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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
All the more reason for everyone to follow the Covid regulations - the only way to beat the virus.
Cabbage is still good for you
Good luck with complying with all of them

The government has laid 346 Coronavirus-related Statutory Instruments (SIs) before the UK Parliament.

Oh, and as of next week - if you live on your own you can have 14 of your mates around for a party, but if you invite 15 you'll get fined £800, assuming the 16th one that gets jealous reports you to the Police. About 2/3rds of the way down this one.

Er, did the thick b*****d think this one through? I thought you couldn't have so much as a slack handful of people in one room, or garden, from a couple of households, in a bubble, let alone up to 15 people.
ritchiebaby and 0762 like this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
I see that shameless freak of a Home Secretary, the smug-faced non Priti Patel, has increased the statutory fine to £800 for an offence such as partying against the stipulated COVID reg. That'll sort everything out eh! Rolleyes
On the subject of fines, we've all heard about the fines issued, but how many of these have actually been paid?
Cabbage is still good for you
You won't see that info in any Tory sponsored "rag" like the Daily Mail and others. It would have to be an FOI to get to the truth of it.
It wouldn't surprise me if once they have vaccinated a certain age group they ease off and let this run wild among middle aged, healthy and young.

Don't forget Sunaks role in all of this, he was instrumental in getting Boris to ignore the SAGE advice in September. Then he got his mate Sunetra Gupta Boris's ear and she has publicly stated that she wants to only vaccinate the over 65s and open things up.

Sunak is likely going to be the next PM when the tories hit the reset button when the clown tramp needs sacrificed. He is one for the watching.
Also on t'referendum thread, just in case you missed it Big Grin

I've said all along this is the real reason for Brexit amongst Bodgit, Rees-Smog and the like.

As long as they can shovel their profits into tax havens so they don't have to pay tax here, they don't give a stuff about the rest of us. Hence also talk of making HMS GB & Nor'n-Iron a tax haven too - but don't worry - we'll still be paying our taxes down at street level. Hell, the poor little rich sods need to hang on their last millions and billions, how else will they survive into their tax-free pensionable years?

Oh and fartarse Farage was given yet more oxygen by Jeremy Whine on Radio 2 yesterday. Once again whingeing that Churchill's bust was no longer by the Presidents Desk in the White House. How many former US President's busts do we have in Downing Street or Parliament ffs? Can someone please stuff an empty pint glass down this idiot's throat, without breaking it? The glass! Don't put real ale in it, a shear waste of good product, unless brewed by Greene King, in which case put a full barrel in each end of his alimentary canal and pull the bungs out.
0762 likes this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
A US President with strong Irish roots btw!! The worry is where has Churchill's bust been relocated lol!! Laugh That is indeed if anybody is that worried anyway eh!! Who the f### cares, apart from a disguised English nationalist named Farage - Trump's chum and a shameless lying c### at that!! Thumb down
Churchills bust. Laugh Laugh Laugh Really ?

I hope Biden threw it in a xxxx skip.
0762 likes this post
Read this article from 2016 and it will tell you the truth about that.

This has come out in the Sunday Times tonight.

Support for leaving the UK in each Country:

Scottish Independence

Yes - 49%
No - 44%
Don't Know - 7%

United Ireland

Yes - 42%
No - 47%
Don't Know - 11%

Welsh Independence

Yes - 23%
No - 52%
Don't Know - 11%

England Independence

Yes - 15%
No - 60%
Don't Know 13%

How Likely is Scottish Independence within 10 years?

Northern Ireland Voters
Likely - 60%
Unlikely - 28%

England Voters
Likely - 49%
Unlikely - 19%

Welsh Voters
Likely - 49%
Unlikely - 23%

Scottish Voters
Likely - 49%
Unlikely 30%

Support for holding a referendum in the next five years in each country

Northern Ireland Voters

Yes - 51%
No - 44%
Don't Know - 5%

Scotland Voters
Yes - 50%
No - 43%
Don't Know - 7%

Welsh Voters
Yes - 31%
No - 47%
Don't Know - 22%

Attitudes to Scottish Independence

Scotland Voters
Pleased - 48%
Not Bothered - 6%
Upset - 41%

England Voters
Pleased - 17%
Not Bothered - 28%
Upset - 46%

Northern Ireland Voters
Pleased - 44%
Not Bothered - 12%
Upset - 43%

Attitudes to Irish reunification

Northern Ireland Voters
Pleased - 47%
Not Bothered - 4%
Upset - 47%

England Voters
Pleased - 20%
Not Bothered - 37%
Upset - 31%

Scotland Voters
Pleased - 29%
Not Bothered - 42%
Upset - 21%

If Scotland did vote for independence they found out it would be 52%-48% in favour of independence.

Voters in Scotland

Holyrood Election Seat Forecast
SNP - 70(+7) Since 2016
Conservative - 25 (-6)
Labour - 19 (-4)
Green - 10 (+4)
Lib Dem - 5 (nc)

Should there be a referendum in the next five years?
Yes - 50%
No - 43%

How would you vote in an independence referendum?
Scottish Independence - 49%
Remain in UK - 44%
Don't Know - 7%

Would Scotland be financially better off independent?
Better Off - 22%
Worse Off - 44%
No Difference - 22%

How have these leaders performed on coronavirus?

Boris Johnson
Good Job - 22%
Bad Job - 64%

Nicola Sturgeon
Good Job - 61%
Bad Job - 25%

The SNP announced yesterday that it is prepared to call a wildcat referendum of its own if Boris Johnson refuses to grant one himself. In Northern Ireland 51% to 44% want a referendum about the border within the next 5 years.

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