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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!

What intrigued me re the subsequent media reaction after that vetted version of the Russia Report was the fact that on Monday The Telegraph fronted a headline that the 2014 Scottish Referendum had been "meddled with" and yet in their Tuesday edition the 2016 EU Referendum was untouched?????? Don't you find that highly convenient from a political viewpoint of such a highly questionable and unscrupulous British govt that there was no evidence??????? Indeed the basic error in this Telegraph tale spreading to other press outlets was, at best, a half truth, is this: an "absence of evidence" is not "evidence of absence" particularly when your spooks have been on a tea-break for four years and inadvertently failed to follow any leads. And just when the Scot Tories, in Edinburgh, pressed for a Scot govt enquiry (btw powers they don't have!), in Westminster Johnson's administration loftily swotted away any scrutiny that should be held to run back over the events of 2016 - Brexit's mystique must be maintained at all cost eh!!! It seems likely that Russia did interfere in both referenda but lets be clear - THIS ISN'T A GAME OF YOUR RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE WAS WORSE THAN MY RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE!!! No matter what your political hue actually is, it is not in our interests for our democracy to be subverted in this way and, although I'm no fan of Tony Blair, I certainly share a view of pressing for further serious scrutiny esp when viewing the phenomenon of mystery money and big donor money that the Tory Party is soused in and the corrosive effect it has on how we are being governed. As for the Scot Tories, maybe it is mounting panic but under Carlaw they seem bereft of strategic thinking. Time n again they pack themselves into painful political contradictions, seemingly unable to restrain themselves to jump on any criticism of the SNP, even when such criticism damages their own political interests. Cynicism and superficiality abound within the Conservative Party that they can be outraged by the lack of an enquiry in Edinburgh while one shouldn't happen in London. Kremlin support can at once be "weaponised" to criticise Scot indy?????? But dare not speak its name on Brexit???????? How gullible does Carlaw and his colluding non-entity cohorts think we are up here??? I think we know better!!!
Remember Cameron asked Putin for assistance with the Scottish independence referendum.
This notion the tories and the media are pushing that the Russians only interfered to help Eck Salmond and feed Corbyn the NHS dossier (that was in the news days before) is for the birds.

The usual thicko's will believe it.
Absolutely right Jim! And come to think of it, one can add Putin to Cameron's requested assistance from the 'purring' Queen (remember her intervention at that time - the Queen who professed impartiality ha ha ha ha - utter pish!!) and of course, remember Obama's crazy intervention (another desperate Cameron request!) on such a constitutional issue. It really epitomised Cameron's desperation to subvert the democratic process in any way that he could "get away with it" and then that was followed by the discredited "vow" and eventual dilution of the Smith Commission's recommendations on additional powers - a total betrayal of trust and sheer contempt by the British State and its "better together" allies - busy little bees plotting their own dishonourable unionist strategy to block Scottish independence at all cost - NEVER FORGOTTEN UP HERE BY MOST PEOPLE WITHIN THE INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENT AND WHAT A "CATALYST" THAT HAS NOW BECOME!! And as for that shameless guarantee of EU membership on a No vote?? I'd spit on all these shameless unionist liars/bastards who did that with Cameron well up there as the chief instigator together with that quisling and c### of an ex Labour PM, Gordon Broon. Oh and don't forget the role of that ex Labour man/ex Loretto private schoolboy, Alistair Darling, who received his 50 pieces of silver, oops sorry - his peerage from the "purring" Queen Lizzy and got to wear his precious ermine not long after his anti Scotland/anti Scot indy role in foiling Scotland's natural quest for self-determination. It epitomises the whole antiquated nature of the British state/governance that has exploded into an even worse form now than what I described then!!! Thumb down
Let's be honest, If Scottish Labour behaved competently and got behind creating a social democracy in Scotland like the one their forefathers fought for they would be the largest party in an independent Scotland. But no they have to kowtow to English nationalism instead. That will lead them nowhere.

