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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
Agreed lotsa cities and towns in England with similar characteristics and the lack of testing has definitely been a major issue. Which one is next to hit the news headlines eh!? I notice "across the pond" the US is in virus "meltdown" and no surprise when one compares the flippant way both of these shit heids, Trump and Johnson, have led the way during this crisis.
I completely agree with the general criticisms of the Government's response and tactics, but there's only so much you can blame the Government for. It's up to all of us to "self-police" our actions and inter-actions in order to get on top of the outbreak. Far too many people are either unable or, more likely, unwilling to take any responsibility for their own behaviour.
Cabbage is still good for you
The Government sat on it's collective fat lazy arse and should and could have stopped flights coming in from China and Northern Italy when they saw what was happening. It didn't. Why - it didn't want to interfere in businesses (read Tory Party donors) making profits. It could have tracked and traced those that came in if they were showing any flu like symptoms and told them to quarantine. It didn't. It's likely the bug was here before Christmas and being labelled the worst flu in yonks, however, the Government only decided to do what it should have done in February (or sooner) last month and has now back tracked on that because Bodgit wants to go on another holiday, so effectively he has to let all of us go on a holiday, if any country is daft enough to let us in.

The mainly white and mainly youth are behaving irresponsibly, but when it became apparent they are the least at risk, what do you expect when we've a Government that makes it up on the hoof, lies on an hourly basis, shows double standards beyond belief and then wants to put the blame on our doorsteps for their crass incompetence?

Most people are behaving responsibly, but don't forget the majority of newspapers will use any angle make the Government look good. Those that aren't, well it wouldn't surprise me to find they've still got 6 months supply of bogroll and hand soap in their garden sheds to be honest.
0762 and hibeejim21 like this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Twitter thread from FT journalist:
“The UK government’s published numbers of new cases at local authority level only include pillar 1 and *not* pillar 2 cases, meaning as many as 90% of new cases are missing from the data”
Pillar 2 is the test centres which means cases like Leicester aren’t being picked up in time locally to take reasonable action before problems become widespread. Of course the test centres are run privately and their contract stipulates they don't need to inform health authorities or local government.

As starmer pointed out in parliament today we are looking at months and months of Leicester style lockdowns unless the government does something about its farcical testing systems.

So Trump "buys out" all the remaining remdesivir stocks for the sole benefit certain American citizens "across the pond"!! The selfish insularity of this move is absolutely gobsmacking and many eminent medical scientists naturally condemning the usual "America comes first" stance on an issue that should have global benefits!!!! I despair esp when many volunteer patients in this country took it on in the belief of such a global benefit for everyone!! Sick
..... and we wonder how they went from hoarding all the available bogrolls in North America to damn near civil war in under 3 months?
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Aye Theo!! We can also see why the US is regarded as one of the most hated western nations in the world in many global quarters. The portrayed arrogant behaviour, bullish attitude and highly questionable culture are beyond belief and their current governing politicians like Trump and his entourage just don't give a f### re other countries and people - an absolute disgrace and totally unacceptable!
Noon, Saturday 4th July and England will be 6 hours into pubs re-opening with another 14 hours or so to go before closing time.

'now be sensible' says Bunter Laugh
Portugal has had 1500 deaths and we can't go there. Italy has had more or less as many as us and we can - what maths wizard has worked this out?

Portugal not paid something into the CONservative Party coffers by any chance?

You coming south for a pint hibee? I know you can't have 2 due to your drink drive regs being lower than ours. What a f'd up messed up "country" the UK is. Can't agree on anything between the 4 of us and we some fools expect the plonkers in charge to do a trade deal with Europe and the rest of the world by December 20th?

I'm giving them extra time off for Christmas and New Year because the poor warn out wee souls will need it. They will (not) have worked so hard at it too.

Angel Sad Huh Confused
ritchiebaby and 0762 like this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
(03-07-2020, 17:33)theo_luddite Wrote: Portugal has had 1500 deaths and we can't go there. Italy has had more or less as many as us and we can - what maths wizard has worked this out?

Portugal not paid something into the CONservative Party coffers by any chance?

You coming south for a pint hibee? I know you can't have 2 due to your drink drive regs being lower than ours. What a f'd up messed up "country" the UK is. Can't agree on anything between the 4 of us and we some fools expect the plonkers in charge to do a trade deal with Europe and the rest of the world by December 20th?

I'm giving them extra time off for Christmas and New Year because the poor warn out wee souls will need it. They will (not) have worked so hard at it too.

Angel  Sad  Huh  Confused

Tell you what Theo, I'd love a pint down your neck of the woods. I prefer the English real ales and craft beers. Think magic rock is from huddersfield??? Their stuff is good. I just can't see going to the pub being much of a pleasure at the moment, you're better off staying home.

Aye, the country is in a total mess, run by a shambolic clown-tramp. It’s disgusting and depressing in equal measure.
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