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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
(15-06-2021, 00:55)0762 Wrote: As expected, Johnson's "Freedom Day" delayed until 19 July. Remember his bombastic speech re this pivotal moment of finally lifting the lockdown curbs. It reminded me of a similar Trump speech way back in April 2020 when he stupidly commented that the COVID virus would be beaten and all will be back to normal by 31 May - a lotta pish uttered by an idiot who eventually became infected!! What is very noticeable re this latest development is the lack of intensity on this subject within the Brit govt ranks and their complicit RW media./press. However, Johnson slammed by the HOC Speaker, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, for announcing this bad news in an arranged news slot rather than following parliamentary protocol and doing it in the parliamentary debating chamber - a massive lack of respect and not ignored by the House Speaker.

He made about as much sense as that Scotland team selection yesterday. Clearly he had had a good weekend in Cornwall.

Illegal sewage discharge in English rivers 10 times higher than official data suggests

All of the rivers, lakes and streams in England are polluted, says the Environment Agency.

This is what happens when you allow deregulation and market forces to have too much control over something as basic and important as our water.

Watch how they scrap the EU regulations - MANY OF WHICH ORIGINATED FROM THE UK - for something less 'red tapey'.

The figures appear to have got much worse because the stricter tests brought in by the EU have shown up levels of long-banned pollutants such as PCB in the tissues of living organisms. In future I doubt we will even know.
0762 likes this post
He may have had a good G7 weekend in Cornwall. However, did you notice how the Bidens were dressed immaculately compared with this Brit PM who looked like a tramp on a bad day wearing a cheap suit and with all that tousled hair etc lol!
And the skeletons keep surfacing. Dom is on a mission.
Cabbage is still good for you
It's the Australia free trade deal we should worry about.

This is going to result in a flood of cheap meat produce from Australia, who use hormone injected beef and up to twenty times the UK antibiotic use in cattle. This of course is being imported from the other side of the world and does environmental damage too. If the independent is right the tariffs disappear almost immediately so this is going to put UK farming in a very difficult place, all for 0.02% of GDP from 15 years.

As Blackford pointed out today, it will take over 200 deals like that to get us close to what we had with the Europe.

No wonder the Australians are absolutely jubilant.
ritchiebaby and 0762 like this post
I liked Ian Blackford's comment about the Scotland v England match, that Scotland didn't want to be taken out of the Euros against our wishes.
Cabbage is still good for you
Laugh Laugh Nice one by Blackford!! Last night I listened to some of the most shameless defensive comments from Brexit Toerags re the fact that the Tory Brexit govt would require 2400 Australia TDs to match up to the previous EU trade deal that was located "right on our own doorstep" - these Tory bastards are the usual lying scumbags that we've observed so often in the past and live in some parallel universe of their own making. One of them was an English NFU senior official as well, a f###### posh-spoken disingenuous idiot who should be immediately sacked!!
Seriously, a lot of these Brexit goons actually think they helped win the war. Even though they were only about 8 while it was happening.

They are making a rip roaring c*nt of it. The repercussions of all this are going to be felt for a very long time.
When I moved to Canada in the mid-90's I quickly realised how much our original decision to join the EU (EEC as it was or some other marketing version) was hitting our personal pockets. New Zealand Lamb was way cheaper over there (easily 2/3rds of the price, compared to Welsh/British Lamb here as a minor example), however all meat products were cheaper here until we joined and had to personally dig deep to fund the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) that guaranteed our farmers a fixed (not fair) price whether the harvest was bountiful or non-existent.

The tariffs imposed by the EEC at the time meant two of our then biggest suppliers of meat and other animal products, which were er, Australia and New Zealand would you believe? were basically cut off from their main market overnight. Nobody was moaning about the "cheap" imports from Darn Unda just before then. Just saying like. What goes around comes around.

Given that the original concept of the EEC was pretty much all about keeping the (mainly French) farmers happy due to CAP and tariffs to prevent/reduce foreign competition, we were kept out for donkeys years by the French. Eventually we got in, then the semi-retired or voted out bloody politicians got involved and all of a sudden it's about politics on a grand scale.

You know which way I voted regarding Brexit, you can't change owt from the wrong side of the door. If our farmers could compete way back then (with no CAP supporting them) they can bloody well compete now. They've (the big landowner farmers, not the small tenant one's) have had it handed to them on plate for donkey's years. They voted for Brexit (mostly) now they are moaning about competition. Had the EU, as it is now, negotiated more FTA's outside the EU then Brexit would have been less likely to happen - however, the thing about parking your money in a tax haven was and still is the elephant in the room and the main reason why the rich scum wanted us out of there.

The fact that Biden now has them scrambling around due to his proposal to tax multinationals at source of income (amounts to the same thing) and basically giving British (in particular) tax havens the boot, means our lot (especially him in No.11) are suddenly getting very creative at their accounting again whilst appearing to "agree in principle with the idea". A certain recent Labour leader was absolutely crucified by the Tory press for putting this forward in his manifesto. Over their dead bodies they will agree to it.

Meanwhile expect more tin-pot trade deals that aren't actually "worth a hill-of-beans" to be announced in coming months.

Almost as bad as Bodgit saying there will be no borders between the UK/Norn Iron and Norn Iron/Republic of Ironed. You can't have it both ways you prick and you signed up for the first border, not the second and certainly no border anywhere between here and the EU. Your back door is open Bodgit, the EU are only asking you to close it, which you should have done on the way out.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
"Nobody was moaning about the "cheap" imports from Darn Unda just before then. Just saying like. What goes around comes around. "

This isn't remotely similar though, it's not even going to be close to a level playing field. The biggest producer of beef in Australia is the giant, factory farming, Brazilian meat producer JBS who are linked with deforestation of the Amazon, price fixing in the US and animal cruelty. They are politically highly fixed up as well. It's Giants like them that will be pulling the strings.

The UKs small scale farms will not stand a chance, as has been shown in the US,Brazil and Australia. They will end up being screwed twofold once this stuff is in the market because it reinforces issues of exporting our food to the EU, our biggest market. The EU states have got the message Bodgit as you call him has been sending and they are redefining their relationship with the UK economically and socially.

Its about worth 1 pound 20 to the average UK household. An absolute joke.
0762 likes this post
(16-06-2021, 14:07)ritchiebaby Wrote: And the skeletons keep surfacing. Dom is on a mission.

And confirmation in a past text that Johnson viewed Hancock to be f###### hopeless!! Laugh
But what about all those supportive comments from Gove, Patel and others saying the exact opposite to what Dom was saying eh lol!! Laugh Remember this is supposed to be a reputable Brit govt (NOT!!!)!! God help us!!!!
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