“One Nation Conservatism” thats what we hear a lot now. That nation is the UK, but let’s not kid ourselves on, what they mean and want is England, with a wee Celtic fringe that serves the dual purpose of disguising the English nationalism they very obviously don’t want to acknowledge or discuss (you can even see that on here) and having other places to lord it over, insult, patronise and asset strip.

It's either independence and try to self govern and go for associate membership of the EU or become the north of greater England. Brought to you by the same people who gave us Boris,brexit, US vassalage and a shameful response to covid, the same people we don't vote for endlessly.

No harm to our English friends on here but xxxx That for a game of soldiers.
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I can only add, "Just look across the Irish Sea at Ireland", a country smaller than Scotland and with less resources and yet ROI is prob one of the most diplomatically strong and respected countries in Europe. Study its position during the recent huge EU financial recovery package, post COVID, that has been "thrashed out" last week. Note they are part of another Union that has been respectful and communicative for a long, long time. Compare this with another Union, the UK one - the continuous angst, disrespect and confrontation from a so called equal partner in England that ignores the Celtic countries with impunity and has been doing it for years. It is another Brit govt that joins other previous ones in "not getting their heads around devolution" but this current version in Westminster is a far more extreme one (they can't "get their heads around" the fact that the smaller countries within this shit Union have handled the COVID crisis far more effectively than they have!!!), a bully who wants to normalise a political ideology on a population that doesn't want it and indeed has not voted for this particular political party for over 60 years - IT IS A MISMATCH AND THE POLITICAL POSITION IS CLEARLY UNACCEPTABLE AND UNTENABLE. Scot indy is inevitable.
A quick recap on the governments Covid strategy.

May 2020:
“Our app will be up and running by mid-May”

“We’ll have a world-beating track and trace system by 1 June”

End of July 2020:
“Hands, face, space, something... I dunno... xxxx it. you’re on your own”
The clear observation is that they want to push through with Brexit and #### everything and everybody else. I think more n more people are beginning to realise what this is really all about and brazen majority rule that is being applied with "two fingers" displayed to anyone who criticises them!!! BUT THERE IS A PANDEMIC HAPPENING CHAPS!!! A case of who cares, we are doing Brexit and a "no deal" is good for us!!! Chaos to prevail and that scenario suits the shit heid who is orchestrating this nonsense, none other than the ultra right-wing SPAD and disciple of that racist c###, Steve Bannon. What a tragedy that is gradually unfolding and hardly anybody saying or doing anything to oppose it.
We've a government with a big enough majority to out vote common sense every time anyone is foolish enough to mention it. When you know you're just banging your head against a brick wall you eventually stop because it's your head that hurts, not the head of the dickhead in No. 10.
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A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Yep! A prime example of this "two fingers" mentality is that recent act of brazen cronyism with Johnson/Cummings issuing those 36 peerages to a bunch of political under achievers or Brexit backers plus a Russian oligarch, Lebvedev, who donates a lotta money to Conservative Party funds - two fingers to any vilification again - it is like we are travelling back in time to another age of backward/dishonourable behaviour instead of moving forward with radical change that this lot are definitely not gonna attempt. Now we have well over 800 members of an anachronistic House of Lords, that we should be shutting down permanently, all paid for from the Public Purse and most of them elitist and wealthy!!!! Thumb down The peerage handed out to his own brother is absolutely outrageous and IMO it is the equivalent of handing out 50 pieces of silver to someone who opposed Johnson's betrayal of his own party and values to side with a bunch of Brexit charlatans who effectively took over their own govt to "get their way" in any unscrupulous way that they can do it. Huge majority govt = DON'T GIVE A F### AND TWO FINGERS TO EVERYONE WHO OPPOSES US - WELCOME TO THE NIGHTMARE EH!!!!
They are just ripping the pish shamelessly now, one week saying 'no Russian interference'....... next week a peerage being handed out to Boris's mate Lebvedev who's father was chief directorate of the KGB Laugh This guy is mates with Putin's inner circle and he has literally been given a free pass to the heart of UK democracy.

Trump was pulling exactly the same kind of gaslighting of the populace on a massive scale.
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