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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
Hancock self isolating.....sadly only for 10 days though.
(15-01-2021, 17:15)hibeejim21 Wrote: Australia and New Zealand are developed island nations and perhaps thats who we should be doing the comparisons with rather than Bosnia,North Macedonia and San Marino. 9th in Europe ffs
Tell you something,  the way we're all being slowly conditioned to simply accept mass death as a inevitable consequence of this gang in power is giving me the serious fear.

Meantime in Wales, Mark Drakeford “We won’t get another delivery of the Pfizer vaccine until the very end of January or maybe the beginning of February, so that 250,000 doses has got to last us six weeks.”

Also add the accepted concession of trading with countries that are genocide violators. The degeneration of proper values in this country is so disturbing as we move from one issue to the next one. The same lack of contrition goes for arms provision of any kind but particularly with countries like Saudi and Israel. They were even dealing with that Belarus dictator FFS until the press exposed their "nice little number" that they'd been practising for a long time. That vote in parliament against such trade deals should've been massively against that clause with very few MPs opposed to this shit - a shocker! It shows us how far the country's values and reputation have been degraded. In actual fact that very subject is being debated in the USA preceding Trump's exit and leaving behind the huge damage to its global reputation and standing. Biden already prepared to immediately change so many things incl rejoining the Paris accord.
Apparently Handsoncock will be allowed out to play again by Sunday - 10 days in Westminster obviously passes by at twice the speed it does elsewhere.

Whoever he was in contact with must have been almost week ago then, and apart from his morning TV appearances from his under-the-stairs toilet, he's turned up at Downing Street and in Parliament on the tellybox at least once each since then. So, an inability to count to 10 gets added to his failings. Hell, don't be silly, he can't count to 5.

Reasons to go to war 101, 0762

1. We've a shed load of nearly out-of-date munitions we need to destroy. Where can we safely test fire them?
2. We've a shed load of new, far more accurate munitions we need to test fire in anger. Where can we safely destroy them?
3. Who can we sell the above to so they can do our dirty work on our behalf and minimise the risk to our woefully understaffed armed forces?

Answers on large cheques from Middle East Governments all gratefully accepted.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Tonight there were votes on amendments in the Trade Bill.

The amendment to protect the NHS and not include it in future trade negotiations lost 357-266.

They also voted against an amendment which would have prevented the UK trading with countries who commit genocide.

They also voted down maintaining food standards and maintaining environmental standards.

MPs also voted to deprive themselves of powers to scrutinise & approve new trade deals.

Then this came out tonight via the Daily Mirror that the Tories admit they're looking at overhauling workers' rights laws after Brexit.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
That list above amounts to one huge xxxx KERRCHING for the tories and their Brexit backers. Once this gang are finished their work you will barely recognise the UK.
Even more troubling is stuff they are pushing through that limits civil liberties and the spycops bill. As things get tougher its going to be harder and harder to do anything meaningful about it.
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It is autocratic governance pure n simple and their biggest regret (although these c#### persist in denying it) is the fact that their alignment with the most reviled US President in world politics is not there to join up his poisonous politics with the ones that are clearly being displayed and practised with utter impudence to an astounded chunk of the UK populace who didn't want Brexit and never voted for it. I DESPAIR BUT SAW IT COMING FROM A LONG WAY OFF!
Think about whats going to be in store off the back of this.

Ditch Erasmus and ditch FoM for UK citizens. Then collapse employment standards and rights. The result will be a mostly captive workforce with no rights that can easily be undercut by imported Labour from India, Pakistan or SE Asia using our fab new "Australian-style points system".

It should be no surprise to anyone who's had a quick glance through 'Britannia unchained'....raab,patel,gove and most of the cabinet are firmly of this mindset where they view us all as work shy chancers who should be doing a lot more to make them and their mates richer.
All I can say is thank **** I retire in about 3.5 years, though to be honest, I'd like to have some part-time work to keep the "cocktail hour" late enough in the day that I don't slip into "Chianti-on-my-Cornflakes" mode.

Having said that, the way things are going I may somewhat forced into semi-retirement before then anyway. These little Englanders who have never seriously dealt with any business in Europe, often the rest of the world for that matter, but still go for a fortnight in Benidorm and think they've been to Spain, should never, ever have been allowed to get away with what a relative handful of votes over 50% allowed them to get away with.

It is what it is - but it shouldn't be and should never have been.

We already had a points based immigration system by the way. You should have seen the bs I had to go through to get an Indian born lad to work with me even though he's done most of his Uni Degrees here and worked at the local University afterwards for the thick end of 10 years. Best applicant for the job by a country mile, but our original stab at getting him a new "Working Visa" didn't exactly match where the "Home Office" thought there was a "lack of talent" and the points didn't add up to the total they wanted.

So we played them at their own game and got the job done. Patel probably wouldn't get it or even understand it in a month of Sundays, and that racist little shit would probably stick him and his missus and baby (born here) on the first available plane back to India if she wasn't so busy deporting the West Indian/Jamaican's that have lived here for 50+ years.

We aren't legally allowed to organise protest marches anymore - (another one they sneaked in while Parliament was dozing) - so we need another method of making the clowns in Westminster know we aren't Happy (or any of the other 7 dwarfs either before someone else says it).
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Now the EU hauliers are saying 'thanks but no thanks' to UK jobs because of the fecking mindboggling red tape.

Those lorry parks in kent the locals are going tonto about are going to be pretty quiet at this rate.
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