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Johnson watch activated - the nightmare begins for the UK!!
And Johnson also confirmed he did indeed meet the KGB linked Lord Lebedev (owns Lebedev Holdings Ltd, which in turn owns the Evening Standard, The Independent and the TV channel London Live!!!)!!???? This is a shady Russian who confirmed once you join the club/KGB, it becomes very difficult to leave it! Rolleyes I reckon this particular story still has a lot more revelations attached to it.
Re the gammon faced, flag shagging, Brexit loving, immigrant hating, rule Britannia crew from the Midlands and the south, this lot appear to have terrified Labour's Sir Keir - confirming his endorsement of Johnson's hard Brexit and professing he'll try to "make it work"!!!!!???? Clearly wanting the votes, esp in the "red wall" constituencies, SKS just binned any political nous he ever had re this issue and any shred of credibility that the Labour Party believes they had in Scotland will be binned with it together with his Scot Labour stooge, Sarwar, who disnae half spout off a lotta unconstitutional bullshit and is an embarrassment to the grassroots Labour movement (plus STUC and certain affiliated unions who don't share his unconstitutional bullshit) and the democratic principles they stand for.
Thankfully, he's resigning.

Which is a shame really. I would rather have seen him frogmarched out by two burly soldiers and thrown into the Tower of London for his crimes against humanity.
0762 and ritchiebaby like this post
[Image: 2ZJuVRk.gif]
Well, he's still going to hang around like a bad smell for a while until they elect a new leader - quite how that will work when nobody apparently wants a ministerial post while he's still in 10 Party Party Street will have to be seen to be further disbelieved.

Still all this thing about promoting Uncle Groper to the Whips Office has kept 'Carrie giving him blow jobs' while he was still married to his most recent Ex-missus and allegedly 'impregnating his Canadian hair dresser' off the front pages, for now.

I know - he was allegedly paying a hairdresser - scandalous when you look at the results.
A guide to cask ale.

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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
(06-07-2022, 22:16)0762 Wrote: And Johnson also confirmed he did indeed meet the KGB linked Lord Lebedev (owns Lebedev Holdings Ltd, which in turn owns the Evening Standard, The Independent and the TV channel London Live!!!)!!???? This is a shady Russian who confirmed once you join the club/KGB, it becomes very difficult to leave it! Rolleyes I reckon this particular story still has a lot more revelations attached to it.
Re the gammon faced, flag shagging, Brexit loving, immigrant hating, rule Britannia crew from the Midlands and the south, this lot appear to have terrified Labour's Sir Keir - confirming his endorsement of Johnson's hard Brexit and professing he'll try to "make it work"!!!!!???? Clearly wanting the votes, esp in the "red wall" constituencies, SKS just binned any political nous he ever had re this issue and any shred of credibility that the Labour Party believes they had in Scotland will be binned with it together with his Scot Labour stooge, Sarwar, who disnae half spout off a lotta unconstitutional bullshit and is an embarrassment to the grassroots Labour movement (plus STUC and certain affiliated unions who don't share his unconstitutional bullshit) and the democratic principles they stand for.

The whole thing with Lebedev is extremely serious, and shows that Putin and his associates did not have any greater friend than Johnson. xxxx knows in what ways he could have compromised the country while he was pissed out his gourd at Lebedevs villa in italy. Corrupt to the core doesnt begin to cover it.

In a way i don't blame the electorate. For a decade now they have been fed relentless lies and inflamed about the horrors of immigration and people getting something for nothing..... And more recently being told 24/7 that the labour leader was about to re-enact auschwitz on the thames while introducing a communist state.

Truss preparing to throw her hat in the ring Laugh Laugh Laugh Laugh
A brain dead Liz Truss for PM eh - GREAT FROM A SCOTTISH INDY POINT OF VIEW!!
(07-07-2022, 13:38)0762 Wrote: A brain dead Liz Truss for PM eh - GREAT FROM A SCOTTISH INDY POINT OF VIEW!!

Any of his brain dead Cabinet would fit that bill.
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A guide to cask ale.

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Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
Economic growth in NI is at a 15 year high...... But the protocol MUST be changed.
Well reminded Jim!! That is the biggest scandal that has been favoured by this bunch of Brexit idiots - clearly intimidated by a group of political extremists from NI instead of taking a more balanced view of the huge economic benefits for lots n lots of people in NI other than these poisonous extremists who are trying force the issue to suit their own political unionist ends and to the detriment of a big proportion of the NI communities who favour the status quo. I also recall Nicola Sturgeon's recent comment in the Scot parliament re that NI trade arrangement with the single market - can Scotland have some of that as well please? I'll take it!! Different rules for NI compared with an anti-Brexit Scotland!! Thumb down All part of the astoundingly awful politics being practised on these islands for years. And the latest news, if the economic forecasts are to be believed, is that we are hurtling towards an economic recession where UK debt will be tripled to new record levels.
A telling line from his not-quite-a-resignation-yet speech.

""It is clearly now the will of the parliamentary Conservative Party that there should be a new leader of that party and therefore a new prime minister."

Not the party or my party, but that party.

A party he no longer wants to be associated with?
Or a party he only associated himself with to suit his own ends?
I doubt it was a slip of the tongue.

He has also recently been obsessed with the 14million folk that "voted for him" as the reason to stay in the job. Er, if you look at all the ballot papers, you'll find the only one's with his name on them were in the Uxbridge and South Ruislip constituency of the UK Parliament in Greater London created in 2010. Created or gerrymandered? Choose your own term.

It would be interesting to see how much of his actual 7,210 majority would stay intact and how many of the actual 25,351 er, faithful? would vote for him next time round. However, it's unlikely he'll stand again in my opinion.
A guide to cask ale.

[Image: aO7W3pZ.png]

Multi-tasking. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.
He clearly thought he had some kinda presidential status like Trump Theo! Only he didn't!! Therefore, one has to ask," Is he a thicko or just mentally deranged"? As intimated by many govt insiders!!
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