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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
On the beeb this morning....

Conservative-voting Loughborough has 4% unemployment and 10% of children in poverty. Labour-voting Salford has 8% and 20%, yet Loughborough is to receive additional support while Salford isn't.

When Sunak was asked what criteria did you apply to determine which towns would qualify for extra funding? A There is a range of criteria. Q. Yes but what are they? A. Well, they include, for example, the level of unemployment....

Laugh Laugh Absolute Jokers.
0762 likes this post
Levelling up, the Tory way.

"Mind the Gap"
[Image: %2Fmethode%2Fsundaytimes%2Fprod%2Fweb%2F...00%2C0%2C0]
(Image - Sunday Times).
ritchiebaby likes this post
A guide to cask ale.

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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Loyalists in NI are withdrawing from the GFA - Another great Brexit moment on the way haha.

EU taking Boris and co to court in relation to news yesterday that the UK goverment intends to break the deal agreed under international law.
0762 likes this post
So much for that easy "oven-ready deal" eh ha ha ha ha! Laugh Also reflect back to the reassuring comments of fascist c#### like Farage, Gove, Widdecombe, Cummings and many more of these shameless bastards who have got away with the biggest political con in living memory that is gonna affect everyone in this country!!
BouncingHibees likes this post
We've been talking about this for years now.... The tories are eventually going to have to make a choice, either throw the loyalists under a bus and risk conflict and destabilise NI or break international law (one they devised too) and piss off sleepy Joe Biden who has made his position clear on Ireland from even before he took the presidency.

Fucks me off hearing idiots like Wilson and Paisley talking about their britishness being diminished by this while they side with the xxxx tories who made that happen !!
0762 likes this post
It doesn't say it here but you can bet there's a "no admission of guilt" clause in it somewhere.

Will the shameless, bullying racist bitch resign? Nah
Will Boris give her the push? Not in a month of cold wet Tuesdays.

Loose change compared to what they've given their mates, but it still comes out of our taxes. At a rough guess, a years wages and change?
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
I'm really surprised at the low £340k compensation payout against this horrible woman, Patel, who should never be anywhere near a Ministerial position under normal circumstances. But these are not normal times and the Tories won't sack anyone any more as they have no regard for anyone else but themselves and their wealthy backers. Hancock's recent unlawful contract dealing epitomises where we are in this country when it comes to respect for the law, govt rules and regulations and accountable governance. Hancock found guilty in a court of law, no punishment to follow and nothing will happen either even after Hancock impudently trying to "bodyswerve" a recent direct question from Sophie Ridge asking if he was gonna resign following the exposure of his unlawful breach of govt contract/tendering rules n regs. These people believe they are above the law of this country and the same applies to avoidance of taxes - not for for plebs like us!
(04-03-2021, 16:45)hibeejim21 Wrote: We've been talking about this for years now.... The tories are eventually going to have to make a choice, either throw the loyalists under a bus and risk conflict and destabilise NI or break international law (one they devised too) and piss off sleepy Joe Biden who has made his position clear on Ireland from even before he took the presidency.

Fucks me off hearing idiots like Wilson and Paisley talking about their britishness being diminished by this while they side with the xxxx tories who made that happen !!

And on cue tonight, Joe Biden's spokesperson "fires a broadside across the bows of the Brit govt" re their intention to break international law and apply cooperation, not abject failure on the British side of this agreement!!

And on the home front Sunak recommending a paltry 1% pay rise to NHS/health workers - WOWWWWWW, what an insult from a bunch of corrupt fascist c#### esp after all the appreciative clapping and rhetorical praise from various insincere Brexit "suspects" - HOW SYMBOLIC WAS ALL THAT CLAPPING AT THE DOORSTEPS BUT WHEN IT CAME TO THE NITTY GRITTY AND PAYING THEM FAIRLY - TREACHEROUS, UNGRATEFUL BASTARDS, NO CHUMOCRACY IN THIS CASE EH!!!
Also noticeable that Sunak hardly mentioned the NHS at all in yesterday's speech plus overwhelmed and underpaid care workers are not even included in this proposed pay deal!!??
hibeejim21 likes this post
1% for the nurses. What an absolute joke, and so predictable after that pish with the handclapping. xxxx pay them what they deserve ya clowns.

I'm not sure how this is going to play with the public down south, maybe a U-turn might be in order.
Dishi Rishi - I've been busy saving jobs all over the country
1% pay rise for NHS staff 'the most' the government can afford, says minister Nadine Dorries - people have been losing their jobs all over the country.

Guess which Party they both work for?

Yes it's The Mixed Messages Party.
[Image: 1613-3293-0-300-wide.jpg]

Bodgit's in charge, just in case you forgot. Or is it his Doris?
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
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