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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
I think there is something wrong with him matt. Seriously.
Listening to Johnson's advice re the coronavirus crisis, he mentioned washing one's hands regularly as a means of halting the spread. This led me to think that Johnson is an expert at hand-washing, having "washed his hands" of responsibility for the flooded regions of the UK and failing to turn up in person to give solace to the victims; having "washed his hands" of negotiations with the EU, preferring to have a No-deal Brexit that suits him and his acolytes; having "washed his hands" of the needs of Scotland for migrant labour to help run their services and having "washed his hands" of any thought of allowing a referendum on Scottish Independence. There is only one type of hand-washing we need up here in Scotland and that is the one which would wash away all our links to a bigoted, racist and ineffective government in Westminster.
Johnson and the Government aren't taking this seriously in my opinion. They are still allowing flights from infected places in Italy and China etc and there is no screening at airports. The public are panic buying with food, soap, hand gels and toilet rolls. The media are scaremongering and seem to be loving this.
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More to Football than the Premier League and SKY

Good to see that there are elements within the English population who are "seeing through" the con man that is Boris Johnson. I still regard this population to be far too passive and suppressed in light of what he and his Brexit conspirators are gonna do in the coming months - absolutely sickening to watch this from up north!!
(06-03-2020, 21:07)spireitematt Wrote: Johnson and the Government aren't taking this seriously in my opinion. They are still allowing flights from infected places in Italy and China etc and there is no screening at airports. The public are panic buying with food, soap, hand gels and toilet rolls. The media are scaremongering and seem to be loving this.

There are too many things not being mentioned -
air conditioning in hotels, aeroplanes and cruise ships for example (potentially germ-filled air being recycled to everybody),
a sudden rush to buy soap and hand gels would suggest that people are not employing basic hygiene in their ordinary lives,
there have been 2 UK deaths due to coronavirus but probably hundreds due to flu in the same period so a bit of perspective is needed,
large gatherings of thousands of people are being banned in some countries but a small gathering of a few people could be just as likely to pass on the virus.
we are advised that's it's OK to sneeze onto our sleeves but then bump elbows as a greeting instead of shaking hands - surely guaranteed to pass on germs.

My list could go on even further, but would be much too sensible for the media or Government to consider.
spireitematt likes this post
Cabbage is still good for you
Add the "handling of packaged (and other) food" to that list Ritchie and you are right - there are lotsa other ways that such a prolific contagion can be transmitted inadvertently to unsuspecting victims.
Number of hospital beds per 1,000 people:

JAP 13.5
RUS 8.05
GER 8.0
HUN 7.O2
CZE 6.63
POL 6.62
FRA 5.98
BEL 5.76
LUX 4.66
SWI 4.53
CHI 4.34
GRE 4.21
NOR 3.6
POR 3.39
NETH 3.32
FIN 3.28
ITA 3.18
SPA 2.97
IRE 2.96
USA 2.77
DEN 2.61

UK 2.54

Source OECD

Just saying like.

(06-03-2020, 21:07)spireitematt Wrote: Johnson and the Government aren't taking this seriously in my opinion. They are still allowing flights from infected places in Italy and China etc and there is no screening at airports. The public are panic buying with food, soap, hand gels and toilet rolls. The media are scaremongering and seem to be loving this.

Some poor bloke, in his 60's, who died yesterday at North Manchester General, had just come home from ITALY !!!

Doh Doh Doh
Back to the COVID-19 issue and, on Budget Day, good to see the SNP's Ian Blackford challenging Johnson on setting a proper statutory sick pay amount after comparing the UK's meagre ninety-six quid pw with various Euro countries that are far more reasonable and generous (many well over £200 pw) but this is nothing new with the Tories and how they regard these kinda sickness probs (or self-isolation) for the plebs (in their "we are better than thou" eyes) "on the street".
Just listening to the usual "bluff n bluster" political bullshit/cheap talk from the optimistic Sunak, the apprentice Chancellor of the Exchequer - radio duly switched off!!
Note: statutory sick pay and his so called "benefits" to the gig economy and self-employed - UNCHANGED AND MEAGRE COMPARED WITH OTHER EURO COUNTRIES and a generous loan scheme to affected businesses - scrutinise the detail very closely!!
(11-03-2020, 14:35)0762 Wrote: Back to the COVID-19 issue and, on Budget Day, good to see the SNP's Ian Blackford challenging Johnson on setting a proper statutory sick pay amount after comparing the UK's meagre ninety-six quid pw with various Euro countries that are far more reasonable and generous (many well over £200 pw) but this is nothing new with the Tories and how they regard these kinda sickness probs (or self-isolation) for the plebs (in their "we are better than thou" eyes) "on the street".
Just listening to the usual "bluff n bluster" political bullshit/cheap talk from the optimistic Sunak, the apprentice Chancellor of the Exchequer - radio duly switched off!!
Note: statutory sick pay and his so called "benefits" to the gig economy and self-employed - UNCHANGED AND MEAGRE COMPARED WITH OTHER EURO COUNTRIES and a generous loan scheme to affected businesses - scrutinise the detail very closely!!

Nadine Dorries has got it. Dominic Raab was seen coughing into his hand and touching his nose.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
Rumour is we are moving to 'delay' from 'contain' shortly - which means events over 5k cancelled, football games behind closed doors, schools shut till Easter and offices told to go down to Skeleton staff/ move to working from home.....
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