because of the infantile nature of a lotta the stuff they are uttering and practising - policies of angst against other institutions/govts that don't share their RW ideology or the way they practise their politics - in other words "like or lump it" - not right, totally unacceptable in a free and democratic society!
Here's a Guardian quiz that aptly exposes Johnson the "shapeshifter". Note there are far more highly questionable comments and opinions attributable to this current PM than just three that cover "levelling up". The list is massive and must span back to about 2010 or even earlier than that. And yet this guy is still with us, dictating some of the worst politics/policies I've ever seen and he is not gonna disappear anytime soon, something I and many millions n millions of other folk in this country would like to see happening today!

Lastly, I'd like to ask a simple question re that damning Parliamentary Report against the Brit Govt's initial handling of the pandemic and it being reckoned that 20k lives were needlessly lost due to it's negligence: "Where is the rage, the anger that should be registering down south"????? I don't see anything of the level that I would expect in condemnation of Johnson and the charlatans who surround him!! There are various examples of Tory attempts of deflection which were utterly shameless btw and very few public apologies either (these people don't do apologies - that's one of the reasons why I call them charlatans!). One example was one Science Minister, George Freeman, saying it was all down to the obesity probs in this country - immediately "rubbished" by a number of reputable virologists as being untrue! On Sky News, the Cabinet Office fall-guy, Steve Barclay, was told that, "Most messages were forgiving of the Brit Govt"???? To which Susannah Reid immediately "jumped in" to vilify Barclay with a comment, "No, I take issue with that...there was a litany of mistakes and I'm afraid, Steve Barclay, you haven't got away with anything as this report shows - too many things were done too late"!! Was her colleague, Richard Madeley "bought off" in some way by uttering such forgiveness?? It was great to witness that rage from Reid! But deserved full rage across the country? I didn't see it, where is this massive rage/anger!? Which means the shameless attempts at deflection seem to have worked!! There will be a similar enquiry up here in Scotland and I'll guarantee right now the level of scrutiny of the Scot Govt's track record on Covid will be thorough and a great way for Unionists up here to attack the Scot Parliament. But I repeat again - meantime, where is the natural rage/anger down south about that damning Covid report on the Brit Govt???? And esp with the architect of that chronic failure, Johnson, posted missing in Spain on holiday!! NUTS!! And don't forget the likelihood Johnson will be re-elected in the next Gen Election - GOD HELP US AT THE MERE THOUGHT OF IT HAPPENING - a cad of a man with no moral compass who can't apologise for his most transparent and grievous mistakes as he likes to be associated with success, but not with failure!!!? What's the solution? Must a nation simply contain its rage and "keep bending the knee"(sic)???????????
20K? It's over 160K now with Covid on the death certificate, it drops by 40K if it's a positive test within 28 days. Nowt to do with obesity - poverty driven by Tory austerity. There's evidence of at least 50K excessive deaths in 5 years as a result of Tory austerity policies - yes you Cameron and Osborne.

Nothing in the least looks corrupt here does it? Just bung him a few more £million of tax payers money, sweep it under the carpet and all will be well. I mean, a guy that founds a company around a year and a bit back and just lucks into some amazing government contracts for Covid testing? What could possibly go wrong?

More or less everything looking at this. Even folk that knew they had Covid couldn't believe the repeated negative test results. The Lab is on Wolverhampton Science Park but not under this company name. Try this one -

Amazing that these shit heads manage to put NHS logo's on everything and anything when it all has sweet fanny adams to do with the NHS. Thee 'n' me would be up before the beak if we misappropriated someone else's logo, IP etc. for profit and gain. The dickheads in Downing Street just wave it through.

In other news this isn't acceptable at any level. Same as with Jo Cox. A guy just going about his day job, regardless of what we all (or most of us) think about his boss.
ritchiebaby and Amelia Chaffinch like this post
A guide to cask ale.

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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.

What a surprise - a Government that can't organise a piss-up in a brewery can't organise an international conference either. Ood a thunk it?
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Yep! No surprise to be perfectly honest about it. There have been a number of "warning signs" months n months ago that the organisers of this event were not fully focused on the main objective of this whole exercise - climate change and everyone uniting to tackle it effectively as not many more opportunities like this remaining - time running out fast! Re that para in the Guardian about the Chinese President's absence, Xi Jinping has literally been locked away from any meetings like this one for about the last two years. So it's no surprise he's not attending this one.
I'll follow up my last thread with the sudden emphasis today of the UK govt's "green"(?)commitment to phase out the use of gas boilers by the year 2035. An absolute lack of true ambition (we are in the midst of a global climate crisis!!) and "sticking plaster" policies being mooted again. Then a figure of £420M of UK govt money committed to grants for mass conversion to heat pump technology??? This is a miniscule contribution to seriously accommodate a national provision and the practical awareness of providing this kinda conversion, esp to poorer families, is greatly lacking! Thumb down No mention of a bigger push towards insulating homes to a high specification and subsequent huge savings in energy provision per capita as well as ensuring homes are more comfortable for families to inhabit.
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