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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
Dissatisfaction with democracy 'at record high'

Highest figures in the US and UK - nothing to do with electing people like trump and blowjo who don't govern with their peoples consent yet instead behave like they have absolute power ?

Also note : Virgin Healthcare earned 2 billion from public NHS contracts and paid how much tax on it ?

xxxx all. Thats right - nothing.

To be fair corbyn was constantly trying to point out how bad this is for the UK in so many respects but people were too interested in nonsense like him being a commie and not listening to the queens speech at xmas.
I totally agree that many of Corbyn's rightful criticisms of the Tories were "spot on" but 1. He was the wrong person to lead the Labour Party plus 2. "Sitting on the fence" in a political minefield called Brexit was political suicide - fighting out a "dirty campaign" against a totally unscrutinised posh lying bastard of a PM called Johnson would've been better than nothing! 3. Campaigning on a different political front (not Brexit!) in the GE was absolute folly.
The Tory Party and Sajid Javid have abandoned the pre-election pledge to end austerity after just 4 months. He said in September "No department will be cut next year”. It's now been said that ministers need to find 5% of cuts in all departmental budgets by March.

More to Football than the Premier League and SKY
This just confirms another of the lies that have riddled the Brexit campaign from day 1 as the English population now "sleep walks" through this farce and the real extreme implications that will follow and impact throughout the country.
With Sajid Javid seemingly coming out in favour of HS2, I really wonder about the future of the UK. He might be in charge of UK finances, but I'm delighted and relieved he's not in charge of my finances. The UK can't afford to successfully feed our population, can't afford to uphold law and order on our streets and in our prisons, can't afford to give enough money to realistically fund our health and social care services, but we can afford to throw away money on a "vanity" project. Irresponsible financial madness in my opinion.
Cabbage is still good for you
The whole economic ideology that the Tories consistently follow is deeply "flawed" Ritchie and unfortunately they will not "change it" - some vg books written and published re such economic folly and attaching one's economic future to investment bankers and the free market. They never learn and I sometimes wonder if it was deliberate economic sabotage or just sheer stupidity!??
(30-01-2020, 16:32)0762 Wrote: This just confirms another of the lies that have riddled the Brexit campaign from day 1 as the English population now "sleep walks" through this farce and the real extreme implications that will follow and impact throughout the country.

It's no surprise.

They would never have won on a hard Brexit platform - which is why farage,hannon and co all boasted about how it wouldn't jeopardise our place in the single market or a Norway style deal would be easy.... even when it stood starkly against the facts.

Im almost certain that Boris and the ERG aren’t really interested in negotiations with the EU. It’ll be No Deal after the Transition Period. This is just a period to soften people up to something they didn’t want or vote for.
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Listening to and watching Euronews this morn and Johnson now "banging on" about pushing for a Canada style trade deal!!!??? Again one noticeable feature of his podium stint is his "body language" and demeanour are all wrong - looks uncomfortable and totally unrelaxed re what is being said!! One has to reflect back to the 1st 12 months of the post referendum 2016 period and realise that this idea really is "scraping the barrel" and the economic reality coming from lotsa reputable economists is that it does not "measure up" to the existing trade deal with the EU but this fascist govt led by Cummings (not Johnson!!) are relentlessly trying to impose this deal on the country or "default" to the suspected "no deal" scenario, a political conspiracy that many observers are watching to unfold at some stage.
Well I take back what I said on the Scottish independence thread. The Government are fascists if they are banning journalists from No 10 from newspapers and organisations they don't like. Good to see that all journalists from all newspapers and media organisations walked in protest and started a boycott.

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Cummings is definitely at the forefront of this nonsense Matt without a "shadow of a doubt" and I classify this moron as a mini version of Steve Bannon. Don't underestimate the colossal damage this fascist can inflict if allowed to carry on with the rest of these minions that attach themselves to Johnson's govt. We are almost at a stage where "there are no rules" and they believe in absolute power to the detriment of democratic principles and rights as well as objective scrutiny of what they are doing and proposing!! The jounos' incident is so similar to the previous Trump tactics where, apart from Fox News, media scrutineers like the NYT and CNN were disgracefully "fingered" as "enemies of the state" with Trump highlighting that he was the "offended party" - cheap populist politics but effective in accommodating a RW "chunk" of the US populace.
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