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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
Did you listen to Johnson's opening speech to the G7 leaders? No sincerity whatsoever and Biden sitting next to him with his arms crossed and that sullen look that kinda "said it all"!!! Johnson talking about togetherness, even had the political gall to mention the words "better together"!!Thumb down Then he moved on to the "equality" word in the context of an economic recovery that will embrace all citizens????? The man is an isolationist preaching the worst form of populism that dismisses all rules and embraces what I'd call "private government" - governance that favours private cronies/friends of Tories and Brexit backers. I'll bet President Biden is well informed re the "real" PM Johnson and the hypocrite/chancer that he is; Von der Leyen will be "in the same camp" re having sussed out Johnson and his lying Tory cohorts a long time ago and not fooled by this hypocrite and the usual bombastic soundbites!! The same applies to a "streetwise" Angela Merkel. I wonder if they are commonly thinking, "How the f### can we get rid of this clown from his bogus position of strength????I must say it is the blatant smirking of Johnson and other cohorts like Patel and Truss that greatly irritates me. Johnson knows full well that the main people around that table have him well sussed out. But he is still "playing out" his cynical political game in his dominant political position in England where he believes he can get away with literally anything without challenge and with an English population that is now "turning a blind eye" to any political indiscretion/breach of ministerial code/corruption/cronyism attached to huge financial gains etc etc.
Most interestingly there was no mention of a free trade deal in their joint statement, which was usually all over their equivalent with trump.Remember its one of the great advantages of Brexit ??

So why no mention of it even in passing ? Because Biden isn't happy with whats happening re the Northern Ireland protocol. I suspect they will have pulled fatboys chain and he will have to fall back in line. Macron has already called out Johnsons duplicity.

Boris openly (and drunkenly) stood in a room full of NI politicians and businessmen and told them they would have 'unfettered access' to trade with the UK. And just to put any forms in the bin. The UK establishment could not care less about NI, as long as they got Brexit. But trump was president at this point, and now the landscape has changed.

Remember this was only necessary because the Tories wanted to "free" us from EU standards in order to engage in a race to the bottom. A big gap in standards would have made frictionless cross-border trade in Ireland impossible, thus breaching the GFA.

As I said back in the day - Brexit and Northern Ireland is the circle that wont square.
0762 likes this post
I scoffed at Johnson's bogus comment that the US-UK bond is still "indestructible" and banging on about this history of strength and affection!!!??? Total bullshit and brashness coming from the fat man as usual and the "fissures" are clearly "under the surface" that will fracture this so called indestructible bond beyond repair. As you say Jim - it is the wrong US government in place and Trump is "no more"!! I'd like to see the that famous Proclaimers song, "Letter from America" eventually amended to - Trump no more, Johnson no more, Tories no more....... The world will be a far better place when that amendment is finally done and these populist scumbags disappear from political life altogether.
I don't think the brexiteers gave 2 fucks about Northern Ireland, or the good Friday agreement. They have only ever cared about making themselves and their mates rich and letting others deal with the consequences.

The EU and the republic are being reasonable, they cant have these sausages the DUP keep going on about ending up poisoning someone in France because its came from a 3rd country without proper checks. Straightforward stuff.

Problem now is the ulster loyalists are completely marginalised, and more dangerous than ever. They are now outnumbered by catholics and being used by various tory governments like an auld scud book.

These are extremely stupid, dangerous people. Capable of anything....
Raab is such a cretin. He knows xxxx all and goes off on one at the slightest provocation.
That the French president needs to point out the difference between the UK as four nations, one of which is separated from the rest by the Irish Sea and attached to the ROI, an EU member state, and France as a unitarian single nation says everything you need to know.

I just kept willing Marr to ask him - "why did you sign the treaty then ?"

