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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
It's not like anyone's saying or feeling anything different to that though. In the context of what rashford was saying and the wider debate about child poverty it was pretty insensitive and stupid.

Rashford to his credit sussed the guy as a dick and moved on.
0762 likes this post

No surprise re this latest threatened extreme action by Johnson and his cronies plus this sinister fascist SPAD, Cummings, "hovering in the background" and definitely involved in this threat/conspiracy. Also noticeable that politicians in Northern Ireland are uniting to condemn another impending turnaround in what was agreed/promised to amicably accommodate post Brexit trade in NI. Sinn Fein and other political groups just waiting for what they suspected all along re such a half-baked trade set up that never satisfied the conditions of the Good Friday agreement. The words "can of worms" come to mind and the Northern Ireland problem is still self-evident after years of debate going back to May's and even Cameron's time as UK PM. I and many other Scots very interested to see what additional preferential treatment will be meted out to this particular devolved country compared with our "equal partner" (sic) status in our devolved and sovereign country, Scotland. And unsurprisingly support for Scottish independence is rising AGAIN, a gradual increase as the clock runs down to a highly questionable Brexit exit at this particular time of crisis - a joke situation and a joke Brit govt that should GTF "out of our faces"!! Thumb down
Boris is bricking it. If he breaks the WA it's a massive gift to the EU and would make Britain a joke country officially.

Fact is our borders are nowhere near ready for a no deal brexit, the country would collapse. It wouldn't surprise me if another u turn is coming and this is the usual sabre rattling for his ERG nut jobs.

It's the brexit dilemna in a nutshell - politically Boris can't afford a deal but reality means it's a xxxx disaster without one. Which means he is going to have to lie like xxxx.... His one core skill.

Also if Biden wins, the landscape changes too. Those Irish American Congressmen made it clear that any threat to the good Friday agreement and you can kiss a trade deal bye bye. These mens forefathers arrived in america with the clothes on their back and were victims of war, famine and oppression, they take Irelands future very seriously.

If its not a u turn then they are going to burn the house down with us all in it. Just the super rich and tory donors getting what they want and scarily that's equally possible. Tony Abbotts on board FFS.... All bets are off.
ritchiebaby and 0762 like this post
Remember that previous pre PM Johnson quote - We have an "oven-ready" deal on the table, SO F###### EASY EH - total utter bullshit from a shameless lying bastard with a whole history of utter pish attached to him and EU officials totally non-plused by an elected govt reneging on a legally signed binding doc!! Brinkmanship by Johnson and yes, the EU will have them "on toast" AND THEY WILL DESERVE IT!!! I just watched a defensive govt Brexit QC, Martin Howe, being "shredded to bits" on a bbc interview by Labour's Hillary Benn re his sovereign country bullshit that they can shred such an agreement and it is all fine - how to become a "laughing stock", a joke with no credibility, and they are doing it with aplomb with an invited EU official, Phillipe Lamberts, finishing off the luckless multi blinking Mr Howe who is stupidly sitting there shaking his head - the sorry story of Brexit that I've been observing for years!!! Thumb down
Now it seems Boris doesn't understand what the withdrawal agreement specified.... But there it is with his signature on it.

Of course it can't square with their plans for a new internal UK market, and the tory manifesto - yet he signed the WA after the election. To get the kind of deal he now wants you would need to renegotiate the good Friday agreement. Non starter.

But hey ho we'd ONLY need to 'break the law in a specific and limited way'..... Yes seriously a UK minister actually said that..... To get round their massive xxxx up.

The nation is a laughing stock globally now and heading for division and further decline.
I just watched a total c### of a Brexit Party MEP named Ben Habib on bbc Newsnight more or less saying the same thing but also coming out with a fascist disregard for the rule of law and then following on with the usual EU bad rant (all their fault as well as the Tories) during the process of negotiating the Withdrawal Agreement and going back three years ago when the negotiations were initiated. Maitliss pulling a confirmation from this moron that the court of public opinion rules over the rule of law FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kick this f###### moron out of the studio and tell him to f### off!!!!!!! May I also add that IMO our unelected fascist friend (not!!), Cummings, is closely linked to this shit because, as we all know, this man is well into subverting the rule of law and undermining the power of the judiciary - HE HAS A HISTORY OF THIS KINDA BULLSHIT!!

[Image: V7lAKDN.jpg]

So the problem with the current spike in Covid is the yoof of the country according to Bodgit. Would that be the same Bodgit that said

it's safe to open the schools again?
it's safe to go back to work in the office again?
it's safe to go out to eat and drink in pubs and restaurants again? - the Gov't was paying the first £10 off everyone's bill last month, remember that?
it's safe to travel on public transport again?

while otherwise confirming that from one day to the next he's as big a clueless fuckwit as the perma-tanned little handed pillock in the White House?
0762 likes this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
I think an A4 copy of that PI front page should be posted to every household in the UK - call it THE ENLIGHTENMENT!! It's time that lotsa pro Brexit backers in the UK finally woke up to reality!!!
theo_luddite likes this post
Slow... Moving... Car crash.

Boris and classic dom are dragging the UK through the gutter and even top tories like may, major and howard are horrified and embarrassed.

The brexit illusion is coming to an end soon and whatever results it isn't going to look good for boris.
I was watching and listening to that little Aberdonian Tory shit heid, Gove, on Euronews, and he didn't disappoint re the disgraceful language and attitude coming from a senior govt official who was effectively telling EU officials to GTF and "I/We will break the law anyway" - a little arrogant., lying back-stabbing bastard who I have despised for years!!! Why was this moron (and others) anywhere near the reputable govt positions that they currently hold????????????????? It ties in with the original title of this OP - a f###### nightmare!!
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