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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
(18-08-2020, 21:10)theo_luddite Wrote: Och aye - I'd love to see him playing wiff-waff with the great Scottish midge clouds. They are similar to the North Pennine midge clouds in appearance, but your midges carry ice axes, wear crampons on their feet and have teeth like tigers. The following day, the one-a-day anti-histamine pills you can buy down the supermarket just don't cut it. 2, 3 or 4 a day more or less start to control the urge not to scratch yourself to death.

Rumour had it he'd gone north to bag a brace or two on the Glorious 12th. Methinks the only grouse he'd bag would be the liquid stuff that comes out of a Famous Grouse bottle. Then he could lie about the number he'd shot, which would actually be the number of shots (or wee drams) he'd sank.

Laugh They are wee bastards for sure Theo. I remember making a fatal mistake going back for a sea trout that was jumping up north one summer, after 6, no breeze. Cloud of them descended on me. should have known better. Had to run for it with a tea towel over my head.

I wouldn't go camping up north in august. Laugh
A company run by long–term associates of Michael Gove and Dominic Cummings has been working behind the scenes with the exams agency Ofqual on its disastrous strategy for determining A-level results, the Guardian can reveal. More bypassing normal tendering to give public money to your pals from xxxx who think they are above the law.

Elsewhere the Daily Express finally wakes up to the issue of cabotage in haulage. Of course it presents it as an EU punishment rather than the EU rules for non members now being applicable to the UK.

Whenever the Road Haulage Association tried to raise it after the result, it was dismissed as Project Fear. This is going to become a serious problem for the UK in the event of 'no deal'.
Front page of the Daily Mail shows a teepee in a field near a house or cottage somewhere in Scotland.

The Courier has reported that a yacht turned up in Fife the other day.

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That daily mail shoot looks ropey as xxxx Laugh

My guess is the fat bastard is grouse shooting somewhere luxurious with his Russian Oligarch mates/handlers.
Not mates, jim, but masters. Dodgy
Cabbage is still good for you
It gets better!

Turns out that teepee tent was erected on a local sheep farmer's field without permission which angered him.

This story gets weirder and weirder by the minute. I don't believe that Johnson was roughing it in a tent in Scotland, whole thing is a smokescreen. It can't be a coincidence he's in Scotland and a superyacht just turns up.

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The yacht belongs to Eugene Schvidler,  a Russian/american tycoon. Who also has a 37 million dollar gaff in Belgravia.

No way did boris put up that tent never mind stay in it ffs Laugh
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LBC have tweeted that The UK is set to lose its ability to send asylum seekers back to other EU countries after the Brexit transition period ends. A lot of Conservative and hard line Brexiteers seem upset and angry about this and are moaning that they didn't vote for this.

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No, they did vote for it. When they opted to leave the Dublin regs they voted for this to happen. Now the UK is going to have to come up with an exactly same agreement with a new name (which the EU are rightly no pleased about) or come to a new bi-lateral deal with the EU....and that is going to be immensely complicated and costly.

Southern Europe has 10 times more in the way migrants than the UK previously, now the temptation for the likes of the French and Spanish is to just let us take our share. They know full and well the tories have run down our border controls to a virtually non existent level.
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Rumour going around that Johnson is resigning in 6 months.

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