He also let them off the hook with the delta variant. At the same time that we banned travel from Bangladesh and Pakistan because of x number of cases per hundred thousand we dont ban India who had 4x per hundred thousand because Boris was looking for a trade deal (which he failed to achieve)

C*nt has blood on his hands, and the BBC just let them spin their pish.
ritchiebaby and 0762 like this post
There's nobody willing to say boo to a Conservative goose anymore because they'll likely lose their job if they do. If that isn't working under intimidating conditions then I don't know what the hell is. Held up the world over as a bastion of impartial and independent news reporting, reduced to being the propaganda machine for Bodgit and his clowns/goons, hand picked for voting for Brexit, not because they are actually any good at anything.
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A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
(13-06-2021, 11:52)hibeejim21 Wrote: Raab is such a cretin. He knows xxxx all and goes off on one at the slightest provocation.
That the French president needs to point out the difference between the UK as four nations, one of which is separated from the rest by the Irish Sea and attached to the ROI, an EU member state, and France as a unitarian single nation says everything you need to know.

I just kept willing Marr to ask him - "why did you sign the treaty then ?"  

He also let them off the hook with the delta variant. At the same time that we banned travel from Bangladesh and Pakistan because of x number of cases per hundred thousand we ban India who had 4x per hundred thousand because Boris was looking for a trade deal (which he failed to achieve)

C*nt has blood on his hands, and the BBC just let them spin their pish.

Re the bbc, it looks like their Scotland flagship studios are gonna be taken over by these bbc London Tory/Oxbridge infiltrators. I must say I've got know sympathy for the c#### whatsoever in a country where 1000s of Scots have actually ditched the bbc license fee, the highest number of detractors in the UK and rising mainly because so many people are totally pissed off with their continual union biased reporting before and after an election which emphatically rejected the whole unionist argument. As for this four nations UK reference being vilified by the likes of Johnson and his Brexit fanatics, it doesn't suit their warped narrative re the Brexit Project and good old Rule Britannia and f### all these devolved nations who Tories previously rejected being devolved anyway because they want absolute power and will shove the Union Jack and their fascist ideology "down our throats"!! And that goes for the EU too!! This whole charade is highly depressing as it has been as far back to the shenanigans of the Tory May govt in dealing with this whole Brexit debacle in a country that is polarised beyond belief.
It's trump's tricks with the tabloids again basically. Reducing complex arguments to childish spats about sausages to make Boris looks like the reasonable grown up here when in fact he's acting the galoot.

The UK's political culture is now rotten to the core, aided and abetted by a complicit media and enforced by a ludicrously undemocratic electoral system. We will never get rid of these arseholes.
It's actually a British/English version of state run media/propaganda, the likes of which we've been observing in Russia for years - the Russian equivalent being Russia Today. Don't forget that this is the weekend when another toxic Brexit media product, GB tv/News, starts up with a poisonous RW touting c###, a French resident named Andrew Neil, "flying the flag" for rUK and Blighty and ably assisted by some of the most toxic RW ignorant prats imaginable like Neil Oliver and lotsa other shameless Tory morons who don't think before they utter their RW GB drivel to a viewing audience who wanna listen to this kinda jingoistic shit!! I pray that this Brit Brexit govt sponsored project is a total failure!! Otherwise we really are heading down a "slippery slope" indeed if this Trump style populist charge towards political chaos continues unabated.
As expected, Johnson's "Freedom Day" delayed until 19 July. Remember his bombastic speech re this pivotal moment of finally lifting the lockdown curbs. It reminded me of a similar Trump speech way back in April 2020 when he stupidly commented that the COVID virus would be beaten and all will be back to normal by 31 May - a lotta pish uttered by an idiot who eventually became infected!! What is very noticeable re this latest development is the lack of intensity on this subject within the Brit govt ranks and their complicit RW media./press. However, Johnson slammed by the HOC Speaker, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, for announcing this bad news in an arranged news slot rather than following parliamentary protocol and doing it in the parliamentary debating chamber - a massive lack of respect and not ignored by the House Speaker.
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