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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
Too right spireite. Both Apple and Google said they could provide a solution that would keep most of the data where it belongs, on your phone. But no, the clowns wanting to harvest the data want it on their server, which will likely crash as soon as they move the trial beyond the Isle of Wight and put it anywhere close to London.

Meanwhile, Boris continues with his murderous streak and the UK Zooms past Italy's death toll. They had at least a months start on us and still the rich bastards wouldn't take any notice or do anything to stop it in it's tracks.
0762 likes this post
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.

Yep!! The UK hurtles past the 30k death mark, the highest in Europe, and the Chief Medical Officer finally admits what we concluded for a long time on this board - that they never had anything like the required capability to test to the requisite standard to really do what the Germans were doing "early doors" - past poor governance has sadly "reaped what has been sown"!!!!! Thumb down Re the effective German response of containment and "test and trace", my impression is that the Germans had some really good dynamic people at the forefront of their actions and also their federal structure was pivotal in their strategy being effective as well as a solid health service - action not concentrated "from the centre" but stretching out its effectiveness through other regional centres. Johnson and his cronies were not transparent enough and that was totally unacceptable and now this exposure is amid the resignation of another senior medical adviser, Prof Neil Ferguson, who violated his own lockdown advice. I'm watching a lotta Tory defensive antics re this crisis with "lots of blinking of the eyes" from certain Tory speakers as the rhetoric is being uttered out of their mouths, a case of "be transparent FFS" or f### off!!!
The tories austerity chickens are coming home to roost.
....and lockdown to be lifted in days says Johnson, huhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!?? On what grounds ehhhhhh!!!?? OR is this another case of "wealth v health" just like that recent Trump debacle and his mobilisation of armed RW "nut jobs" in US states like Michigan and Pennsylvania to try and force the relative governors to "lift the lockdown"!! Thumb down
Starmer made Bojo and Hancock look like a right pair of fannies the day. Where corbyn often bettered the government with facts, it never really registered because he was poor at follow up questions and building a story. You can tell Starmer was a barrister by the way the questions were constructed and couched so reasonably to lead to their conclusion - one which Boris had no chance of getting out of. I think that dead end was where the 'lockdown being lifted' came from (Starmer has been pushing the exit strategy line for weeks now) and it will likely end up being of no consequence.

Actually I think that neither Hancock or Johnson are bright enough to realise he pissed all over them. Which makes it even more embarassing.

His tactic is clearly to support the government as much as he can but amplify the things they are getting wrong and chip away at them. Thats how you erode confidence and with the tories in such a huge lead its the way to go. Boris can look forward to many, many more afternoons like today.
ritchiebaby likes this post
Big business runs the Tory party that's the only reason for this too soon reopening, also the Tories have spent money they simply do not have and we are now absolutely screwed for around another ten years probably longer, does anyone really trust a goverment who are responsible for 30,000 deaths with Brexit, really gullible people if you do.
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After ignoring sooooooo many offers from UK garment manufacturers to make PPE and other equipment for the NHS, because they had to do the proper quality checks first to approve them as NHS suppliers. The government's much heralded cockup of not sending enough planes to Turkey to collect 400,000 surgical gowns has now totally come home to roost.

The NHS has rejected every single one of them as not fit for purpose, is sending them back and demanding a refund.
So who did that supplier quality check then?
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
"Shadow chancellor Anneliese Dodds has warned the government to “be quite careful” about saying employees who have been furloughed have become “addicted” to the scheme."

THE xxxx cheek of them to say that. Coupled with the PPE fiasco i just don't get the political indifference at the moment, what is it going to take for people to get seriously pissed off with these clowns ?
(06-05-2020, 21:29)BouncingHibees Wrote: Big business runs the Tory party that's the only reason for this too soon reopening, also the Tories have spent money they simply do not have and we are now absolutely screwed for around another ten years probably longer, does anyone really trust a government who are responsible for 30,000 deaths with Brexit, really gullible people if you do.

Add to that fact the role of the Tory MSM - just look at the common press headline response on the following day after the revelation that the UK death toll (>30k!) was the highest in Europe - the majority of the front page headlines reported on the professor who broke the lockdown advice - HOW CONVENIENT EH!!! Thumb down One of the few newspapers that reported that suppressed proper front headline was "The National" in Scotland.
If Cameron had never called a referendum in 2016 then the 7th May would have been the 2020 General Election and we would be watching the results come in from the counts as they happened.

(07-05-2020, 10:06)hibeejim21 Wrote: "Shadow chancellor Anneliese Dodds has warned the government to “be quite careful” about saying employees who have been furloughed have become “addicted” to the scheme."

THE xxxx cheek of them to say that. Coupled with the PPE fiasco i just don't get the political indifference at the moment, what is it going to take for people to get seriously pissed off with these clowns ?

I've been pretty pissed off with these clowns for the last 10 years.
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