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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
The funniest thing the dickhead ever did in my opinion was convince the ulster unionists they would build a bridge between scotland and N ireland Laugh Laugh

And they actually fell for it as well.

My only comment re a belated investigation into the Baroness Mone PPE scandal is, "Trace every one of the chancing bastards involved in this scam and jail every one of them for a very long time".

Well that doesn't say much re the other PMs of 2022 and it certainly doesn't say much re the views of a big chunk of this country's population that has placed this country in such a "mess" with a historical record of voting in shit governments ad nauseum!! Johnson was a self-effacing privileged moron, a narcissist who abused the political system with impunity and should never be allowed to enter, or play a part, in politics ever again - similar to ex-President Trump who should be in prison by now but aint!!

Another "nail in Johnson's political coffin"??? How many "nails" do we need to bury this moronic ex-PM????? And yet there are still many Tory RW cretons trying to suggest that this shameless nitwit is gonna make a political comeback later on in the year!!?? He can GTF and they can GTF as well!! It's as bad as the suggestion "across the pond" that another shamed political narcissist named Trump goes through a similar political resurrection!!!?? What is the world coming to if good people ever ignore what bad people are allowed to impudently and corruptly get away with!!!!? Rolleyes

Now Johnson discovered by Sky News - attending the Economic Forum at Davos! Why oh why are you here eh????? This smirking ex-PM is still a devious shitheid who I don't think we are gonna see the end of yet!!
All expenses paid (by JCB, who else?) glad handing freebie skiing holiday.

Except he doesn't do skiing, but he does the rest.

He's not there to represent the UK or the Guvernmint, in any official capacity that has been announced, so it's all about brown envelopes stuffed with cash (again) then.

Nice (non)work if you can get it, and then not pay tax on it either.
A guide to cask ale.

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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Quite extraordinary that Boris can get a 800k guarantee on a loan with assistance from the guy who ended up being recommended by him for the top gig at the BBC.

Or maybe not.
It's curious esp after reading in The National that the majority of people in Scotland say the the BBC has failed in its coverage of Brexit and the effects of leaving the EU. What the Tories did was infiltrate the senior hierarchy of the BBC with their own people. Note a comment to The National last year by former No 10 comms chief, Alistair Campbell - "There may have been some sort of 'policy decision' to reduce any mention of Brexit in all regions of the UK"??????????????????????????????????????????
This is the British equivalent of Russia Today in full view - absolutely covert, criminal behaviour to try to remove any mention to gen public of the "elephant in the room" - horrible, dishonest politics being played out by horrible people/collaborators!! Thumb down

This stain on the back of the underwear of UK/British Politics is rightly being investigated again.

Since leaving office as PM he has trousered nearly £5m for speaking engagements with a further advance of £2.5m for future drivel whilst not standing down as an MP. Meaning he's still getting paid £84K for not doing the job he was elected to do by his constituents, in addition to the extra funds he can claim for life (up to £115K) to fund "an office and staff". Well yes he turned up on Wednesday looking like a fat Worzel Gummage for Ukraine President Zelensky's speech, the only surprise was that Bodgit wasn't in Ukraine looking for him and wondering why he was on his own.

In spite of all this pretty much unearned brass coming his way, pray tell me what he actually does to earn it, the UK tax payer are currently on the hook for £200K to pay his legal fees to defend himself against Partygate, when it's obvious to all and sundry that the lying toad knew damn well what was going on all the time.

On top of that, former minister for Digital, Culture, Media and Sports, the one born in a Rugby League town, known laughingly as Mad Nad, when asked to promote the RL World Cup last year prattled on about Johnny Wilkinson's wonderful last minute drop goal for England. Er, no you couldn't make it up, swore she wouldn't give up her "safe Tory seat" for Bodgit. Guess what she did this week? Fortunately she's found herself a second job on Murdoch TV, despite still being an MP. No surprises who she gave a hand (job) to as her first interviewee where he was allowed free rein to pedal his lies unopposed whilst she lapped up every last drop. So that's alright then.
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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
I see the "Outraged of Penge" are going at it full bore along with the arselikhans Dopey Dorris and Ree-Smog regarding the Sue Gray appointment in the Daily Heil and on their right wing TV Channel.
Tory ministers resigning then getting a job with a company they've been lobbying for or actively pushing legislation through on behalf of, well that's fine, that's how we corrupt bastards do business, but, but, a civil servant joining the Labour Party. Fffffooooouuuuulllll ref, oooofffffssssiiiidddeeee!! We demand a replay Doh Doh Doh

Two faced bunch of ham shankers. the lot of them, and probably more than two.
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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
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