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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
This made me laugh today, in between watching Boris getting rag dolled by Starmer again.

DUP MP Sammy Wilson has a letter in his hand.
He says: "We were told when we leave the EU at the end of this year, Northern Ireland will still remain full part of UK.
"Yet I have a letter received by management of Port of Larne only this week stating they have to prepare to become a border control post.
"Can the PM explain how Northern Ireland can remain full part of UK if people coming to Northern Ireland have to pass through a border control post.
Boris Johnson says he can tell the MP that "categorically there will be no new customs infrastructure".
"Northern Ireland is part of the customs territory of the whole of the UK," he adds.

You reap what you sow Sammy.
I briefly watched the PM QT as well and Johnson (who looks ill btw!) "out of his depth" v Starmer AGAIN. I believe Johnson won't be the UK PM by the end of this year.

Meanwhile another Tory, Johnson's Sec of State, Jendrick, exposed on some really dodgy planning application dealings plus one can see how donations to the Conservative Party are acquired. IMO, for starters, this money should be sequestrated as it is an illegal donation and no different to such an activity that could poss be detected within Local Govt or a Public Service - THE RULES ARE CLEAR TO ALL SERVING OFFICERS!!!! But don't worry, Johnson already insisting that Jendrick will remain (just like Cummings!) in the Cabinet - different rules apply to them even though it is apparent that a £50M saving had been "arranged" to benefit this affluent developer!!????? Rolleyes
Looked like he'd had a heavy night on the powder with 'classic dom'. What the xxxx is going on with his hair as well ?
Given the huge crowds at Durdle Door last weekend, Bournemouth yesterday and Anfield last night, is it fair to put any blame at Boris' door, considering he announced that people in England could travel where they liked? Yes, is my answer, particularly when I consider that Nicola is treading softly, softly.

Of course the "me, me, stuff everyone else" attitude seemingly prevalent in the "younger" generation has a lot to answer for as well, as predicted months ago. Not to mention the huge litter problem caused by lazy irresponsible cretins.
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(27-06-2020, 00:13)ritchiebaby Wrote: Given the huge crowds at Durdle Door last weekend, Bournemouth yesterday and Anfield last night, is it fair to put any blame at Boris' door, considering he announced that people in England could travel where they liked? Yes, is my answer, particularly when I consider that Nicola is treading softly, softly.

Of course the "me, me, stuff everyone else" attitude seemingly prevalent in the "younger" generation has a lot to answer for as well, as predicted months ago. Not to mention the huge litter problem caused by lazy irresponsible cretins.

I saw Boris on the news saying people were 'taking too may liberties'.

Which would be amusing if it wasn't so infuriating. First the government were ‘shocked’ and hoping the gov scientist (can't remember his name) having his girlfriend round would be a police matter, and then they were adamant that a 500 mile jaunt during lockdown by Cummings was completely reasonable.

And now they are threatening to ban beach visits after Johnson and his right wing tabloid propaganda wing trumpeted the end of lockdown.

No wonder people are confused. That of course doesn't excuse their behaviour - the state of the meadows in Edinburgh last couple of nights has been a mess, full of drunken brawling kids. I feel sorry for the council workers who were left to clean up.
Amelia Chaffinch, ritchiebaby, 0762 like this post
A case of "lift your f##### litter when you go home and show some respect"! Nicola was too polite when she told those park litter offenders to take their litter home but right to mention it. My local park has been similarly abused in this way for the past couple of weeks - so unnecessary!
ritchiebaby likes this post
The other problem of course was no public toilets open near the meadows, hence lots of shits in burger boxes or on nearby residents property.

Absolute savages.
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I thought the use of all the bin bags, used by local volunteers to clean up the park on the following day, was so novel and profoundly symbolic - set out on the ground to spell out Scotland's death toll to coronavirus: 2482.
Now the city of Leicester hit by a "spike" in COVID-19 infections and serious enough for the Tory govt to impose a full lockdown of the city. One must logically ask if this is just the beginning of a spate of other "spikes" in cities across England? Watch this space. Meanwhile Johnson touting the revival of businesses in photoshoots and referring to Franklin D Roosevelt's economic recovery prog in one of his latest soundbites (an embarrassing contrast with FDR!!) - is this really a clone of Trump in full view with the same shit narrative and uncaring smiley manner?? And of course add in what looks like a covert revamp of the civil service hierarchy/operation via a shit heid named Cummings and we are witnessing the lead up to the preparation for their suicidal "no deal" Brexit! What a joke in which we are powerless to stop this nonsense once and for all!
You start testing people who are not dead or dying in hospitals, let's try Leicester just for a laugh, given they have lots of BAME's in poverty riven estates and hey, ho what a surprise, they find lots of new cases of Covid 19. Not rocket science this you know. The cases were there all along, but Bodgit wasn't testing anyone was he? The same could happen in any town or city of a given size with terraced houses of multiple or family/generation occupancy with little (or now next to no) income. It's just Bodgit and his merry men wiggling their sticks and trying to keep us tugging our foreskinslocks and doffing our caps m'lud. The Tory press has to 'ave some fun somewhere ffs, they ain't getting any at PMQ's these days given Bodgit's shambolic appearance and responses to perfectly reasonable questions.
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