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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
The words "shameless" and "serial liar" come to mind esp after briefly listening to Johnson coming out with his latest defensive remarks/drivel in trying to recover his totally tarnished reputation and failing miserably. AND DON'T BOTHER TRYING TO BRING DOWN SUE GRAY INTO THE GUTTER WHERE YOU BELONG TOGETHER WITH THE OTHER COLLUDING TORY COHORTS/BACKERS WHO HAVE NO SHAME WHATSOEVER.
Bodgit accepted her report in full. Now it's suddenly dodgy?? The only thing that has been dodgy for the last 13 (might be 14 by now) years, and 3 in particular is the Guvinmint. Spaffer is getting it full bore from Wishi Washi on Brexshit and the Parliamentary Inquiry into him lying to Parliament and he's squirming like the greased piglet he's always been. A few months in the cooler is about what he deserves, but it won't happen. Pick your own definition of "few" but I'd say one for every month he was so called PM.

Handsoncock must be delighted that this has taken him off the front pages. Oh, how those dead cats (that were really only asleep) can come back to bite you when they finally wake up. Laugh
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A guide to cask ale.

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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Evidence starting to leak out of the cracks, that were always going to appear, of how the Nasty Party have been using the BBC as their propaganda mouthpiece. Like we hadn't already sussed this? All about them, attack everyone else.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Another Tory w@nchor making it up as he goes along about the small boats "discussion" - - can these people even read? He's supposedly an MP ffs?
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
It's a pity morons like Gullis can't be charged with uttering slanderous and provocative remarks deserving of a statutory fine of some sort!? This guy knows exactly what he is doing with the usual misrepresentation of the facts and trying to demonise a targeted individual in the process. It's an abuse of the whole principle of freedom of speech and the reasons why we are in such a fine mess in this country when we have allowed populist morons like this one to get away with uttering such fictitious nonsense. Good to see other observers/readers correcting and vilifying this minion, rather than standing back and allowing him to offend in this way.

Here's another minion MP from Blackpool uttering a similar fictitious line that the holding capacity for immigrants in this country is full - he somehow did the maths re the landmass of these islands lol :laughable: I can understand why people like the BBC's Lucy Siegle "dropping her guard" on impartiality when reading or listening to shameless cretons bogusly preaching more political fiction.

James O'Brien "calling a spade a spade" and genuinely flabbergasted at the huge number of dimwits who support a totally shameless moron like the serial liar, Johnson???? All I can say is there are millions of normal people who share similar sentiments re this moron of an ex-PM and the likes of a similar, but worse narcissist, named Donald Trump. It is truly baffling that huge numbers of people have still been "taken in" by these populist politicians. One can only assume lots of these dimwits share the same values that are "fit for the gutter" - really scary!!
ritchiebaby and Lord Snooty like this post
The Privileges Committee was called a kangaroo court again by Ree-Smog a few minutes before sitting in on Bodgits last stand yesterday. He's another that needs hauling up to explain himself and his contempt of Parliament and it's procedures. This is despite the Committee having a Tory majority.

Bodgit was well and truly speared by questions from the Conservative Committee members, let alone the rest. Actually having to be told to "answer the question" repeatedly, especially by a woman, left him flustered as usual. Never reply yes or no when a paragraph of meaningless irrelevant waffle, as per his usual modus operandi, wasn't washing and quite honestly, even his expensive legal brief couldn't believe the bollox he was spouting when he came close to answering a straight question with any kind of answer and not another question or accusation. His parting threat of something along the lines of "I'll accept your findings if I find them acceptable to me" says it all.

On the Daily Heil web page, the comments BTL were around 50% agin him, even under the arslikhan article they put on their front page today. Well, his Uxbridge Party constituents had already decided he's their man again going into the next election, however it's more likely to be a by-election he'll lose his seat in than a GE the way the wind seems to be blowing.

>200,000 "early" deaths on his watch, but it's OK for him to throw a leaving do and everyone to get pissed as a fart on a regular basis down Downing Street Way as they are just "work events", that we all could have organised apparently - including the night before the DofE's funeral - who knew?

The man hasn't an ounce of empathy or self-awareness in his body. Just a thoroughly "nasty piece of work".

He was also railing against the Rish! NI deal yesterday morning, wanting yet more confrontation with the EU and trying to whip up what he thought was his support. Good to see that worked out well again for him.

Even Rish! tried to dead cat proceedings by releasing a much abridged copy of his tax return half-way though the afternoon. That only showed one thing, he's a very rich bast@rd with next to no empathy either.

The only problem is how many more of our rights, and our taxes, are this lot going to scrap and plunder before they finally call the GE that hopefully wipes this sad apology for a Political Party off the face of British Politics?
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
It was curious to watch Johnson in front of Harriet Harman's Privileges Committee yesterday with his hired legal team fighting his case that he was an inadvertent contributor to the COVID violations although he acknowledged the offences under COVID lockdown rules. A defence based on semantics!! I think most savvy people who are observing this latest Johnson embarrassment have come to the logical conclusion that, in Johnson's case, when one starts a lie, one continues to compound the same lie and make things worse. That is clearly what he is attempting to do - a serial liar with no shame whatsoever. Just consider the thoughts of 1000s of observing NHS staff who were battling against COVID "on the coal face" saving as many lives as poss during the period when Johnson and his cohorts regarded themselves as "above the rest of the populace" even though Johnson himself was standing on the podium alongside the Chief Medical Officer on a daily basis preaching the rules and guide lines to follow. These people must be rightly seething, together with the 1000s of folk who have lost family members and friends to COVID.
I hear that Boris' special advisers who told him "no rules were broken" were the office cleaner and the junior assistant gopher who nipped out to the Westminster branch of Aldi to buy the booze and crisps. Boris has a reputation for being a bumbling incoherent idiot and he proved it once again yesterday.
theo_luddite likes this post
Cabbage is still good for you
I loved his lawyers exasperated expressions at times when he was giving his evidence.
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